Random Questions, Parenting Edition

How long after your kid climbed out of the pack n play did they climb out of the crib, or when did you move them for safety?


Mine scaled crib first, at 25 months. PnP aided lower-fall-risk containment for just a couple months longer.

ETA clarity: she climbed and fell from the crib once, and I took it down the very day. The Pack and Play worked a bit longer because the fall seemed to have scared her and it wasn’t as far to go if she did try.


Crib was the very next day as my child helpfully showed me how he could climb out right at bedtime. The next morning I was awake before he was so he wasn’t messing around solo before I was in his room. I took the crib side off after work and out the twin trundle up next to it (the twin bed with trundle was in the room from before I even got pregnant), he was so excited about the big boy bed that the crib was basically dead to him after that :joy: and got sent to another family like a week or two later.

We did have to take basically everything out of his room once he wasn’t contained - furniture stayed but all books and most toys were removed to make it a boring sleep space. It made me a little sad but over time stuff got out back in, it was very temporary and I only remember it now because of my feeling about it.


We replaced the glider with a nugget couch at this point because she lovrd messing with the rocking chair. We left soft toys, books (+ well anchored small bookshelf) and the bed.


Oh right I forgot to add context - we couldn’t leave the soft toys or books because then it was :tada: Party Time :tada: instead of sleep time for the first few nights. Like awake three hours past his bedtime party time, for most of a week. :woman_facepalming:


Thanks for the crib advice- I think we are going to move her after our vacation. @Economista is holding a toddler bed for her!

My next question. I feel really dumb, but I have just been holding my increasingly large toddler (I mean, she is quite slight for almost two, but heftier and heftier) in one arm so I can wash her hands with the other. Does anyone have a hand-washing stool from Target, Walmart or Amazon* that they really like? It needs to have a small footprint and fit well with a pedestal sink because that bathroom is TINY. And it’s the only upstairs bathroom and the one used by the boys as their main bathroom.

*I just cashed in a bunch of credit cards points and now I have gift cards burning a hole in my pocket!


We have this one and it’s very stable for a small footprint. I also have a small plastic one from target with two steps that is less stable.


The one I have in my tiny bathroom probably won’t work with a pedestal sink and is expensive for a step stool but it was worth it for us:


Non stool option- can you straddle her facing out on a lifted knee and do it that way? That’s my on the go / too small for a stool life hack.

Visual sans child to hopefully illustrate what I mean? This is of course contingent on height relative to the sink, mobility, etc, but in case you hadn’t tried this approach it’s way easier on the body. Keeps you symmetric and lets you brace your and their weight.

ETA took one more with a bunny :joy:


Lolol it never occurred to me that a regular person is tall enough to put their knee on the edge of a sink. I am definitely not that tall. I have been kind of propping her up with a bended knee and my foot on the toilet, but the problem is my wrist keeps getting worse. That is the impetus for buying the stool.


I often (always for B2) go on our small stool and then he goes on my knee to reach


When we don’t have a stool available I put her on one side in a super hero type pose (hands reaching out towards the sink, feet sticking straight back). I think I’ve got a couple inches on you though (5’4") so that still might not work. It’s still annoying though so at home we definitely do step stools!


Aww I was all set to order the Amazon one you recommended but the link didn’t work :frowning: .

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Weird! Let me see if I can find it again


Try this

HAJACK Step Stools for Kids, White Toddler Step Stool, Wooden Two Step Stool with Bonus Safety Non-Slip Mats and Handle, Bathroom Potty Stool & Kitchen Step Stool & Bedroom Stool for Home Use Amazon.com


That one worked, thanks!


I’m looking for plasticy light up y kids toys. US parents, where would you buy them that’s not Amazon or Target?


Is Walmart also out?


Walmart totally fine! Good idea.


So 1 is supposedly when kids can have a stuffed animal or something with them in bed. Are there any formal guidelines on the size of them? Mo’s favorite stuffed animal is QUITE large and my intuition says it would be a no, but I’m not searching right to find clear guidelines.

Reference pic from pre-nap playtime


Honestly I think it’s fine! She is able to move well enough that she can get out from under it if it flips on her or something