How do you planner?

I use habit trackers for this. Google habit tracker layouts and see what comes up.

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Doing a surprise plan with me live in 30 minutes on youtube


Another plan with me but we’ll talk about macroeconomics too!


Another plan with me today at 5PM Pacific/8PM eastern

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I have no idea if this will be helpful for me in any way, but it looks really interesting. I did definitely pre-order it :laughing:


I just saw this on facebook and I want it so much. I cannot get this planner/journal.
I’ve never done more than like 2 pages of a planner. I have nothing to plan. I have no life.


I actually happen to have an extra one hanging around in gray if you would like to be planner-enabled! :wink:

You have kids! You have stuff to plan!

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Wow- that is really really kind. But I wouldn’t use it. Thank you.

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No worries! I ended up with two from gifts and that journal style doesn’t work well for me. I’m more of an open spaces bullet journaler vs preplanned categories person.

The premise is really cute and the quality seems good though!

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I think i only need a daily to do list with dates and I’m sad about it :frowning: i have a beautiful planner but i don’t use most of the categories or the hourly. I used to love the hourly but have replaced it. So two options really:

  1. Use planners in a bigger picture way and use a reg notebook for daily . By big picture i mean monthly, quarterly, yearly.

  2. Use paper writing products only for when I’m learning, which admittedly is often.

Any recs for either?

In the meantime…I dunno if people care about systems vs planners but I’m bored so I’m gonna blab about it. Here is what I do:

Outlook - work meetings, time blocks for child pick up and personal appts, vacations, weekly & monthly recurring tasks, blocks and color coding for projects, blocks for food/exercise.

Google Calendar - family bdays, appts, and weekend stuff. All weekday stuff shared with outlook. Recurring chores (like order PUR water filter) that i will forget.

Desktop wallpaper - the morning/evening routine of tasks i need to get done to stay on top of my shit. Literally the steps updating and transferring and processing tasks or notes whatever.

OneNote - every work meeting agenda and note, details of projects, related pdfs and faff.

Smart sheet KanBan and Gant - all project related to do’s.

Paper Agenda (Emily Ley’s Simplified journal) - miscellaneous tasks and shit that aren’t project related but need to get done. Also addresses specific parts of my process, like identifying the focus task so all i have to do is sit at my desk and work immediately in the morning.

Rocketbook - erasable and scannable notebook that feeds directly into one note for meetings when I’m not near my computer or i just feel like writing or drawing.

Llama app - to keep me honest on a days worth of tasks.

Fitbit - sleep, water, exercise tracking.

Daylio - mood tracking, along with various quality of life things.

Ynab - monies


I want to buy a traveler’s notebook :grimacing:

I have been interested for maybe a decade but now I think I’m convinced it might work for me?

This is my thought process.

  • I like small notebooks and planners. Passport size is appealing.
  • I bullet journal/list infrequently. Dated weekly or daily spreads end up blank more often than not but I do it often enough that I want to be able to.
  • I do like to plan little projects and just take notes in my planner so sometimes need a lot more space
  • I like using fountain pens
  • I currently have a Stalogy book which is great. I set it up with monthly and yearly pages last year which is where the planning happens for me, but like, I can’t be bothered ruling and copying all that by hand again?
  • I want perforated pages on me always

The traveler’s system I can put in a monthly dated insert that has a yearly overview, a grid insert with fountain pen friendly paper, and a sketch insert that has perforated pages.

I think I can do it for under $100 but that’s still wildly expensive :disappointed:


I just went to Dollarama and bought a planner about 18 months ago. I’m looking for a new one. I’ll be interested in what you get in the end.

I like to nature journal, collect recipes, plan my life etc. I found a straight planner not all encompassing enough. I’ve been tipping in pages to create my own habit tracker in this one. It’s kind of a nuisance.


I am in an enabling mood today. DO IT. Sounds like you’ve proven that you do use notebooks when you’ve got a good system going (I wish I did but it’s wishful thinking lol), and a decade is a long time to wonder. The time is now!!


If I get it I’ll definitely update here.

There are some arguments against it. My Staology book still has more than half the pages left (it has a lot of pages!), maybe I should finish that first? I like lay flat bindings and the traveler’s notebook is really the opposite of flat. I love the Staology paper which I think is most similar to the lightweight traveler’s paper but it’s only available as a blank insert as far as I can tell. It also kind of looks like the grid on their grid inserts is a lot darker than I’d prefer.

I’m probably going to order one though. Given I’ve put this much thought into it and have it all sitting in a cart.


a few years ago i got a travelers-ish notebook (the same style in a wider cousin-ish size) – i was seduced by the customizability and all the pretty inserts you can get on etsy.

but truly i could never get into it – i really can’t handle notebooks that don’t lay flat! and the functioning of the travelers system depends on them staying closed, so it doesn’t really improve with wear and use.

i only mention it because you say that is important to you, and it specifically drove me crazy.

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Yeh this is my main concern. Laying flat isn’t a make it or break it thing with notebooks for me but I do appreciate a notebook that lays flat.


Ok I ordered it so I can stop obsessing over it.


I decided to re-order the Mossery planner for next year. I really like the layouts. Plus, they fixed my main pet peeve in the newest designs - they only had offwhite paper before this newest round of planners. I really like clean white paper! Mossery always gets you with the shipping, though. All the planners ship from Malaysia and have 20+ dollars in shipping. I put stuff in my cart and then closed out. The next day they sent me a 15% off of $25 coupon that tipped me over.


Now the most important question. Will any of the cute buttons I have inexplicably collected over the years fit onto the elastic when it gets here? And what was past me thinking buying a $6.50 button?