Random Questions, Parenting Edition

Another vote for sposies!

Am I looking wrong? The smallest size I see is 2T?

I am trying to utilize gym childcare at the Y, the toddler loves it but so far the 7 mo old baby gets us kicked out after 10-15 min mark of crying. Just on day 5 right now. I am trying to go as many days in a row right now to get her more accustomed to it.

Is there any secret parenting tricks for this that I am missing or should try? I know it hasn’t been long, and it’s separation anxiety age. the teachers there say to just keep coming as often as I can in the beginning. I was wondering if anyone had any encouraging tips or experiences.


At that age, I do think practice is a huge part of it. Are there other scenarios where strangers watch her? Ideally ones that can give one on one attention and redirection. Just be aware to though the kid disposition does play a role. :upside_down_face: some kids it just… will not happen harmoniously.


They have a size that’s “for diaper sizes 4-6” but it literally looks like a rectangular maxi pad so I don’t think using with an even smaller diaper will be much of a problem. Also, look for the booster pads and not the pull-ups. Amazon.com


This is the first stranger taking care of her, it’s just been grandparents otherwise. She is kind of taking to one particular lady that works there and they let me know what days she works and have been telling me to come at that time! I guess I will just have to see how it unfolds with time. Crossing my fingers.


You’ve got a leg up on me, Latte wouldn’t/wont even let grandparents take care of her. :grimacing: yes bonding to one person is a huge toe in!


I think it just takes time and you’ll want to maintain that relationship if you want to continue using the childcare.

My daughter has been in daycare since she was 5 months old (she’s 1 now). She’s pretty bonded to her usual teachers but will scream if a new teacher subs in for a day. Same with her grandparents - she’ll get used to them and be good with them, but if she doesn’t see them for 2 months she’ll get “stranger danger” when she sees them next.


My 8 month old keeps biting me. Not during nursing, just like, randomly biting when her mouth gets close enough to do so. How do I make it stop???


Say ouch very loudly, pull away, and say “no” in a very stern voice


Oh - and give her an alternative that she can bite. Like the chewelry stuff. Biting is often a proprioceptive sensory thing, so allowing them to have something to bite helps get out that impulse and sensory experience. Just not a person.


My kid thought saying “ouch” loudly was a game so we just calming said “if you want to but something, here’s a teacher” and if she kept try to bite us we put her down and moved away. She would cry, but we let her cry for a minute and said “ok I’m going to pick you up again, teethers are for biting! Not mommy!” Repeat ad nauseum.

ETA! If you want to BITE something, here’s a TEETHER


Yeah, the consequences of biting me was that I moved my soft and delicious self out of biting range for a minute. The good news is that it will be something else pretty soon.


Teeth are not for biting, biting hurts and toy role play outside of biting time

First bite warning
Second bite I walk away


She doesn’t bite multiple times in a row ever. I think she just hasn’t quite figured out that hurts mommy, and yes covered by Mommy’s clothes is still mommy.

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They don’t have any real theory of mind until like almost 36 months, with more basic stuff at like 18 months. She definitely has not figured it out that she’s hurting you (or that, you know, your mental/emotional state is not the same as hers).


When my son was 2 he thought biting the other kids at day care was a great problem solving strategy. Granted the problem was usually “You have a toy I want, it’s mine now” and zero comprehension that he was actually hurting others. He eventually stopped but it was, uh, a time.


We are trying to prep Ravioli for daycare next week by dropping him to one nap this week. Nanny puts him down at 1 and wakes him up at 3:30. He cries for a good 20-30 minutes after he wakes up. Internet says this means he needs to sleep more, but gang, if we don’t wake him from the nap he won’t get ready for the change AND ALSO, he will wake up at 4AM. I hate hearing him cry. This will get easier for him, right? He was totally fighting the first nap (9:30, often wouldn’t fall asleep for 45 min-hour). Idk what else we can do, it’s not like we have a choice, he is going to this daycare and that is their schedule


It will get easier :slight_smile: He might go to bed earlier if he needs the sleep.


Man it sucks when they’re sad and you can’t really do anything about it but keep plugging along