Love Is Blind: Season 4

I don’t remember :joy:

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I think if you blindside someone with a no at the alter you’ve killed a lot of trust.
If both parties know it will be a no, fine. But a surprise? Nope, that relationship is over.


Giannini I think was her name? And she was with that dude that I thought kinda sucked. Also their relationship had so much drama if I remember from the show. They dated for like over a year I think and then he was shitty and they broke up. I forget the details and I’m honestly disappointed in myself that I know this much about it :joy:


She was immature and he was a gaslighting asshole, iirc.


I should have known they would leave it on a cliffhanger but I was still mad when they cut it off. What’s the answer going to be??? Jerks!


Extra idiocy when you’re Internet famous and now everyone knows you’re a cheater.


I just remembered that he called her a “project”! That wasn’t very nice. They were really not a good match.


That’s true. I guess they both have some maturing to do.

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Episode 9/10


I like Chelsea a lot less out of the pods.

Also I skipped some episodes and didn’t even remember this other dude Jackie is talking to so last time I was like who is this random guy? Lol I wish I could say I was surprised but when she said at the end of the pods/Mexico portion that he was different than guys she dated before and he made her better, that was a big warning sign that she was acting differently and that’s so hard when she went back to reality. Her meltdown in Mexico totally makes sense. I remember her saying “I have so many people depending on me”, I hope she gets the room to grow cause she’s so close but she needs that growth.

And of course, this episode is brought to you by Calvin Klein. :joy:

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From reddit

Episode 10 Jackie statement

Except she says in that conversation that she saw Josh that day?

The ring thing actually makes sense to me. Sell it girlfriend! Monetize your fifteen minutes of fame since you’re already kicking Marshall to the curb.


I made a list of the couples, template at the top for guesses and then my own guesses/preferences. What are your predictions?


Tiffany & Brett -
Micah & Paul -
Chelsea & Kwame -
Bliss & Zack -
Jackie & Marshall -

Tiffany & Brett - hell yes. They are 50% of the reason I watch this show.

Micah & Paul - I don’t want them to stay together but they probably will.

Chelsea & Kwame - SAY NO DUDE. Of course maybe there’s editing trickery involved, but when he said he was unhappy not being in his own space or near his family, why didn’t she say “The minute I’m done with work Friday let’s hit the road and drive that three hours”?? I don’t think she really cares about him, she wants someone to fit into the husband-shaped image she has in mind.

Bliss & Zack - I honestly haven’t really followed this much. I hope they do the “No but let’s keep dating” thing.

Jackie & Marshall - lololol no. I gave my thoughts on Jackie earlier, but I also think Marshall shouldn’t have pushed for that one late night post-party conversation. I know there’s that “Don’t go to bed angry” saying but actual therapists have said “No, do go to bed angry. Maybe you just need a nap and a snack. And even if you don’t need a nap and a snack, you’ll be better to talk about whatever it is the next day and you’ll get a little space from whatever it was to be able to communicate better.”


I kinda cheated, Reddit said you can look at the King County database and search for marriage licenses. I don’t know if I searched right but if I did, we’re all going to get a big surprise.


Did you search for divorce petitions, too? :wink:

The only ones I see potentially going the distance are Tiffany and Brett and MAYBE Zach and Bliss, though I agree with others that it would probably be a good idea for the latter two to date a bit longer before they make the longer term commitment.

major spoilers -- you've been warned!!

If I searched right (did not spend a lot of time on this), there’s no point in searching for divorce petitions if no one got married :grimacing:

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On the other hand, the TV ceremony is not legal and some of the people are based in Portland, so who knows!

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Hello! I haven’t posted here but I caught up on all the episodes and just watched the new one. Can’t wait to talk about the weddings with you.

I made the mistake of watching the preview for today’s episode that played at the last one which made me suspect a particular outcome at one of the weddings. I laughed so hard when I realized what really happened.

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Tiffany and Brett

I was guessing that the previews were supposed to be purposely misleading, but I did think it was hilarious that Brett’s quote about “this was not supposed to happen” was that his pants didn’t fit right!!! :joy: :joy:


If any of you are podcast people, I’m enjoying “out of the pods”, which is Natalie and Deepti’s commentary on S4.


Exactly, you got it! I found that very entertaining.

Ahhhhh I don’t do podcasts but this sounds fun!

I want to watch the new episode but I need to wait for Marmalade :joy: