Introduce Yourself Here

Hi!!! I see rockets as emergency candy but am impressed that they are your go to. Do you buy a million bags of them at Halloween? Do they sell them at not Halloween?


Yes!! Available year round but stock up after Halloween.

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Welcome @Candygirl and AHEM I need to see pictures of this cutie.


We have a Share Your Pets thread that you could post a picture in, thereby satisfying our need for cute kitty photos without having to patiently wait for a journal. :slight_smile:


I started the journal!! :slight_smile: and there is a picture of her there.


Hi I’m cornflakegirrl. I’m really ashamed about my inability to properly budget. I stumbled upon the Oh My Dollar podcast on spotify and am listening to it during my commute to work. I’m good at earning, crappy at saving (except my 403(b), I’ve done ok there) and horrible about budgeting.
I live with my partner, two daughters, two dogs and my awesome cat

My Budget busters are eating out and my house.


Welcome! This is a perfect place for people with budgeting struggles. :slight_smile: maybe jump into the Nov budgeting challenge if you haven’t!


Hi! Don’t feel ashamed, that probably just makes budgeting even harder by loading it with negative emotions. Budgeting is a tool. Lack of budgeting isn’t a moral failure, it’s part of the process of learning a system that will work for you.


:slight_smile: This sounds like a fun zoo!


Welcome! I agree with @Gdogg that you don’t need to feel ashamed. This forum is a great place to get help and feedback without judgment.

Also there’s always room for more pet pictures over on the Share your pet thread if you’re willing to share!


Oh yes! Daffodil, catching the important things.


I agree that pet pictures will be fantastic. And family budgeting must be trickier. All those people to take care of! But nothing to be ashamed of, although logic doesn’t work well with feelings, does it?


Lol, it is a fun zoo…the girls are the real animals!!!


…and that is what I’ve enjoyed about the podcasts…been listening to them all week. I used to read Dave Ramsey and while he made sense, his tone in the books just made me feel bad if I picked up a coffee


Hi I’m MissJ, came across this forum when I was searching for a new place that wasn’t just filled with people making $200k and above. After some health issues and a few years of underemployment, my hubby and are I trying to get back on track. New great job for him and new sahm life for me. (Toddler and one on the way!) Wanting to ramp up savings and not inflate our semi-frugal lifestyle. Oh and I’m Canadian eh!


Hello @MissJ - welcome! Most of us are definitely not making that kind of income :slight_smile: quite a few other canucks here, too!

Have you figured out the big financial “back on track” goal for you all this year? Security? Just settling into routine with new jobs/roles?

Glad to have you here!


Thanks for the welcome anomalily! We hope to get the last of our debt (car and a credit card) paid off by the end of the year and then 2020 will be about getting savings rate back up to 20% and be able to make a prepayment on our mortgage. Fingers crossed anyway…


Welcome! Having that debt slayed is going to feel so good!

I think even those of us here who do make high salaries are on similar pages regarding values versus money. It’s been so helpful to me to find people that share a lot of the same struggles even though our individual circumstances might be very different.

Feels like a great place so far, nothing against anyone making bank😉

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Haha I just realized how my post sounds – I was thinking that I’ve learned a ton here from the higher earners, and feel understood even though I’m nowhere close to their tax bracket, when that’s been very rare at other sites even though I’ve felt supported and encouraged there.