Random Questions, Parenting Edition

Is 1pm naptime at daycare? In the young toddler room at ours (18+ months) they were generally asleep by 12:30 at the latest. Now that Pipsqueak is in the mixed age preschool class (2.5-4.5) they nap from 1-3 but usually I get a notification that she’s asleep by 12:50.

So maybe nanny could put him down at 12 or 12:30 instead? Or even 11:45? And let him sleep a bit longer.

As a seasoned parent (lol) id probably opt for more sleep leading up to the transition than getting on the “right” schedule. He will get there at the new daycare.


I don’t remember much from that era but Kiddo slept HARD the weekend after daycare (and not in a way that was convenient for us, if course). He was also a velcro baby that weekend, needed to be on mama every second. I remember that part because my in laws came to visit but Kiddo didn’t want to be held by anyone else.


Yes but I’d also not worry about the daycare schedule. Yes do things that affect him waking up at 4 am but when it comes to daycare napping I’ve always categorized it as “their problem”.

Also - usually it’s not a problem because daycare teachers are magic.


Dropping that morning nap is always terrible IME - one nap isn’t enough and two naps are too much. It doesn’t improve fairly quickly, though.


Yeah I know plenty of people where baby has one schedule at daycare and another at home. Seems super common.


I agree about not stressing about getting Ravi on their schedule. There’s something between daycare teachers are magic and babies actually do peer pressure each other. It’s voodoo but it works so :woman_shrugging:t4:.

…I say to myself as TR is signed up for daycare starting May 28. Eek!


The thing is, she put him down at 1, and he didn’t go to sleep til 2. Overtired??? Second wind??? I’m so confused

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I wouldn’t worry too much about trying to prep him for their schedule. He will adjust, and worst-case scenario, he will sleep better at night probably. To this day, my kid takes long, luxurious naps at home, but definitely only sleeps about an hour at daycare. I feel like it’s a miracle they can get her to sleep there at all.


How seriously should the ages on baby food pouches be taken? Because I definitely just gave my baby one meant for toddlers and kids because I thought 4 meant 4 months, not stage 4 and only realized my error after reading the smaller print.

I don’t see any unsafe ingredients so I’m not too fussed but should I be?


Nope. It’s up to your discretion/knowledge of what she can safely handle


Does not matter at all. Just down to what textures you/your kid are comfortable with.


Does anyone have things that work when it comes to toy squabbles between kids? This afternoon we took TR’s walker out to the courtyard, but Spore wanted a turn. When Spore offered to share and have them both push it, TR in all of his 11 month glory very clearly pushed him off. Everybody cried.

This came after a really sweet hour at the playground where they did great together, according to Bear, so I think they just ran out of patience/tools.

I would like most of the household toys to be shared, but acknowledge that sometimes a gift is one particular person’s. No idea how to achieve this.


Turns with a timer
Putting toys in timeout


Law of the jungle
Fuck around and find out


Into it. I’ll add some luchador masks and start selling tickets.


I generally had the rule that you didn’t have to share your own special toys, but then you should leave them in your own room. If you left it out and your sibling was playing with it, you couldn’t decide all of a sudden that it was off limits.

They will always find things to squabble about and that is just part of having siblings!


My kids had a shared toyroom, and anything in there was fair game.

They could each keep a few things in their bedrooms - although bedroom toys were quite minimal. With only a three year age difference, I did expect that most toys were shared.


Ugh I didn’t think it would start this early!

Like…why does the 4 year old even care about the baby toys? They’re not interesting to him until the minute his sister picks it up.

We taught him that he cannot take things out of his hands. He doesn’t like it when other kids do that to him and he’d get in trouble for it at school if he did it to his friends, so he can’t do it to his sister either. He can try offering her a different toy to see if she wants that more (works 50% if the time) but otherwise they need to share.


Some things have a timer for turns. A few things are special or were not allowed for the small one. Otherwise if you’re playing with it, other person has to wait until you’re done.

Cue screaming.


@biblioferoz @star @ladyduck How old was the youngest one when they could understand things like that? My 11.5mo is kind of a bruiser so he’s not entirely innocent.

We do have some success with swaps, timers, etc but maybe some toys are just too damn fun.