Random Questions, Parenting Edition

Nice! Would you believe I only have 3 sets of sheets?

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Another vote for the munchkin one that BJ linked with some waterproof pads. I think we ended up buying a second pack of pads so we had 6 and it was great. A bonus of that open style is that you can use it much longer than the peanut. We moved the changing pad to the floor of the bathroom about a year ago and still use it with my two year old for about 70% of diaper changes. Her feet hang off the end but her head-to-butt still fits fine!

ETA we have two packs of these: https://www.amazon.com/Munchkin-Waterproof-Changing-Liners-Count/dp/B009UPUJIY/ref=asc_df_B009UPUJIY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198084011406&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=488961449186173538&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031114&hvtargid=pla-365069360053&psc=1

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I have a million pillowcases - they’re easy to sew and we use multiple bed pillows…

Huh. I should try to give away our changing pad and covers. If you lived close I’d give you ours but I really don’t think they’re worth shipping!


I agree, no worries! Thanks anyway!


After this convo, I went home to get the changing pad and throw it in the donation box. Decluttering win and maybe someone will be as stoked to find a cheap one used as I was. Out of the stream it came, back into the stream it goes.


Random statement instead of random question:

Warning to you all if you buy Ten Littles. Their shoes now are WAY stiffer than before. I’m incredibly disappointed and feel like I lit money on fire. These are now stiffer than stride rites (the thicker ones, too). These are our 4th and 5th pairs we had gotten her, and I’m straight up a little angry about it.


No! That’s the whole point!


Fucking RIGHT?!?

Return that shit. This is their fault.


She loves them already :weary: they’re shiny silver “astronaut shoes” to go with her Halloween costume. It took me a week and a half to figure out what was going on. I literally saw the change in her motor patterns. At first I assumed it was her getting used to the new shoe size.

My husband went hulk on them and limbered them up some. I’m sure the lifespan will be shorter but fuck it. We might return the size up we had bought though, since they haven’t been worn. I wrote to them on IG, too.

Oh bother, yeah not much to be done there. It’s so hard to find good, affordable minimalist shoes for kids.

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These were already slightly compromise shoes, it’s not like they had good ground feel but at least they were flexible and had a wide toe box. And of course the water proof material and easily wipeable in the PNW with a feral child was nice. But damn. I was fine with their prices rising, with inflation. But now with the Flexibility gone, not worth the price.

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We’ve been going broke on kids shoes over here and I’m never happy 100% happy with any of them. I just want my kids to have healthy feet :weary:

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Amen. I’m cheap on clothes and willing to do hand me downs forever, but I’m going broke on outdoor gear and shoes ha ha. The bright side as she loves being barefoot, so I just have her do that as much as possible and then I’m OK with shoes that definitely don’t perfectly match my criteria. The nice thing with her not being in daycare is she doesn’t have to wear shoes all that much.

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Just an FYI for anyone with a kid in daycare or who lives in a dry or summer place, water shoes are great and cheap! We did the decathalon ones all summer because our grass is poky. And if/when daycare starts again I will grab a size up for his indoor shoes

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Yes! Our summer shoes were a merrel water shoe we got on clearance. (Bare step h2o?) I wish we could do water shoes year round!! I’ve also heard really good things about saguaro on Amazon, but they’re not water proof so same issue.

Ok two questions:

  1. Can people link their favorite kid knifes here? I can’t find the discussion with links that I remember from a couple months ago.

  2. Ummmmm do I need to be stressing about shoes? Pipsqueak loves shoes and has really wide feet so we generally have her in keen sandals and wide stridrite shoes that have hard soles. I haven’t been worried about it because she does spend a good portion of each day barefoot but do I need to reassess?

  1. no, you’re fine. We each choose a few items to super optimize. My kid is in a variety of shoes, including some minimalist ones in summer. But barefoot at home. Most kid shoe places don’t even make the super bad shoes anymore

On shoes, not overly. There are probably some styles that are across the board not-so-good (anything with a raised heel, anything that squishes the toes into a point) and wider feet need wider shoes as you’ve noted. I did kind of a skim of literature the other day and mostly the biggest issue is sizing, especially too-small shoes.

I’ve used mostly Cat and Jack, StrideRite, and ikiki, and the Keen sandals also. There have only been a couple pairs from other brands I’ve had in possession but rejected for looking overly narrow across the toes. And dress shoes I keep around if I get a pair and limit use to fancy events (not that we’ve had much occasion for fancy).

ETA: Agreed with ElleP, everyone has their rabbit holes. For most things, for most people, there’s a good deal of “just fine” strategies that will get you to the end goal of happy healthy kid as well as any other. Occasionally some kids will need more support with one thing or a specific strategy for another, but that’s a “learning one’s own kid” and finding professional assistance as needed area.