Introduce Yourself Here

I realized that I have never introduced myself! Hi all!

I am 49, female, never married, no human kids but mama to one wonderful cat (Sadie) who has had her pictures posted here already. I found this forum from The Billfold and have been lurking here since it closed, so I feel like I already know all of the beautiful animals you all post about. I live in a mid-size college town in Michigan, and have been at my job for 26 years. I work for a very small family-owned company which is currently making me both angry and sad, but at times in the past has been great, so I am having feelings which need to get resolved soon for the good of my mental state. I have never been a high earner, but I am ok financially because I just don’t need much. I can always try to do better of course, so I enjoy reading the journals here. I have a flower garden addiction and love growing pretty things! Other than that… there isn’t that much else to say. (That’s probably enough, huh?) LOL


Hello from a fellow Michigander!

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Garden, cat, job feels. Yup, you’re good. :stuck_out_tongue:


I fit right in here! LOL


Waves across the state


Hi everyone. I signed up so I could see the update from @Bracken_Joy and then had a look round and decided this was a good place to hang out because the people here seem cool. And then I waited 3 weeks because that, my friends, is how I roll.

I’m Liz (she/her), late 30’s from the UK and live just south of London with my husband. Currently looking after my 16mo toddler and planning my return to work. I am a bookkeeper by trade and was self employed for 8 years before mat leave.

I come via MMM via YNAB although haven’t been very active in either of those communities.

I love Terry Pratchett, other people’s dog/cat pics, singing, dancing, numbers, podcasts and learning ALL THE THINGS.

I am incapable of writing a short anything so I’m going to go start a journal before I write anything else.

Happy to be here.


Hi! I’m Sara and live in Portland with my husband and lively dog Holden. I’ve been following OMD online and love the content and have always enjoyed whenever a local workshop has been thrown. So I work for the state (OPSERP / 457B) and my husband works in the private sector (401K). No other investments except… This past year we purchased and moved in to a house with lots of rehab costs, which we have slowly been working through (and actually enjoying the process). Will be joining the 20/20 challenge as we need to rebuild our emergency savings as we did a quick dip into it for a heating system :grimacing: looking forward to being part of the community and learning from y’all!


Hi! I’m nickybecky although please don’t call me nicky or becky in real life!

I live in the PNW with my husband, dog, and 18-month old kiddo. I found my way over from MMM and love the forums here. I work full time 11 months of the year and my husband works 60% time all the time. I’d love to be a little more part time but my boss is super flexible so for now I’m just riding with it.

I love to talk about hacks for improving life, favorite books, favorite blogs, bike commuting, parenting, and generally just maximizing and optimizing all the things.

Thanks for creating such a welcoming place!


Hi! I’m Cube (they/them), twentysomething, living in DC with my girlfriend. I’m starting to look at long term money goals like saving for a home, wedding, retirement, etc, and thought joining a forum would be a nice way to learn from others and keep up motivation. I’m excited - this forum seems very friendly and understanding that one lifestyle or budget does not fit all.
I ride a lot of trains and drink a lot of tea. Rec me science fiction novels or Switch games :slight_smile:


Hi Cube! Love the user name - invokes a lot of different images for me. I know nothing about SF or Switch - but others will have you covered.

There are monthly challenges, as well as at least 3 year long challenges going on. I find them very helpful, in case you are interested.

Also - there is a “Share you pets” thread.


How good are trains?


Trains are not as good at buses or planes at some things, but for their intended purpose of moving large amounts of people or freight along popular routes they are very good. Also I don’t have to drive them. Overall I give trains an A-.


They’re A+ in my book.


Have you read The City In the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders? I learned about it on this forum and it is great.

Also, I live near DC! I’ll come to you if I ever have questions about taking the train into the city :wink:


Oh sweeeet let’s yell about books.


Please start a “yell about books” thread :joy: I am 110% there if you do.


There’s always the official book recs thread! I feel like that’s a handy place to yell about books.


How have I missed that thread??


OMG try being a mechanical engineer that emigrated from the perfectly logical SI system of units (United Kingdom in my case) to the US system… Conversion factors within the same system… ARRRGH! I guess it made me a better engineer and after I got my professional license I could converse equally well in both systems. I almost felt guilty for retiring… almost…:slight_smile:

Welcome to the USA, land of incredible opportunity but appalling healthcare!


Hi y’all! I’m Miichan (she/her), a 30something queer lesbian who is a librarian by trade in the Midwest. I usually just lurk places online (especially personal finance places), but I’m trying to be braver and vulnerable and actually communicate with people I find interesting like all of you fine folx!

I live with two cats in my own apartment and nearish my fiancee, Charrin, and her two cats. We hope to get married and buy a house in the next couple of years, and integrate all four cats with a minimum of cat drama. I have a lot of interesting/weird hobbies and will elucidate about them at length in my upcoming journal. :smile: