I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Podcast Gossip and Discussion



I took Kiddo out for ice cream to celebrate finally getting his second Covid shot. He wanted to get ALL the toppings. Normally they do three scoops of each, I said it would be fine to do just one scoop of each due to container size. Kiddo was thrilled to see each one getting scooped onto his ice cream. It made his almost $4 ice cream cost $8. On the one hand sure it doubled the cost of his treat but you know what? It made me question why the eff I haven’t been adding all the toppings I want my whole life. And usually I’m the spendy one in our household!

Rich life = all the toppings.


I love this!


I just started listening to this and am finding the couples interesting but Ramit is rubbing me the wrong way. Like when he jumps in to interject, “now, watch what I do here.” Ok, Mr. Masterful Host. :roll_eyes:


Maybe it’s more palatable in transcript form? I don’t listen at all, I just skim.

I did this just now! We are both super tired and ordered pizza delivery. Normally I’d hold back because each extra topping adds several dollars and my gf pizza is already very expensive, but screw that, I want bacon AND pepperoncinis as an add-on! It’s going to be delicious!!


Perhaps. I do most of my podcast listening while commuting so generally have more time to consume content in audio format.

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I totally agree. Thankfully he also points out when he messes up. Despite not loving his host persona I have already had a few ah-ha moments.


Yes. I do not enjoy that. He’s talking good stuff with real people and their real, serious problems but he can’t help but be a bit… tabloid/clickbaity/maury povitch about it I guess.


Oooh I thought on the transcript it read weird but that it must be some kind of cut away/ cut back to discussion thing.

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It is a cut away and then back to the previously recorded discussion. At least that has been my interpretation. His voice even sounds slightly different, like it’sa different recording.

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He cuts away and lectures a lot. It reminds me of taking college classes, when a prof is playing a video and keeps pausing it to prattle a while.


Yeah that bit feels unnecessary. Some interjections I don’t mind but the puffed-up lecturing…no thanks.

I listened to a couple episodes aaaand I am those rich people worrying about the price of strawberries… Although covid has thrown a lot of that out the window.

One nice bonus, I got a push to donate “just in case” items, like a pressure cooker that I used all the time before moving in with htbf, but haven’t used in over a year. Hearing the $8 mil couple talk about whether their spending habits are supporting their travel goals made it clear I would way rather have the extra space in the kitchen. If I really need a pressure cooker in the future, I can get one. Going to go through my clothes and art next.


Re toppings. I have had a bit of a “ooohhhh” moment regarding this stuff with my own kids.

Further to my earlier comments about my parents always depriving themselves and us of what we really wanted despite having more than the means to do it. Their reasoning with us was always that we hadn’t worked hard to earn the money (quote) so we didn’t deserve it (implied).

I really need to catch myself on this with my own kids. Like, it’s great to sometimes get exactly what you want? It doesn’t need to be tied to “hard work” or even a reward for anything. We aren’t really at risk of “spoiling them” whatever that means, we definitely aren’t rich enough to provide every whim, and it’s totally fine and joyful to sometimes get the thing you really want, both little and big?


I’ve read all the episodes and enjoyed several of them. I have many opinions. I dislike many of the people.

In the first episode the guy starts out saying that his wife is the employee and he is the entrepreneur, that she is incapable of doing what he does. Then he is being coached to listen to her and comes up with “how can I help you achieve my goals” or something similar. Then it’s like a switch flips and he says all the right things and they end on a warm fuzzy moment.

I think he was being his authentic self for most of it and switched to his public service, the customer is always right personae for the end. I can’t see how else he could change that drastically, that fast.

What did people who listened instead of read think? Could you hear sincerity?


I’m not keen on the guy in ep1 from the description and first few lines… She started a successful business so he stepped in, turned it towards a product he had and refuses to let her make any decisions? Even though she clearly knew enough to get the first business going?


Uh. I’d, um, rather like Alyssa to divorce him, keep the baklava business and ride off into the delicious sunset


Episode 2: oh wow, $24k on groceries! Checks budget… We qualify for the show! :joy:


Ok other than a few details I think Greg and Ashley have a lot in common and also I don’t think they’re cheap for not wanting to spend $750 on a present for their parents or $600 each on a bachelorette? Sure, get the fixings, let go of the comments on cost, buy blueberries when in season and shop around or at the farmers market depending on how you feel… But I think their friend group might be spendy, Ramit. I think you’ve missed something here, buddy.

OH WAIT. Bombshell at 31:47. He returns her gifts because he doesn’t like them? No gratitude?

I’d be friends with Ashley and we leave Greg behind :sunglasses:

Or maybe we get them proper couples counselling or something.