Random Questions, Parenting Edition

Oooh smart.

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There’s a type of fleece called minky that’s super soft. My MIL made a few for us and my kid just loves them


Cuckoo had a bout with constipation a couple of weeks back that has cleared up. She’s still on miralax.

The problem is, I think she’s resisting pooping so hard that it’s affecting her mental health. She gets upset when she needs to poop and fights it for hours or even a day, during which time she is really unhappy. I’ll email the ped but wanted to check in with the crowd- what has worked for you?

Cuckoo is newly 2 and we have introduced a potty but have not started potty training.


Would watching the unicorn poop with the squatty potty make her giggle and feel more comfortable about pooping?


I mean, it should be good for a laugh at least!


Sigh, poop is such a thing for us.

She’s so little, I’m not sure it will help.

  • distracting fun activities like a tv show or a book to reduce the pressure
  • cuing once the poop is out by saying “oh your body must feel so much better”
  • poop related books and youtubes to normalize and make silly

We are also creating the habit of bathroom breaks 15mins or so after eating. Nothing needs to happen. We just sit on the toilet with good posture, read a favorite book or YouTube video, and set the timer. When timer is done, we are done.


A friend who is a preschool teacher encouraged us to tell our kid to really feel the sensations of squeezing the poop out of the body. I think there might have been something good in promoting taking time to honor the squishy feelings that are often shut out as gross or stinky? So hard to know though bc 2 year olds can’t really express themselves very well!

Addendum: I forgot until now, but for a few weeks before actually starting potty training I would try to catch him in the act or peeing or pooping and clap and say “Yay! You pooped! Does that feel good to get it out? Now there’s space for more yummy food in your body!” In dog training it’s called capturing, as in capturing & rewarding something good when it’s already happening.

Dang, there’s so much I selectively forgot about the baby-to-toddler phrase and I’m going to have to dig it up pretty soon.


Yes we do this too.

Honestly I will always sing the praises of prune pouches. I know mirilax is good at keeping things soft and moving but prune pouches create more…urgency, in my experience.

Is she still in diapers? If so, we encourage play while squatting. Otherwise lots of sitting on the toilet reading books time.


The sweet berry consto smoothie by feeding little is :100::100::100::100: so grateful for that

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Bottle safety! Once a baby is old enough/able to hold a bottle on their own and drink it, does their need to be an adult in the room to watch them? Or can they drink it on their own without supervision?


I guess less due to safety and more due to mischief, we pretty much always supervise Ravioli with food and drinks. He likes the chuck the milk cup across the room? Which makes even the “no spill” cups spray stuff


Pumpkin worked out how to squish the nipple so liquid would flood out. And then lean over and lick it off the carpet. From a surprisingly young age.


Hahahahaha not with the bottle but with the straw cup for Latte. I completely forgot this. Goddamn babies are adorably annoying :joy:


How do you get your kids to start drinking whole milk? I’ve been trying for two weeks and I think I’ve gotten Mo to drink an ounce total those whole two weeks. Have tried different temps, different vessels… No dice.


If they don’t wanna I don’t


If you figure it out let me know.

I just feed mine lots of yogurt (she also won’t eat cheese)


I Mixed it with some baby oatmeal cereal to start, I think I did that for a few days, and then gradually reduced it down till it was just whole milk!

Editing to add:

I think she drank whole milk for maybe 3-4 months and then just stopped. I was mainly using it to help wean ASAP and it was very helpful.

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Start at like 75/25 pumped milk and whole milk, and across several days change the ratio by 25% increments.


But also, it’s completely fine for them not to drink milk. In fact, a lot of toddlers drink too much milk and it displaces iron rich foods, and decreases iron absorption.


She also will barely touch pumped milk or formula. She is just such a boob baby.

She’ll drink water out of a straw cup? But seems confused when she goes for the same kind of cup and it’s milk.