I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Podcast Gossip and Discussion

Do you do Costco? I got a couple of these feather/down (more feathers than down) pillows when they were on sale for 2 for $25 and I find them suitable. I also got some from Ikea for $25 each, but there wasn’t much difference so I kept these. I did throw a $6 protector thing on Ikea on each of them and that has helped keep the feathers from poking through (something quite a few reviews complained about)

I am sad that Ikea no longer makes/carries the Jordrok series of down pillows. THose were great.



Ahem (pulls out 5 year plan) (ok it’s an 8 year plan now, geez)

$100 - put it toward our savings fund for an espresso machine
$1,000 - buy an espresso machine, go on a date and give a BIG tip, split the rest between our emergency fund and savings for kid expenses
$10,000 - hire a monthly/biweekly house cleaner to see if it’s amazing, put ~$1k each into vacation, after tax savings, and emergency fund, then ???
Edit - maybe put most of the $10,000 toward our house fund, so I can have a covered deck someday

We have too many savings goals/sinking funds that feel impossible to fill to the point where I’m satisfied, but I can’t snowball because they’re all important. It’s a fun extension of my “jack of all trades, master of none” approach to life (cries in ADHD / parent).


I love this.


I especially like to leave extra-large tips it if I have leftover tax savings after we submit (I optimize our W2 withholdings throughout the year, but also set aside 10% of our 1099 income just in case).

People expect big tips around Valentine’s day and Christmas, but not in the middle of April :slight_smile:


Yeah!! The unexpectedness makes it extra fun for all involved


Finally listening to the two parter with 8mo pregnant woman and high earner man. Man it sucks that he doesn’t want to share his money with her? Or has to be like, kinda pushed into sharing? Huge red flag for what the rest of your life is going to look like, Megan…


100- wide legged pants/jeans
1000- cleaner deep clean? A few meals out? NO a weekend at the very fancy inn and spa in Niagara on the lake.

10 000- new car/fund. Technically the smaller dollars could go there but I don’t wanna


$100 - i dunno man, that’s just like random expenses on a Tuesday. Maybe sushi?
$1000 - love the idea someone else had of a handyman or someone to come and and fix all the little things. Would like the screen door to be fixed so we can use it, trim that I never got around to installing to be installed, a door that gets caught whenever we open it fixed, little stuff like that.
$10,000 - outdoors makeover/probably basic landscaping. Get siding repainted (I would love a medium blue), crappy deck removed and just some steps down to the slab patio instead, most of the backyard mulched, a little sitting area/fire pit/cooking area, dedicated play area. I have no idea if this all costs more or less than 10k so I’m just spitballing.

Ooh or alternatively a big tub. Again, not sure if more or less than 10k to pull stuff out of our barely used bathroom and just have one big tub.


I actually have a few of those! They are pretty good for sure. I am spoiled and had a $200 down pillow that an ex bought me and got used to how amazing it was, and now can only sleep on something equally as firm and moldable since that one has now gone by the wayside. I have found a substitute that is only $90, but still…$90 for a pillow is a lot, haha

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… have you ever tried foam pillows? I’m a convert.