I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Podcast Gossip and Discussion

OMG I came here to comment because I’m not even through this one yet but OMG.

I do not understand how these people are having a baby together.


Maybe I’m really biased but I feel like couples that don’t share finances are so hard for me to understand! It seems like it always ends up really unfair to one partner I understand in theory that it can work and that there are many situations where it makes sense. But I think you need to have really strong communication to make it work. Although maybe strong communication about finances is required in general regardless of shared vs separate finances.

These folks are so different from eachother! It is wild!!


Yeah I don’t get it when kids are involved, at all! It seems so complicated to me even without kids. But also, it never seems to be working for these people on the show, but they don’t seem to consider it as a solution.


He is looking at this as her baby, her problem. “How long will you be away from work, Megan?” NOT “How can we best nurture our child?”

I got his vibe long before I heard they were not married with their separate finances, $17,000 annual hockey tickets, and 8 cars.

Who takes care of the one-year-old when Megan goes back to work? Do they have a clue about childcare costs? He made some statement about them having other options from paid childcare, but I didn’t know what that meant. Surely HE won’t take care of their child.


This is exactly the vibes he gave. Thanks for putting it so clearly.


I know this wouldn’t have been helpful but I really wish they would have calculated how much he would have to pay her in child care support legally to get his head out of his ass. Dude you’re having a child. Your life is going to change and your partner/mother of your child can’t raise a kid on a flight attendant salary.

So selfish that your money is just for you when you are about to have a family! So wild.

I am so glad I am not in that relationship.


Makes me reallllllly sad for the kid


I hate Jason. I hate him so much. This is terrible. He is not ok with them having equal amounts of guilt free spending, because he earns more? I’m back to thinking the same thing that pops up in almost all of these episodes - what would happen if she became disabled and couldn’t work?!? Would you leave her? Would you make her homeless if she can’t support herself? I swear people are so f’ing selfish and are in relationships for all the wrong reasons.


The very last note of the show is from Jason and they had the baby, a boy. It’s extremely optimistic about how he’s going to place his family first and etc. But I think he’s just operating under the euphoria of a new life changing event, and very soon he will go back to his incredibly self-centered ways.

By the end of the show, I was annoyed with her too, her constant up speak, her squeaky little voice, her overall dodging of reality.

These people are annoying.


Hey, you’re totally allowed to be bothered by some sounds and not others. Just wanted to let you know, however, in case you weren’t aware, that bemoaning traits of women’s voices only could be interpreted as sexist.


Ok, there is that to consider.

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In the podcast today Ramit asked if you had $100, $1000, or $10,000 to improve your life what would you do?

What are your answers?

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Our $100 would be to buy factor/my fit foods/premade individual serving meals for mr. Ninja during my work trips, or the 6 week gymnastics class for the kiddo. Or a pregnancy massage with a place that has a table to accommodate a belly!

The $1000 would be to hire someone to fix all of the little annoying things around the house that don’t strictly need to be fixed but it would be nice. We also have the ability to DIY these for a lower cost but the $1000 would be so nice to just poof have it done. Also get a new rocker/glider because I don’t like ours very much.

I have no clue on $10,000. We have never spent that much on one thing besides our house, our car, or taxes. I’m thinking this would be nice for Mr. Ninja to take more time off of work when baby comes, since he can take 12 weeks of FMLA, they just aren’t paid at his full salary it would be spending money for his time.


Honestly, 100 is in the noise over here… I did get a bonus of like 300 after tax a little while ago and got a new travel daypack I liked for just over 100. The fact it was a bonus triggered some “I deserve a little treat” feels. In a good way, I resolved an annoyance.

10k would go into IVF/down-payment fund. Or we might get a second vehicle.

If I actually got 1k it would probably go to savings right now… no acute wants/needs that we can’t cash flow if we truly want (which I do recognize is very privileged). If I actually had to spend it on life improvement… either massages or home organizing help. I might also give it away if it felt undeserved… My second stimulus check got paid forward to people who could stimulate the economy better!

Good discussion prompt!



$100 - white noise machines for my house so that my dog barks less
$1000 - training for my dog so he barks less
$10,000 - LOTS of dog training. Or pay someone to take my dog. Jkjk I would like a very fancy induction stove so that I can cook things more quickly

joke in terrible taste, no pun intended haha

The first thing that popped into my mind was “like your dog?” since everything was about your dog before that :laughing:

Regarding the dollar stuff, I dunno. Money is a weird thing for me right now!


$100 - as a one-time thing, I can’t think of what it would be. See, I do live my rich life Ramit! Maybe a new (to me) handbag since the old one is on its way out.
$1000 - a robot vacuum, maybe have the shower re-caulked too
$10000 - landscaping our backyard including a water feature


$100: Ask my landlord to get the exterior windows cleaned
$1,000: New couch
$10,000: Italian vacation with my husband


Maybe with 10k Louie could get trained to cook!

$100 - garden cart/wheel barrow
$1000 - dining room table
$10,000 - trip to Japan with my spouse or renovate bathroom to have a new, nongross shower/tub thing


ooo this is fun!

$100 - new feather pillow because mine is trashed
$1000 - tile done in both tiny bathrooms that still have linoleum
$10000 - probably just put into the medical school savings account