How Did You Move Today?

I’ve been moving furniture and boxes the last several days, I finally did some more yoga this morning. It felt so good, and I’m sad I hadn’t made time for it previously on the week.

25 minutes of yoga with Down Dog app


My friend teaches yoga and did an IG Live session today, it was lovely. Pup even joined me. He was exhausted from trying to playfully nip at my moving hands for 30 minutes :rofl:


Ran :running_man: either 6.4 or 6.8 miles depending on if you go by Google maps or Fitbit :unamused:


BW X 3/3

Rack Chin
BW x 10/10/10

DB Row SS 10 pushups
110 x 10 (misload)
120 x 10
135 x 10
100 x 12

Meadows Row ss 10 pushups
45 x 8
65 x 15/15

Final set of pushups:

It’s funny. I remember starting out, squatting 135 pounds seemed like such a huge milestone. Now it’s rep work on a light back day for a single arm. Adaptation, amirite?


Did some spring cleaning and a long walk in the sunshine


Walked a couple miles in heavy rain. Phew!


Hauled more boxes and furniture. Also hauled some very heavy bags of groceries.


I have been working really hard to hit my 12,000 or more steps per day. I have now done 6 of 7 days of that, and the day I missed I was off by 800 steps. My best day was 16,500. I also tried the downward dog yoga app, today was my second time and I did 18 minutes of the restorative yoga. I have less that zero flexibility (like I honestly feel like something will snap when I try to bend). Even just sitting with my legs crossed my knees are 8 inches off the ground and it hurts. I know it will get better with time it just sucks. I have always been like this. BUT - I was able to stretch a bit further everytime they told you to move a bit out, so I guess that’s progress? I need to make a conscious effort to do this more instead of saying I will get around to it. Anyways, I moved today with 2 walks and the yoga.


Sounds like you’re making tons of progress to me, I am jealous of all your steps! Whenever I do anything that feels like this for me I try to focus more on the progress than the things I feel like I’m bad at. I grew up with two really athletic siblings who tended to be good at things on the first try and that is the opposite of me. So focusing on where I’ve made progress instead of how good or bad I thought I was at something as a whole really helped me keep going and stop comparing myself to anyone else. Now I find it so satisfying to think how far I’ve come and I look forward to the challenge of how far I’ve yet to go instead of dreading it.


Thanks! The steps is just getting my ass out the door in the morning when it’s warm enough. When it’s not sunny and chilly I don’t like going.

I am trying to take the positives but yoga has always been one of those things I never really gotten into, but i have suffered a lot of stupid injuries over the last few years that I feel trying anything with a real weighted program would be detrimental, so I figure this is a good starting point to be kind to myself. Getting old and achy too lol. 2 months ago I jammed my wrist at indoor golf, it is still not the same and aches. Last year I was in a car accident as a passenger in a vehicle that rear ended someone else - that jammed my back for a while. 2 years ago I injured my rotator cuff badly and took a year of recovery. So lots of little stupid things. I adore my physio and massage therapist but they really don’t want to keep seeing me.


I did a 30 minute jog, and a 40 minute walk.
Also have set reminders on my calendar to get up at stretch every hour. I do 12h shifts working from home, and I was getting pretty stiff since I dont have a proper work station


I can relate to this so much. I can say that it has gotten way better for me, with semi-regular practice, but a lot of things still suck.

Just sitting with you with it.

25 minutes yoga with Down Dog app

The app is still free until May 1st right now due to COVID-19. I just found that you can change the pacing of the practice, too, under “More” menu on the “Start Your Practice” page which is super helpful when I’m doing any practices other than “gentle” - I just can’t keep up at a normal pace.


I am the same way with yoga! I’ve gotten used to YWA and her cues so I can generally predict what’s coming next and can keep up but when I do my friend’s classes that she’s been offering on zoom she goes SO FAST that I can’t get into the position before we’ve gone to the next one. Gentle yoga is my jam apparently.


I feel like that’s my experience in every class I’ve ever taken, too!


Took our usual 1 mile socially distant walk. B was actually relatively well behaved, maybe we’ll come out of quarantine with his leash training under control. Got judgement from another stroller wielding mom because my kid was double fisting smoothies and had it all over her face (blueberry/greens smoothies look like chocolate). I figure we’re in the middle of a global crisis, so even if my kid was downing chocolate milkshakes everyone can MYOB :joy:

Bobbin just likes to be the official drink holder.


My child absolutely would have been drinking a chocolate smoothie.


Ooh and movement. We went to the park and chased a ball. Total walk + play time was nearly an hour


Duckling has excellent taste. And now I want a chocolate smoothie again

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I went for a walk in my new neighborhood today! I’m delighted, not a single manicured lawn in sight. There’s also what appears to be a communally decorated tree on one of the sidewalks, all sorts of bits and bobs on it, and a little thank-you note to grocery and healthcare workers with a drawing of a rainbow. It was nice.