OOTD: Share Your Looks!

Yep. Had to call for a clarification finally as no one answered email, but it turns out they are asking the students for biz casual for financial reasons and faculty for semiformal to help make it feel more special for the student attendees. I think that’s entirely appropriate; they just should have separated out the reminder emails.
So Project Hair is a go. :slight_smile:


We’ve got a big event at work today - ribbon cutting/press conference- and the dress code was standard biz cas on the bottom (leaning dressier), and branded tshirts on top. Several of us layered. I love this jacket and have no regrets for spending $110 on it. It is one of the most expensive clothing items I own, and it is the bomb.


Love that jacket!

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Update #whateverthisis: I regret to inform you all that knee-high hosiery that will make fake dress shoes look good with slacks will in fact dissolve if stored in the plastic multipack you bought it in for approximately a decade in a bottom drawer. It gets disgustingly sticky as the polymers break down, in fact.
In related news, I’ll be making a Girl Stuff purchase while I’m at the Walmart implementing Project Hair.

I fully recognize that gender performance can be very enjoyable for willing participants, but I am not at all enjoying it. I want my wool socks and sturdy boots. Also the pockets are insufficient in spite of the fact that my dress slacks are men’s pants (after all, I’m not going to go all crazy over here), and I’m going to have to figure out something to do with my phone. I’ll probably get cold, too.


:frowning: I’m sorry, that stinks. Have you considered a very thin dress sock with a more formal leather shoe, like a menswear dress shoe style? That way at least you could be warmer and skip buying girly stuff you don’t want anyway.


What is your shirt from? It looks so familiar.

Ice Castle International Training Center in Northern California. If you recognize the United States Figure skating Team USA lol it’s the old one :wink:

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Oh, haha! Must just be a coincidence, something about the design is familiar but I have zero IRL skating ties, though I am an avid spectator.

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The most important feature of this shirt is that my name and Michelle Kwan’s name are listed next to one another on the back.


That’s a shirt you save!

Oh, it’s not cold feet that are my concern, though I see how it came across that way, and really, my fake dress shoes are sturdy enough - Mary Janes on a Dansko clog sole, and they look like they have a heel but are completely flat inside. I don’t think they make these anymore. I’ve had them since around 2011.

No, I was worried about cold arms in air conditioning; the knee-length blouse/vest thing I’m wearing is Asian in styling and lovely, but it is sleeveless. However, I got a lot less worried a little bit ago when I dug a black pashmina (of real Pashmina wool) out of the closet. I decided last December to wrap presents in 50-cent thrift store scarves instead of wrapping paper that would go to a landfill immediately, and the black one didn’t get used. I may just go ahead and move it to the “wardrobe” area instead of the “holiday supply” area.
So, I’ll buy one pair of knee-highs and get over myself for a night. It could be worse.
Meanwhile, MJ has the very coolest shirt.


This is awesome


It was also very popular, even with usually non-scarf types. I went with a mixture of warm cozy ones and dressy ones so there were options. There was some scarf trading at family events. (I did buy a package of safety pins to secure things, so care with little bitty people is in order.)



That dress is fantastic.

It’s Mountain Hardware brand, believe it or not! Also I did not realize how many of my clothes were from Sierra Trading Post before starting this thread, lol.


I LOVE outdoor gear brands for their dresses. My favorite and longest lasting dresses have been Merrel!


Right?! It’s SPF 50 too. And pockets!!!

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Okay, I won nothing, but my hair looked fabulous!


I never even got in real clothes I just wore skating clothes all day all over town.