Random Questions, Parenting Edition

There’s the very excellent random questions thread, but I thought a parenting specific one would be useful. For me at least. :wink: (maybe I should have named this thread “help me keep my newborn alive”). But perhaps it will be useful for others as well! Questions for all ages and stages of course welcome, and this can include pregnancy and fertility stuff too since it’s all the same basket IMO.

First question- how often did you wash your babies clothes if they didn’t get messy? Did you wash on a schedule or wait for things to get specifically messed on? They don’t really BO sweat the way adults do, but I worry having her wear the same thing over and over without washing kinda seems gross or somehow neglectful? :woman_shrugging:


My kids were always leaking or being spilled on with some kind of fluid (milk, formula, “returned” milk/formula, drool, baby boogers, diaper contents) that it never came up? :joy: I mean, if it’s not detectably soiled I think you’re good.

I am hella impressed your baby is tidy enough you even have to wonder about this!!


She has an impressive ability to save her spew for the moment daddy has a new shirt and picks her up :wink: somehow keeping herself totally clean in the process, often.


This is a very smart baby. :+1:


I think I went with about 3 days of wear? This lasted the first few months, then bub started getting clothing dirty after one wear.


I think we went with every day but we had a lot of poonami issues. Now he’s older we go two days by default unless it’s noticeably dirty and we’re leaving the house :wink:. I would prob do the same for a newborn if I had another go. We also had a LOT of clothes in the beginning which influenced my decision. Now I’m buying new for eczema reasons and so buy a lot less and try and make it stretch!

Great thread!


We definitely let him wear clothes a long time - until they were messed up or we had some other reason to wash. Still do although now his drool and paint projects from daycare mean we are at nearly daily changes of clothing.

We also have never done more than a bath a week…


The dribble struggle is real.

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Our kiddo is drooling so much we are having skin issues!! I’m trying all kinds of different creams. It’s crazy.


This thing the wiggler is doing where he stands on the toilet, runs water in the sink, gets his toothbrush wet, and drinks the water from it is a phase that will pass… right?


Does he have another way to get himself water there?


Which part concerns you?


@Bracken_Joy Yes, there’s a cup. He’s not great at drinking out of cups, but he knows how it works.

@Cereal The part where he makes a huge mess getting water all over himself and the floor :sweat_smile:


For some reason my grandparents had me wear a towel apron whenever I was near the sink. Would this solve half a problem?

And yes, it will pass. By age 25 at least


If my morning sickness has returned for third trimester, can I try my diclectin stash, or do I have to wait and see a medical professional? I was too distracted by third trimester seizures to notice how bad the nausea is until yesterday/today.

Also, are babies like winter? Harsh winter, good summer/ harsh pregnancy, easy baby? (Just tell me yes or don’t answer.

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Is diclectin what you used for first trimester nausea? If so, take it now. I was on ondansetron/zofran all the way through and definitely upped my dose again in 3rd trimester

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Okay good. Yes. It was until like week 15. And now food is being terrible again. I will return to it. Thank you!

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Have you tried heartburn meds? Nausea third trimester can often be Sneaky heartburn. That and way way premature fullness.

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Not sure how far along you are but probably want to at least tell your provider you’re feeling sick again. Nausea that returns after being gone can be a sign of preeclampsia so they may want to check for a baseline of those things. But I had nausea come back and it was just nausea, took the drugs the whole pregnancy, so I don’t think it’s necessarily anything to worry about, just maybe worth mentioning.


Tums work on the heartburn and premature fullness. But not on the waking up sick. I don’t think my ms ever went away completely. Just dropped down to manageable. But @nickybecky1 I will definitely mention it to my doctor. No other pre e warnings. BP did shoot up to 107/68 under stress, but that is just a less fainty level

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