I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Podcast Gossip and Discussion

I wish Ramit had taken things one step further and asked Jeff point-blank why he manipulates Lisa.


Uuggghhhh this is all depressing.


Same here <3 <3 <3 well done to you and anyone else here who has dealt with this kind of thing and learned to recognize it.

Another tip for anyone reading this who may be earlier in the process: A really great therapist once told me that while dating you should never reveal that you have an abuse history, because some people really like that and are even testing for it in a potential partner. She said you should act as if you’ve always been treated really really well, and only after lots of vetting and being with the person exclusively for a substantial amount of time (like 6 months), should you confide in them and explain why you weren’t up front initially.

It is very telling that early in the conversation Jeff said his wife had dealt with much worse than him, and that that’s why he knew she would deal with what he was doing.


yessssss i love her so much too! how does she look the same as she did 30 years ago?


I know!!! My husband saw her in Manhattan once and was like OMG ARE YOU JANE KRAKOWSKI and she was just like, “yes, I am.” And then he just gawked for a minute and then texted me :laughing:


WHAT!?!?!?! i would have wanted to sing “muffin top” to her, but i would have just grinned like an idiot, i think :joy:


I wonder why he didn’t. I mean obviously I don’t know him but based on what types of things upset him (i.e. very minor judgments and slights, thin skinned stuff IMO) I get the sense he doesn’t have a lot of experience in this area. I did notice he used the word “tactic”, which was telling, but IDK if he really grasped the extent of how bad this was. Or maybe he’s afraid of scaring other people off from calling in.


Bahahahahaha. I would love that.

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Yeah, exactly! Like, tactic for WHAT!! Maybe he thought that was getting too far into therapist territory. Who knows


Remember the mysogyny we were calling out a few episodes ago? I have to give Ramit at least a little bit of credit that the guy did not snow him complely. He suggested therapy, including an individual therapist for her, and a post-nup.

I was kind of disappointed that a good part of the episode was about getting rid of the financial planner. Did he feel like if he focused on the guy too much he’d put Lisa in immediate danger?

I wonder if he ever outright suggests divorce. The closest I remember him coming was the couple where she was doctor and wanted to buy a house, and the husband wasn’t willing to let go of the business he’d started that had been six months from becoming profitable for like five years.

This one was triggering for me too. Thank you for all of the insights you shared @AllHat. I’d never heard the one about not revealing an abuse background while dating, that is really good.


Very true! He did seem to catch onto this more. And I was so glad he suggested individual counseling and a post-up. Maybe you’re right. It hadn’t occurred to me that he was playing it soft in order to potentially protect her from the fallout if he was straight up like, “you are being abusive and manipulative.”

<3 Sorry we have that in common. <3


This was something that occurred to me too but (and this might be uncharitable of me) given his “is there something all women know that make them afraid they’ll be abandoned without any money?” I think he just missed this. Unless maybe someone has sat down with him and had a real heart to heart since then, or taken him to a women’s shelter where they see that regularly.


LOL, good point. He’s pretty uneven in general IMO with making women apologize to men a lot, but rarely the reverse.


Come to think of it, I would be tempted to chip in to a kickstarter or something to pay someone who literally deals with financial abuse and/or therapy for domestic abuse survivors for their job to talk to him and share stats with him. That person should definitely not have to deal with him for free. It would be really interesting to hear him do a podcast episode about that, though of course it’d be different from his existing format.

Then again I also want him and his wife to get mic’d up and go to Target so she can be like “Where did you think all the paper towels and soap came from?” Maybe that’d be a good baby step first. :joy:


I have SO MANY QUESTIONS for his wife.


I think he owes Sydney more than he realizes.


My immediate thought also upon seeing that Sydney had screened this couple. I want to take a bet she upward managed him into how he handled this episode.


I hope Sydney somehow finds her way to this forum :laughing: and that she finally feels appreciated.


There’s a 1-year “what i learnt” episode from Ramit!


So far I have learnt:

  1. Ramit does not know how to use internet search functions to find financial TV shows or podcasts
  2. We must learn to spend extravagantly on things we love (unless they are Target XD )
  3. I shouldnt drive around to save $2 on blueberries. I wonder what Ramit would say if he knew how much I spend on blueberry plants every spring…
  4. I have to spend ALL of my guilt free money every month. But not at Target.
  5. Totally agree about his point that you should actually check whether renting or owning makes sense in your region. The way he illustrates this point is actually something I think he does really well.
  6. Hotels are Ramit’s Target.
  7. Pretty sure I hit jackpot of spouses with Ponder, if I compare to most of the people on his show :grimacing:
  8. Shared vision is everything! Also no Target.

That felt kinds disjointed from reading the transcript. Unsure what it sounds like.