Random Questions, Parenting Edition

The biggest issue I see with 9, also, is younger siblings with nap times may conflict?

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From my experience, we had one child’s party at 10 am in October and literally no one came. We ended up with am OMD party for her birthday because my lovely OMD friends were the only ones who showed up. Then a few weeks ago we had another part and I put 2:00 on the invitations. Invited the same people and everyone came. I will not be trying a morning party again.


Fair, but I think it being New Year’s Day was also helpful- I think that’s a day when a lot of people don’t have plans but are open to doing something if asked.


Ditto but June, 8th birthday at a popular splash pad/park.


That’s a good point.

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9am would be my vote. My kids at 2 and 5 still nap from 1-3 or 2-4ish. They can skip but it’s always a pain when they do.


No one came!?!? :sob:


Oh no, I can’t believe that no one would come.


What time are all the other kids’ parties who are the same age in your area/class/community?

10am is a pretty common time for 2-3yo parties around us so I don’t think 9am is much worse. Our family would go, probably making it there closer to 9:30.

A few months ago, we were invited to a slightly older kid’s 4pm party but skipped it bc it was either going to be nap time or melt down because he didn’t have a nap time.


I think our situation might also be age related. It was her 4yo party and we just invited our family friends, who either don’t have kids or have kids much older. @BiblioFeroz and @ginja_ninja came!


OMG and my boys had so much fun with your preschool toys :laughing:


My kids are younger but all the 4 year old’s class birthday parties have been at 10, and pretty much everyone shows up at 10.

I am not a morning person but the kids are up at 7 regardless (7 if I’m lucky), so 9 am seems fine.


Same here. We are usually looking for morning activities, tbh. Let’s get out the house because we are all destroying it.


I think 10 we would come for sure - how does yours work? Here you often get admitted for the party at one time, and either have the party room for 1 or 2h. If you have the 9am booking could you put 9am, cake cutting at 10 on the invitation?

Otherwise I think it is 3, which is another common time.


They are open 9-5 and the party rooms book out for 2 hours at 9, noon or 3. You can stay after your party room time is over. I haven’t actually been to a party there so I’m not sure what other people do. I’m a bit annoyed by the times they offer bc 10 or 1 would be my preferred times but none of them are that.


What would you do if your toddler absolutely had to sleep in a room that is 55F?

The upstairs bedrooms belong to preteens who would hate to be displaced (and could be moved only at great trouble and expense, and one of them is afraid to go downstairs alone), and also I think the cuckoo is too young to sleep on a different floor from us, and the master bedroom is downstairs.

So. Here we are. Turning up the heat doesn’t help. We are hoping to get a new HVAC system this spring so this is a temporary problem.

Would you:

  1. Not worry about it because she sleeps quite well? (But has been waking up earlier and earlier lately)
  2. Run a space heater on a low setting? (That would mean we could not run OUR space heater without tripping the circuit, which would be a problem.)
  3. Bundle her up more? In what? She currently sleeps in: Woolino sleep sack, bodysuit, cotton jersey PJs, and lately we have added cotton sweater tights to keep her feet warmer.

I would switch the cotton for wool base layers. Check her core temp as she sleeps. If she’s old enough, introduce a warm blanket. Be sure her mattress is warm and off the floor. Treat it like camping.

I personally wouldn’t do a space heater cuz I’ve had them freak out and not do the right temp and Ive woken up SUPER hot and that scares me, and I DEF would not overload a circuit or do one on an extension cord- husband sees a LOT of fires from that.


Can you preheat the space before cuckoo goes to bed too? Then move the space heater to your room for the rest of the night.


Wool is a good idea. Do you have a preferred way to source wool garments for toddlers?


Depends on your time/energy/money preferences. Easy and expensive- something like Reima or Nui or Wee Woolies. More time consuming, cheaper- wool BST groups on Amazon. Most time consuming, most cheap- cut down adult size thrift store wool sweaters.

At this point in my life I def go for expensive and easy, just wait for sales and stack discount codes.