Random Questions, Parenting Edition

At what point do y’all dump your milk for drinking/alcohol contamination? I got test strips that showed 0.04% in the milk so we didn’t feed it to the baby and instead dumped it in his bath for a milk bath. I don’t know if we were being too cautious though.


I do not. But I think the most I’ve had was 3 glasses at new years with a six month old


I have also never done this.


I never did. The LCs at my fancy city hospital said, “if you can feed the baby safely, then you can feed the baby.”


My LC told the class that breast milk is an equivalent BA level as blood; which is to say you can’t even drive at 0.4% or whatever. So the big risk is just if you’re so drunk you can’t safely handle baby/risk falling asleep on a couch during a feed, that sort of thing, but the amount of alcohol transferred through milk is apparently pretty negligible. Very very drunk is still less than store bough kombucha.


I do if I have more than 2 drinks in 2 hours but otherwise I don’t. I also just don’t like drinking much these days. My sleep is too precious.


This is all super helpful!! Thank you. I am not going on benders or anything…lol

It is nice to know we have a use for the milk if we don’t feel comfortable AND that drinking a couple of beverages is fine.

I agree with Noodle and sleep is very important so this will likely not be an issue very often.


Late to this, but as someone who loves a jumpy dog, totally agree with you on listening to your instincts to keep baby safe.

Are you on insta? You might like the account @ dogmeetsbaby. She’s a reputable trainer who mostly talks about getting dogs ready for baby, so less applicable to you, BUT she posts lots of good things to keep in mind for baby/dog safety. She tends to recommend things like keeping dog and baby apart unless you are closely supervising and physically between dog and baby, so if it is helpful to hear from a pro that your instincts are right and this pet parent could be more careful, she’s a good resource.


Anybody with experience with a frenotomy?

Baby girl was born 2 weeks ago and is doing great. Multiple lactation consultants commented on her tongue tie and lack of tongue mobility while we were in the hospital but the rounding pediatrician didn’t seem concerned. She wasn’t able to breastfeed in the hospital but we supplemented which I had to do for my first so I’m fine with that.

Two weeks later she’s breastfeeding and eating great. We did a weighted feed today and she took in almost 3 ounces. However - my nipples are not doing so well… so we’re leaning toward doing something…

We see the pediatrician tomorrow so we’re going to ask about it. Lactation consultant (we booked privately not through Kaiser) strongly recommends we see a pediatric dentist or ENT for a second opinion. This is unlikely to be covered by insurance if we go that route (we have Kaiser HMO). We can afford this but I’m wondering if someone who specializes in tongue ties is going to automatically recommend release?


We had babyN’s released at our pediatrician. My nipples were so sore and I screamed out in pain and profanities for every latch. We were feeding well until 3-4 weeks. He also got enough from the weighted feeds.

It was a really quick procedure. It was $125 with no insurance (I didn’t have him added to mine officially yet).

I asked the doctor about it and he said there is very little risk or downsides of the procedure. The biggest risk is that it wouldn’t help with the pain from feeding.

It took about 1-2 minutes for him to cut it (inserted a tongue depressor with a slit and cut it with medical scissors). We fed 5 minutes after in the room and he got more from the feed in less time with less pain.

For me we went from 15-25 minutes per side (leaning on the higher end) to now averaging 9-15 minutes per side with way less pain.

Sometimes they will recommend a dentist to cut it with a laser but I’m not sure what would be the difference between the two.

It’s not for everyone but for us it was magic.


We saw an ENT for a second opinion and she recommended against any procedures. I used a nipple shield for at least 2 months which helped everything heal up as her mouth got a little bigger and then we were both fine!

Let me know if you want the ENT contact info. I really liked her and she’s based at Huntington so not too far.


Yes please! I’ll DM you. I’m hoping to go through Kaiser but if the wait is too long am willing to pay out of pocket.

I also tried with a nipple shield but she doesn’t feed well with it.


No experience with frenotomies but was just thinking about you @AnneBeddingfeld. Congratulations on the new baby and hope you get some relief from the pain soon!


Thank you! You as well - wishing you healing thoughts!!


Congrats and welcome Baby Girl!!!


Update: pediatrician referred us to pediatric ENT and we have an appointment for Monday morning. Similar to @ginja_ninja ’s experience our ped also said that it may or may not help but few downsides - but that it’s likely to be the only thing that could help with the pain in the short term so worth a try.

It was … a process getting the Monday morning appointment but we have it now.


I am glad you have the appointment! I had great success with my son’s at 3 weeks when my nipples had been ripped up since he was born even though he had no problem getting the milk in his belly. For us the effect was immediate and huge. Especially since I’ve had my second who had no tongue tie and she had no problem nursing from the start. But, I’ve also had friends for whom cutting the tongue tie didnt improve things, and it turned out there were more factors (very small mouth, issues on the mum’s side). They had no regrets about doing it AFAIK though, because yeah, there dont seem to be any lasting downsides.


Do you ever have an extremely inconsolable baby and then they poop and suddenly everything is fine???

Lol it cracks me up. Same dude, same.


I mean, I nearly went to the ED a couple nights ago because I started to worry it was contractions, and then I pooped and it was fine :see_no_evil::smiling_face_with_tear: so definitely same buddy.


But did you do the “chug-a chug-a toot toot” dance with bicycle kicks to try and move your poop along :joy::joy::joy:

I’m really glad everything is okay on your end and no hospital visits needed!