Random Questions, Parenting Edition

This one! My sister (a general contractor) got it a work conference.

I’ll try to think of others too.

ETA my spouse suggested asking Bard (Google’s chatgpt) to write you stories about this topic :stuck_out_tongue:

We also physically cross out pronouns in books like goodnight goodnight construction site and re-wrote half of them with female pronouns when the pictures aren’t of people (so anyone reading the book at our house reads it the same)


Oh yeah, maybe some Daniel tiger books or episodes where the mom is at work as a handy (wo)man


Ooh, thank you! And I’ve been joking about rewriting the pronouns (in goodnight goodnight construction site specifically) but now I think I’m actually going to do it.


I did not know this about Daniel Tiger’s mom?! And we’ve watched heaps of episodes. I’ll have to dig a little.


Pro tip: use a silver sharpie for the darker pages! I didn’t think about it, but it might have been good to add a gender neutral pronoun truck too!



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The books by Sally Sutton all feature obvious femme and masc people (though small) building many things, highways and libraries and such. And VERY fun to read!

Also construction women IG! And fire women! Hang on…
NZ Water Fairy = NZ firefighter

Women On Site has women featured regularly:

Technically A Tech

And now I’m off to write some books about women on site :rofl:


Okay but for real, if you write a book and use your painting skills to illustrate it that would be amazing and I want a copy.


I took a sharpie to that book :slight_smile: any page with a light enough background got gender swapped.


Kidlitmama is a good resource for book reccs too-

Latte really liked a girl can build anything.


Open to recommendations! I already have some ideas from working onsite myself.


Thank you all for the book recommendations!

Let’s play guess the plague. Spore got sick two night ago, had a fever and complained of a headache and pain in his feet and hands. No congestion. We thought it might be a mild case of hand foot and mouth so kept him home and waited to see (never saw any sores). He’s felt a bit better during the days so we didn’t take him to the pediatrician but he woke up just now with a pretty painful headache and a fever again. He’s back asleep now after pain reliever.

Any guesses? Is it anything to worry about before morning? (Meningitis came up in a search, which is scary.)


Gah why can’t these kids just stay healthy and happy in their bubble wrap!

I feel like pediatricians are very unimpressed with fevers but trust your instincts.

We were at urgent care today because Pipsqueak’s eye is really swollen. The consensus seems to be that it’s not worrisome except if it gets worse or she spikes a fever she needs a CT scan right away at the ER (for possible cellulitis/meningitis). So…I’ll definitely sleep fine without worrying tonight :rofl:


I have zero kid sickness instincts but I would take him to the doctor for a reoccurring fever if I was worried about meningitis. Remind me to never Google that. Hope Spore gets well soon!!


Never Google that.

As a general PSA, if you’re thinking of googling medical symptoms for yourself or your child, hit up this thread or the main random questions thread and someone else can Google it for you and provide the important bits and leave out the nightmare fuel.


From what I’m seeing, fevers at night only aren’t uncommon. The reasoning is that our body temperatures increase at night so a slight increase during the day isn’t as noticeable as the same increase at night.

You’re doing the right thing by providing pain reliever and fever reducer (acetaminophen and ibuprofen both do this). Checking in with the pediatrician is good but it sounds like what you’re going through is expected - the pediatrician is informed but doesn’t feel like you need to come in.


The headache is the part that I’m a little worried about. He keeps saying ow ow ow ow. It could be a sinus infection or ear infection, or it could be nothing. Our pediatrician has a nurse hotline that opens at 8am so I’ll give them a call then. And do a covid test for good measure, I guess.


This is a valuable service!


When we are back from our Thailand trip it’s time to get Ravi off of the paci and bottles. How did you transition from bottles to cups? He drinks water out of cups just fine, but when we put milk in there he takes a sip and then dribbles it all down his front, like “what are you guys doing, milk doesn’t go in here”

Do we just drop the bottles cold turkey? My main worry is him being hungry at night, so I’d prefer some sort of gradual weaning and leaving the bedtime bottle a little bit longer


(I’m less worried about the paci and that I think we ARE going to drop cold turkey, we’ve been letting him have his stuffed monkey for bedtime and naps and he seems to take comfort from it so I think after a few nights of waking up and thinking he lost the paci we’ll be in the clear. but who knows lol)

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