Random Questions, Parenting Edition

I’m tempted to do a test where I sneak in and put it on her and make sure she pushes it off her head lol.


For me, even with my 4.5 year old still :see_no_evil: I say no to anything that could Easily and tightly wrap a throat. So, giant fat cat toy? Fine. Play silk or a lovey with long skinny limbs? No. I just started Luna with her first lovey same as I did Latte at around 10 months, a tiny sheep with a skinny neck and arms their little hands can grab really easily.

I took a picture this morning cuz sharing the nursing sesh with a lovey is an under appreciated milestone :joy:


Here we go, smidge woke up from her nap. Here is beep beep the sheep sheep in all of his glory.

Bonus points to anybody who can tell me why we named him beep beep :wink:


Hmm, I wonder if I could buy a second one and make the arms stubby for a bedtime friend.


I know this octopus! I’d be fine with it, TBH, but I didn’t wait until 12 months for a lovey or blankey either.


Yeah, I would go based on how Mobile their arms are. If they’re super floppy and easy to get tight, it would make me uneasy, but if they’re kind of plump and rigid like a little sausages, it wouldn’t bother me as much.


Yeah they are mildly floppy. I’ll probably either get a second and give him shorter tentacles or tie and sew his tentacles together.

Long arm boi:



Other options


Oh tied up is a great idea!

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I kinda like the tentacle buns. It’s like space Leia buns for an octopus lol


Those pictures are so hilarious! I love that octopus!

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Should I be counting the words my kiddo knows? I feel like everyone else is, and I’m wondering if I’m being too lax by just going with the flow on this one. He’s over 1 but under 2.

If I should be counting, how long do we count for? I’m sure we don’t count words for our teenagers, on the extreme end lol


Generally- Count for the ASQs for peds apts up to 2 years old. So for 18 and 24m. And if you’re concerned/feel like he’s behind other kids his age. Otherwise no need.


I was also told signs (baby sign language or ASL) and animal sounds count. They’re looking for the brain doing “x=y” stuff and not how well your child could deliver a monolog on stage. :wink:


Yep. And a word in two languages is two (agua and water = 2 words) and a word approximation they’re clearly using to mean something (a-ba! For airplane counted for Latte’s speech delay screenings)


Yes to what everyone has said! I think it’s usually pretty clear if it’s a problem. Like Nemo had no words at 12 months and two signs at 18 months. So we were counting because he was obviously delayed, if he was using new words regularly but had exactly 19 words rather than 20 (or whatever the current milestone is, sorry I’m probably dated!), I don’t think we would have been paying much attention since it would be approximately 20.

One benefit of counting words is I still have a doc with all of his words at different ages (up to 25 months when he had a language explosion after starting SLP services and we stopped counting), and it’s so cute to look at that list.


I think a friend phrased it once “if you easily can count, you should. If you can’t, you don’t need to worry about it”


I would do a few counts and save the number - even if it’s a note to yourself saying lost track at 200,
Says 3 word sentences. & age

We didn’t and it’s biting us in the ass - language delays and advances can both raise flags. Also note if you see any patterns like “can identify when mama is sad but can only respond by repeating 1 exact daniel tiger phrase”


I didn’t specifically count for either kid. Eldest was far above any benchmark and hasn’t stopped talking for her entire life. Youngest had fewer words but it definitely was still in the age appropriate range. My lax stance probably stems from the fact that eldest was way ahead for everything. Which was not ideal most of the time might I add.


For real. Mo was like 75th percentile on motor skills at last check and I’m just like ummm can you maybe slow down mommy did not baby proof for this yet