Love Is Blind: Season 4


It’s generally considered bad form to speculate about people’s disabilities (even if the speculators are disabled themselves). It’s kind of like speculating on people’s health status based on what they look like (“that person looks like they have Insert Health Problem Here”). BUT, I agree Irina was super rude either way. And I totally agree that people who are neurodivergent face discrimination and major social obstacles.

I think there were other things (aside from the intense eye contact) that led people to dislike Zach though, whether or not he is autistic. One being that he kept telling people he was a stripper and/or lived under a bridge as a sort of “test” rather than being honest about who he was- I think that turned people off a lot. He avoided answering direct questions, too.

He also claimed to have a super intense bond with Bliss but then when she very gently suggested Irina might not be the kindest person, he was offended (bc how could HE have bad judgement, obv he is infallible) and chose Irina anyway. He also interrupted Bliss a lot and really misrepresented what she said, and when she would correct him he would kind of talk over her and bring it back to being about himself/move the goal posts. I never got the sense he was listening in an active way.

Then he chose Irina, she was predictably mean to him, so then he went back again and wanted to try things with Bliss. When he met Bliss one of his first comments was that he thought she’d look “nerdy” because of her voice, and she didn’t, which to me made it seem like he didn’t choose her because he thought she wouldn’t be attractive. And when Bliss brought up things like how it’s a bit hard on her self esteem to be #2 or how she feels like she’s swallowing her pride a bit, he cuts her off and basically invalidates how she’s feeling by saying she shouldn’t feel that way. I get an arrogant and jerky vibe from him whether he happens to also be autistic or not.

Just my two cents!

ETA: Also in the comments people are speculating that both Brett and Paul are autistic (and Bliss and Raven and SK, lol) as well, so I’d take it all with a grain of salt even though it may be true for some!


Noted, and thanks for your take! Clearly there is a lot of additional context that I don’t have.


FWIW I’ve been guilty of doing it too, lol, we ain’t perfect here!

Ep 7

Zack and Bliss actually seem really natural and great together! He doesn’t seem weird when he’s with her.

Also, Marmalade and I figured out where Kwame lives. He’s just 2 blocks from my chiropractor! So there’s a non-zero chance that I could run into him :joy:


Episode 5


Everyone saying Zack is so weird and that they can’t stand him… They know they’ll all see each other at the reunion episode again right? So mean!

The toothbrushing conversation was great though.

Omg Bliss just walked in!


I was pretty surprised Zach managed to win Bliss back!

What is up with Jackie? Just some immaturity I guess?

I was disappointed today to learn I was all caught up when I tried to watch it. I was ready for more drama!


I think the last set of episodes (- the reunion, which is going to be live, and wild) are supposed to drop today.


The reunion is being streamed live?!

We got caught up yesterday.

Micah and her friends all look like they’re made of plastic. It’s such a huge contrast to her very granola guy.

Also, I think by now we’ve all seen all of Irina’s boobs minus the nipples. It’s almost impressive how her clothes reveal as much boob as physically possible.


Omg — that house that Chelsea’s family is in for the family visit is within blocks of mine based on the view! Gonna find it next time we go for a walk….

episode 10

I feel very awkward watching Chelsea and kwame’s boudoir photo shoot. What is this??!

Episode 10&11

I really feel for Chelsea. I think she is suspending disbelief with how happy she is and how much she talks about wanting to marry Kwame. I don’t know what it is, but he is not giving off excited and ready to be married vibes. She seems SO certain though. It’s kind of a strange disconnect to watch. I think he’s going to say no.

If Tiffany and Brett don’t make it I’m going to be so sad

Micah and Paul are still SO confusing to me. I hate Micah’s friends.

Ep 9

I’m not a fan of Kwame but I feel that all of the concerns he brings up with Chelsea are on point. She’s really self-absorbed and is taking for granted that he’ll move to Seattle and is not at all appreciating that this would be a sacrifice for him. If she expressed appreciation I think he’d be totally on board.

Paul made it sound like he’s afraid of being lonely and that’s why he’s still with Micah.

Ahhhh Jackie got together with Josh?! He’s so annoying!!


Today I’m watching this whole show. This season is so much better than S2, which I couldn’t handle more than a couple of episodes of.
I still don’t like most of these people.

Ep 10 & 11

What, we have to wait a week for the weddings?!

I can’t believe Marshall asked Jackie for the ring back and she said no! Girl, you don’t dump someone and keep the ring.

OMG the boudoir shoot was so weird. That was the most unsexy underwear I’ve ever seen. Either Calvin Klein sponsored this or maybe they’re angling to be CK underwear models?? I can’t think of another explanation.

Chelsea is living in a fantasy bubble of her dream guy and dream wedding and dream life and has simply slotted Kwame into her fantasy. I will be very surprised and uncomfortable if Kwame says yes.

Brett and Tiffany are so great together and they’re also such a good looking couple! And they’re both so neat and tidy! When I saw Tiffany cleaning up and putting everything away in such an organized way it totally gave me the fuzzies :joy:


Ah, I didn’t realize the weddings weren’t out yet but that makes sense since the reunion is also next week. Guess that answers what I’ll be watching for my tv tonight.

On the Calvin Klein thing, I think I remember someone mentioning in the pods that a woman in CK underwear is sexy or that as a woman CK underwear is the most comfortable/preferred? I dunno, I obviously didn’t care much about the comment, I only remember it because I was surprised the editors let a brand name get mentioned.

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Episode 10

I feel so sad for Marshall. He didn’t deserve that! But also, if she didn’t want to marry him then I think it’s best she told him before they got to the altar. I think Josh is definitely the inferior choice but it’s her choice to make, not mine. If she likes him, go get it then I guess. I think she’s just not ready for marriage and that’s OK.

I still don’t like or trust Micah and I’m not sure Kwame is going to say yes to Chelsea. So maybe only Brett and Tiffany will make it? I don’t really see Bliss saying no to Zach but it would be a good revenge move! :astonished: I don’t think she’s actually vengeful though. Plus, she probably wouldn’t want to give her dad the satisfaction!


I would love to see Bliss and Zack say no but continue dating and see where it goes. I wish this show ended with “do you want to make a (non-marriage) commitment” and they have to say yes or no, instead of marriage! But then I guess you don’t get the extra drama for a reality dating show.


There have been some who have said no at the wedding but then continued dating. Did you watch the After the Altar shows?


I only remember SK and Raven doing that!

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SK, jesus. Cheating on Raven??? Who would do that? What an idiot.

Did you watch Season 1? I think it was season 1. I can’t remember their names, though. Her was something like Gia? Something Italian? She was blonde and gorgeous but that describes most of them. I barely remember him. But yeah, she said no to him at the ceremony but in the aftershow it was revealed that they were dating and happy. Who knows how they ended up though.