Random Questions, Parenting Edition

Yep, that’s what my LC taught me too. Smother them with boob and they surrender.


Life skills from rocklobster today. Remove context and apply with abandon.




Yes this definitely works for men as well.


Ooh you’re right. I forgot that detail. It’s amazing how many baby details I’ve forgotten immediately after they were no longer relevant. I suppose it lets us cram more weird details in for the next phase.


I can look this up. But it hard. And I like you.

Moving kids to booster seats? When do we do that?


A standard booster with just a seat, or a high backed booster with a 5-point harness? We put D1 in the latter over the summer. She was over 40# and over 40 inches tall and the lower size limits for the “booster” was 35# and 40 inches.


My 5 year old is still in a full 5 point harness. She hasn’t maxed out her seat yet so she’s staying in it. Best practice from what I have seen is if they have maxed out their seat then you can move to a booster.


They definitely have to weigh 40 lb or they can fly out from the seat belt. They say most kids can behave well enough to use a booster at like six or seven. We used to put them on boosters when they turned four, for context.

ETA corn once they weigh 40 lb, the harness is not inherently safer than a seat belt. It’s just a question of whether they can sit nicely in the car.


This is D1’s constant companion. One arm started to fall off a few weeks ago. I tried hot glue but that didn’t work. Now the other one is almost off too. She’s taking it very hard tonight. Not calming down. Any ideas how to fix it?

It was $10 at target 3 years ago. A gift for her 1st birthday. We have tried target for a replacement and she said it’s not the same because the baby’s eyes don’t open and close (they changed the design). We tried using the new one as a substitute when I was fixing the first arm and she screamed at us that the baby can’t go to sleep with her because her eyes don’t close :sob:


Thanks all!

Sew them onto a doll shirt? Then sew the shirt on at the shoulders?

If I remember your location correctly, there is at least one doll hospital in your area. You can email them what you put in your post and see if they’ll do a quote? I haven’t done do repair but I remember being surprised at how reasonable shoe repair was forever ago so it’s worth at least asking.


Oooh, I just looked one up that isn’t too far away. DH can’t imagine spending any money on fixing a doll that was $10 to begin with. But, it is very, very important to D1.


If you were willing to replace it, think about it as being that money? In case that helps him.


I wonder if they could put old dolls head on new doll’s body? It might be an easy fix. I accidentally broke the head off of my American girl doll when I was a kid, and my dad was actually able to fix it, but they could do it at the doll hospital too. Does the doll have a string that attaches the body to the head, like a drawstring type thing, or is it sewn on?


This is actually a good idea! It’s in bed with her now but iirc, the head is attached with a zip tie. We actually have another one, the replacement for this one. I wonder if I could switch the heads?! Might be possible. I don’t think she would even notice that the other one is missing.


This is probably the simplest solution. Cut zip ties on both. Put head on new body, rethread with new zip tie (or drawstring if you think you might be untying in the future and/or if strings are no longer a hazard).

Fathoms easier than sewing cloth onto a plastic doll arm (ask me how I know!).


Zip tie on the head was the answer. All fixed!



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