My top surgery/radical reduction

Yayayya!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s very true. Drains are super gross. But fairly soon you’ll be free of them :slightly_smiling_face: but yeah no those things are nast LOL


Lol yes. I’ve had very low drainage BUT I think my 48hrs is going to fall on Friday which means I will likely have to wait until Monday to get them out. Ugh. Trying to be ok with that.


Hang tough! My second time doing this I had them in for 7 days and it was the worst LOL. You got this!


Omg that’s such a long time!


Ok. Oooook!
After a rushed and slightly stressful morning my drains are OUT!!!

We got back just in time for me to put friend in an Uber to get to the airport and the mail carrier also handed me my new phone while we were waiting for her Uber. So many things happening today.

The puppy gets delivered back to my house in about 15 minutes.

I’m ready to take on the next few days. :mechanical_arm:


Wow great update! I’m so glad your drains got taken out. :slight_smile: Congrats!

Are you feeling like you can handle things solo without your friend?


We are about to find out/no.

I have someone coming to do a chicken check for me this evening and then maybe on Sunday or Monday… Almost nothing having to do with the chickens is lightweight, easily maneuverable, or straightforward which makes it both hard to do and hard to ask for help with. But I’m going to ask them to gather eggs, check the feeders, and perhaps give them some treats on my behalf. They are also going to pick up more pain meds for me down the street at my pharmacy.

I’m going to attempt my 2nd shower either tonight or tomorrow am, and it’ll be totally solo. We’ll see how it goes! : )


Just take it slow and steady. :heart: You got this


Wow! You are amaxing soloing it so soon. It might not be easy but you are healing!


First maple cuddle post op. I can’t let her anywhere else on my body but she seems to be respecting my space - she’s been soooo loveyy snuggly sweet.


Congrats on having the drains out, and YAY Maple snuggles!!!


Day four. And first solo day.

Took a shower & while removing the bandage they put on my drain holes the adhesive pulled a small piece of the actual incision tape off. I froze so fast! It’s toooo early for that to come off. When I put the new bandage on post shower I put the adhesive on in a way that holds that little section of tape up, but ick. I’m gonna keep an eye on it.

Biggest current issue is tummy stuff.
Oh the tummy stuff.
Can only do little poos and am SO bloated and in so much stomach pain.
I stopped the pain meds last night hoping it would help ease up the stomach stuff, but I’m also aware that I probably still need to be on the pain meds so it’s kind of a double edged sword. I’m also on all of the suggested meds for bloating and constipation post surgery.
I’m sitting here eating some Triscuits and dried fruit. Cmon tummy. It feels tender to the touch and like an inflated bag of rocks. :sob:


I’ve been super behind on OMD but I’m so happy your surgery was a success and you are recovering so well!!

Post surgery :poop: is the worst! I think it took me 4 days to go after my hip surgery and it was scary. I’m sure you’re already taking all the things, but magnesium citrate powder is the main thing that really got things working again for me, on top of the meds/stool softeners they gave at the hospital




Mid day check in no one asked for.
Just came back from a one block walk and phew! That was like a marathon!
I wish my treadmill hadn’t kicked the bucket right before this. I could have walked a little further but it started raining.
Dwayne pulled up on me about halfway to check on me. I gave him a thumbs up and a quick answer, but tbh I don’t have a ton of energy today.

Here are some pics from my yard


I’m glad you limited yourself to a block! Surgery recovery ain’t no joke.

Your yard is so pretty.


Your yard is beautiful. I’m going to channel my mother and say “Please, take it easy.” Rest is such a good thing, especially if you can rest with Maple. :slight_smile:


Thanks love. I’m taking it incredibly easy.
Marbles the dog is back today too and has been mostly just sleeping and occasionally staring at me and barking. She can tell things are a little different at least temporarily and I’m hoping she continues to give me grace and doesn’t start flinging toys on me and chasing me.


So glad you’re doing mostly amazing solo