How Did You Move Today?

I did some waddling and frog jumping with toddler today. My legs are getting a workout!

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Man, good for you all for doing YWA challenges! I tried thatā€¦ 2 years ago, I think? Ended up literally screaming F-bombs at the screen when what she was having us do, hurt. Like, Boyfriend thought something terrible had happened. I decided that was the opposite of the mindset yoga is supposed to give you, haha. So I stopped.

Iā€™m fine with yoga classes in person at my gym though? Hm.

Classes have resumed post-holiday at my gym! I went to Pound class. Drumming fitness. Itā€™s really fun and the instructorā€™s really positive and my ass is going to be killing me in the morning (there are a lot of squats).


Went for another short (20min rt) and longer (30 rt) walks to pick up BN stuff yesterday.


rode my bike for 1.5 hrs. Felt much better than I did the other day, so maybe there is hope that I will one day not be sick anymore


Today we actually got up and moving early, so we spent an hour at the dog park letting B run around and doing lots of training, and then took the loop around the park. Came home and did YWA Day 4. I have never made it this far into one of her series without missing a day and then doubling up so Iā€™m proud of that! (Even though I realize itā€™s kinda pathetic to not be able to go 4 days in a row? Progress is progress!)


I went for a 4 mile hike date this morning.
Two birbs with one stone, make myself go on a date (I hate dates) and get out in the sunshine early in the day. :heavy_check_mark:


LOL, I missed yesterday so will have to double up today, so I hear you!! And I want to think it is not patheticā€¦ :joy:

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I weighed my pack when I got home - 29 pounds. And it was heavier for the first walk, because I hadnā€™t eaten my train snacks yet.

Today I took a walk of a little over two miles doing BN pickups. I need to do something else, but havenā€™t been able to get myself to try the YWA challenge. I am finally un-sore from Thursdayā€™s yoga class, so maybe?

One of my BN pickups was a lap counter, so I really should go to the pool to use it.


Itā€™s not pathetic when I think about it. Building a habit is hard and life gets busy. Like Adriene always says, getting on the mat is the hardest part sometimes


I ran for a mile and then did a post-run stretch (followed a YouTube video).

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Hit up the gym (elliptical) and had two walks today with Wizard.


About a mile of running and a mile of walking


Squat waddled a few steps on the floor and did a couple of wall push ups. Squat waddling continues to amuse me.


Walked to get coffee with a friend and walked around a farmers market; 10k steps before a 6hr drive!


Yesterday was back training. Started with dumbbell rows, 130# per hand for 4 sets of 10. Then chin-ups followed by incline dumbbell rows. Finished with rowing 8k on the Concept2 rower.

I really love having a good home gym. I donā€™t think I could handle being in public this time of year.


30 minute yoga video yesterday. It was a weird one, tailored to specific complaints I donā€™t have. But I finished it


Day 5 of YWA done. Other movement today is going to definitely include a long walk with Bobbin and pup because both of them are being challenging in their own ways and that calls for sunshine and movement for everyone. And more coffee for me.


prompted by this thread, Iā€™m getting off the internet and will do my stretches and arm weights


Had a nice walk.


25 minutes rowing at the gym, home PT, walk with Wizard and Loki.