I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Podcast Gossip and Discussion

Noooo not Miami! Elana, it will be underwater within decades.


Maybe in her vision of her rich life she has gills. Did you ever think about that? Didnā€™t think so. SHEEP.

Mic drop.


Ahhh, yes I knew of this dynamic but not the abbreviation. There are too many abbreviations, lol. Itā€™s happening in my area right now actually, people are protesting a nice new apartment building that looks like it would actually be accessible in a city that is almost exclusively :wheelchair: inaccessible housing, lol. But itā€™s like, painted as this social justice ā€œfor the peopleā€ and protect our neighborhood move. Itā€™s v weird.


I want you to do them forever!!! Or as long as you want to. I will report back on how this Rich and REGULAR pod pans out


Thanks everyone :wink: this was really fun! Now Iā€™m off to do highbrow things like binge watch Snowflake Mountain.

$10 to anyone who gets the Nike reference, haha.


Ok i read full live react and Ramit my dude you have lost any character development you won in the first episodes.


Guffawing on the train!!!


I wonder how Ramitā€™s book sales are going.


Iā€™m going to start a thread for Rich and Regular! Iā€™m only partway into one episode and itā€™s really good.


what does it look like when someone has been to a music festival? does he think those girls wear feather headdresses 24/7?

hahahaha this took me out :joy:

oh my god will someone just kick this dudeā€™s ass already!?

also that money influencer exercise is 100% from ā€œyour money or your lifeā€ and itā€™s incredibly effective! way more than any of ramitā€™s special brand of bs.

first of all how dare you :joy:

this is some manipulative negging bullshit right here. i mean they are in their mid-20s and making 6 figures and have some stocks to sell so ā€¦ it could be a lot worse.


iā€™m sorry your day was hard. thank you for distracting yourself by entertaining us and i hope today is better! :heart:


So Iā€™m stuck today which means I haveā€¦time, haha. I thought it would be funny to post some savage reviews of the book, from amazon since everyone likes a good roast.

Here you go!

Savage Reviews of I Will Teach You to Be Rich book

Full of sarcastic commentary on how we millennials are sooooooo much cooler and smarter than our parents. Boring.

Very basic, common knowledge basic. I would say good for teens but honestly, I wouldnā€™t want teens picking up on what seems like a narcissistic attitude.

His financial advise is written for only the rich kids in silicon valley.

It is not relevant to the Indian conditions. The author wrongly boasts about Indian cheapness. Being frugal and value conscious is different from being cheap. I wonā€™t recommend this book to anyone.

Bad advice. And is also full of insipid humor.

It was very hard getting through the snarky writing style and as a 42 year old I tired of reading that ā€œoh well youā€™re too late.ā€

The way he writes the book reads like a run-on poorly-written email by a frat boy.

The author also assumes that every reader is gainfully employed in a corporatey $50K a year job & just needs help saving. No.

At the time the author was writing the book, he wasnā€™t richā€¦heā€™s only rich from the sales of this book. At the time he wrote this book he had no clue how to make money in real estate or the stock market (the two areas that can actually make you rich). Thereā€™s also nothing in the book on starting your own business and the accompanying tax deductions that wealthy people enjoy.

More of a reference guide from other authors, than from the person who ā€œwroteā€ it.

Stay rich by saving your money and not buying this book!

If you skim over his sales pitch on almost every page you can get a few bits of useful info.

Unfortunately Amazon doesnā€™t allow 0 stars.

In writing a book on the extreme basics of money management, Ramit Sethi succeeds.
He forgot to include the number one method of becoming rich thoughā€¦ write a book on personal finance with a catchy title!

If I Had a Pound for Every Time he Says Latte.
10% interesting recap of information you more than likely have read elsewhere. 90% ā€˜later on I will teach you the secrets but firstā€¦ā€™ guff. P.S those on six figures will be pleased to know they can sign up for Ramitā€™s advanced course. Just make sure youā€™ve signed the blank cheque first.

A LOT of the book is complaining about people who complainā€¦and I mean a lot. ā€œLook how much people think my ideas are wonderful!ā€ A little bit of that goes a long way, and a lot of that tires out quickly. He also bashes on young people relentlessly. He assumes if you are youngā€¦you complain and donā€™t take responsibility for anything you do but yet he assumes you will be responsible enough at your young age to buy a book on finance? Weird assumption.

Iā€™ll teach you how to get rich, write a book about getting rich. Done.

The layout of the book seems very disorganized, the author writes like he is yelling at you the whole time, lessons are very redundant and almost silly.

pure trash so I literally threw it in the trash

I am an investor in my mid 40s and have read just about every money management/finance/investing title out there from Swensen to Bernstein. This book, ā€œI Will Teach You To Be Richā€, is written by a novice cloaked as an expert. [ā€¦] The best parts of this book are the quotes he takes from other, more serious authors. I couldnā€™t find a single idea or suggestion that has not already been attributed to somebody else. The overall feeling is that of a self-made blogger turned salesman- the entire book feels as though it is a pitch job to pay more money for his online services.

If Clickbait Was A Book Title
The actual useful advice in this book could fit into a blog post.
There is no need for the cursing, the Indian stereotypes, the berating of readers, and the amount of ego stroking in this book is ridiculous. Most of it is fluff, filled with paid anecdotes which further helps the authors marketing efforts.

Very Simple book. Not Sophisticated at all.

Title should be ā€˜how to invest and stereotype Indians.ā€™

There seems to be this little self promotion club of Ramit, Tim Ferris, Chris Guillebeau (I bought one of his books and it was terrible and self indulgent and how wonderful am I)and others. Of this crew I give full props and credit to Tim who delivers unique and quality work - the others are poor imitators and seemingly just trying to cash in by promoting each other endlessly.

The book is a bit racist towards Indians. Gives advice that I mostly already know or advice that is outdated.

If you have read any book on finances then skip this one.

Ramit would be so funny as an stand up comedian & his gorgeous eyebrows are delight to watch. Okā€¦Beck to the book, read it if you are young and disorganized and plan to look for a job soon.

Ramit Sethi is representative of a category of brash young men who have proven to be extremely successful as marketers, in spite of the questionable content they are peddling.

At best, this should be called ā€œI will teach you to be slightly less poorā€.

And my personal favorite review:


There were a lot of comments about it being only suitable for teenagers, and also a lot of pissed off Indian readers who didnā€™t appreciate the stereotyping.


<3 Thank you so much <3 You put a big smile on my face!


I think this is my favorite.


Hahaha, yeah that one is really good. The shade.



insert standing ovation gif lmao


lolll this is an excellent point. ramit is basically a one-man MLM


Wait is this review the book or the podcast? :rofl:


Iā€™m catching up and I feel like this didnā€™t get enough love.


I spent 8 hours with her a few weeks ago, so she is top of mind :joy: