Grocery Hauls and Pantry Snooping

Today was a good haul day. Got an awesome $5 Flashfood produce box. I scored with the sample box company and got a bunch of free product coupons, so got a bunch of items for free(iced tea, peanut butter, bevel, cheddar snacks) plus a couple of price matches. Last but not shown, used my Canadian tire money and got jelly beans and a cat treat for free, plus the cat treat I scanned for checkout 51 to get $2 back.


great flashfood score!

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I am so jealous of you FlashFood having people.


I just realized the girl also missed 2 of my coupons, should have been another $6 off! But she also put all the peanut butter coupons in at $5.99 when they should have been $4.49 so I guess it balances out.


It’s hit and miss for me, I don’t get them very often. We were shopping and I thought hey, I should check and see if they have a produce box! They did, so I got it on my way out.

I don’t really like grapefruit so I will need to figure out what to do with them.


:joy: me too!! It doesn’t exist here!

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last time I had too much grapefruit, I made a big batch of marmalade. And then I had marmalade in so many things, like yogurt :slight_smile:

Now I am out of marmalade, but I haven’t seen another grapefruit box. I suppose I could get one of the orange & lemon ones.

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If only half these avocado are in good shape this will be a nice score.

5 flashfood

eta: first one is good


Has anyone gotten this from Costco? I have to try it.

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I have not but they get a lot of love for people in the Costco fan group.

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Look at all the ways I bought water today! :sweat_smile:

Not even having a party or anything.

ETA also those who were part of the salsa discussion note the salsa :yum:


Just reviewed, a solid $70/200 was drinks :grimacing:

Should last a while though?


salsa salsa salsa

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So I might have started a habit of taking pictures of my groceries with the intention of posting here, but somehow never did.
So here I am reviving this thread with this post-vacation grocery haul I did today to restock

As this is a finance forum: The total was €65,50


What are these items over here?

Any particular meals planned out of if?


The white tub is an Greek-style joghurt. I usually have it for breakfast with fruit and some protein powder to keep me full. The other item is a rye bread for the toaster for lunch sandwiches when I work from home.

Meals planned:
Pumpkin curry
Mushroom wraps with a feta dip
Veggie Korma
Tarte flambée with figs, goat cheese and ham


Ooooh dang I’m coming to your cafe haha.


$14.24 CAD, plus $2 coming back through checkout 51.

Bag of 5 avocados 1.87
1 cantaloupe PM for 1.81
1 pineapple PM for 1.81
15 lb bag of potatoes 6.00
1 box of crackers - this is what I’m getting $2 back on. 2.75

Missed the cracker price match (a whole 25 cents off) because the Flipp app wouldn’t load properly in the store. In all pretty pleased with this!


Are those sale prices? I just paid $3.89 usd for 5lb of potatoes. Almost the same as your 15lb!

I also got the same crackers on sale for $3.50 usd, regular is $4.00.


The potatoes were regular price because they are “imperfect”- like when you make mashed potatoes they should be a certain way lol. They are all huge!

Everything else was sale price.