How Did You Move Today?

Two days ago we went for a longer walk around the neighbourhood, which was nice. Last night we went to IKEA, which I’m totally counting as I was on my feet for an hour and a half looking at shelving.


In my mind ikea always counts as a workout because it’s so winding and big. Not to mention the mental exercise of getting out without losing your marbles at someone


We chose to go at 7.30 pm and just kept saying to each other how few people were there and how easy it was to park haha. Also we ended up leaving without buying anything, which doesn’t happen often, and we solidified what we’re looking for for the house, so wins all round!


So smart! With our schedules we always end up going there at noon on a Saturday and then that + the assembly process of whatever we had to get is usually a trial of our marriage :rofl:


Hahaha yeah, I don’t even bother to try the assembly, I leave that all up to husband. Then I can just do nice things for him after like make him cups of coffee to say thanks lol


I finally found a meetup group that walks on weekdays, so I went to my first one today. 6 miles at a good clip. I think I will add this to my regular schedule. And maybe eventually I won’t need a nap afterward.


Day 6 of yoga in the books and the title of today’s practice is apt, I am feeling the burn. Looking forward to doing this one again later to see how much stronger I get over time since I struggled today.

Shoutout to Bobbin who didn’t nap but did play nicely by herself while I got it done. I haven’t worked out while she was awake since she was a little flower pot baby who stayed where I put her so this was nice.

We are supposed to get snow today and I am very much hoping to get a nice little walk in the snow with the littles as well.


Walked and swam. Today was the first day that the available hour was too much swimming. Also other pregnant girl wasn’t there…did she have the baby? And this is the first open week since the 3 week maintenance shut down, and the old people were hilarious but also too much.

Went to yoga class this morning. The good one, not the hurt-for-days one.


Elliptical at the gym this morning, and planning a walk this afternoon.


I went to my first full-strength workout since early November last night. It was a good one. I was totally motivated by getting sushi with gym buddy afterward, though, haha.


Sushi is excellent motivation. When I moved across the country and was skint af, I had about $1k in credit card debt from the move. My deal to myself was that I could have sushi after I paid it off, not before.

I have never been so resolute at debt payoff in my life. I grossed something like $12k that year and still paid off $1k in debt in about six months.


rode my bike for an hour. It was kind of painful, but I needed the outside time since it was 55 and sunny today!


Yesterday I started back with my normal dog-walking schedule, so I’ve been getting good walks in (today especially was gorgeous weather). Today I also stretched and foam-rolled, which was what I reeeaaaallly need to get better at doing regularly




I walked a 15 minute round-trip to get a cuppa. There was a break in the middle. This is the same distance as home to local shops, so I am going to try walking there tomorrow.


I caught up yesterday and did day 6 today also, and boy. I did about half of the planks and the crunch thingies normal and half modified because I just couldn’t do that many. I think I need to find a (fun) core workout of some type because 25 minutes total just does not seem like it is going to get me to where I want to be fast enough. Maybe I am being impatient.


I had to do the boat poses with my arms behind me, I still don’t have the core strength to get back up once I extend. For me, she cues enough in all of the practice to engage the core that it’s really helping me build strength even when it’s not crunches and planks, so I’m happy with it. Those cues help me remember to engage my core more in my every day life which is the practical kind of thing I’m looking for after not being able to use my core well during pregnancy and postpartum


Did today’s yoga and found it restorative. I needed the stretching after yesterday’s practice. I also enjoyed this from the YWA email today:


took my parent’s Siberian husky on 6k step walk after the first real snowfall of the winter and she had an absolute blast