Grocery Hauls and Pantry Snooping

This is what I am talking about with respect to useless ads; this one just came out today. Reasor’s is offering a sale on drumsticks or chicken thighs for only $1.68/lb! I instead ended up getting them for 1/3rd the cost of that from the discount grocer I went to.

I learned early on when I moved to Oklahoma to not even bother looking at the ads because there was no competitive prices. Now I found an ad worth looking at each week.

Oh btw, here’s Sprouts ad this week; they had the nerve to call it a “value” pack lol:

Walmart has the best deal of these three:


I thought you would all find this amusing. I did a pick up order from Aldi this weekend and usually when you say you want 1 broccoli or 1 squash that’s what you get. But this time they did packages with more than 1 in each, so I got double of everything. Instead of 4 heads of broccoli I have 8, instead of 4 squash I have 8, instead of 4 zucchini I have 8.

LOL. Looks like my food saver is going to get a workout today!


It is hard to beat wide mouthed canning jars for freezer storage. You can get them in anything from half a cup to humongous. I have never had one break in the freezer and only a couple have broken from being dropped in the last 50 years.


I had a really good grocery haul at king Soopers/Kroger today! $78 and we got 5 jars of pasta sauce, 5 pounds of pasta, 2 gallons of milk (in 1/2 gallons because that was cheaper), 2 large hams, lots of fruits and veggies. I’m still in shock.




Kroger has some incredible digital coupons sometimes. The app is my first stop every week when I’m planning grocery runs!


Yeah, mine too. I always get 5 of whatever the digital deal coupon is, as long as it’s something we eat regularly. This is the most savings I think we’ve ever had though in one order. The ham marked down from $2.99 - $.97 per pound was the real mvp. Plus the milk, pasta, and pasta sauce. I’m actually really happy with the ingredients and lack of sugar in the Kroger brand Basil pasta sauce.


I started out the year looking at all the ads hereabouts. For the past month or so, what I’ve done is go to the cheapest market, look at their salvage/markdowns, and then do my shopping. Usually I can stay under budget.

I should start reading/comparing ads again. Early on in the year, I got 2 HUGE bottles of extra virgin olive oil, name brand, for BOGO of $9.99. But other than that, the market where I got that does about 1 loss leader per week, they’re way out of my way, and I don’t bother. The loss leader is frequently something I usually won’t buy anyway.

I buy meat from our co-op. Consistently the cheapest prices I’ve found and our menu plan has us eating meat 2x a week, so I stock up about quarterly. There’s a small market near here that usually has organic chicken thighs or leg quarters for < $2/lb, if I’m desparate. Or I can usually get organic beef shin at the local, small green market, for < $8/lb, my target price, when they have it.

When beef got to be => $4/pound, we stopped eating anything but ground regularly. The chicken I buy is usually “all natural” from the co-op and < $5/lb.

Our local market seems to specialize in expensive food and I avoid anything they package there or their house brands. We’ve had cheese that tasted like soap/santizer on the deli cutter, croissants DH said, “never even smelled butter,” and what I swear was “pink slime” steaks, etc. We’ve lived here > 30 years now, so we gave them a lot of chances before we stopped using whatever they sell as a house brand or package.

That meant I started looking for alternate sources for meats, etc. a while ago! The farm neighbor sells pork and ground beef too.


Aldi currently has an incredible sale on butter. These are normally $3.98 at Aldi and always $3.98 at Walmart as well. But they were on sale for $2.49 / package of 4 sticks.

They limit the purchase to six, so we bought six salted and six unsalted – we like them both the same; I’ve used both a lot in cooking and automatically adjust the salt depending on which butter we use.

Going to freeze a good number of them. I have never frozen butter before but I guess I’ll try just stacking them up as is; if someone knows of a better way to freeze butter please let me know.

I couldn’t pass up the deal because it is a 37.5% discount.


Butter is already tightly wrapped and stackable so I just stack it up like you said! I always keep spares in the freezer.

I’ve always preferred the taste of Trader Joe’s butter to every discount brand and the price of it to every fancy brand (3-3.50 but before inflation, I think…we accidentally overstocked a while back and still working on it haha) But I know not everyone has TJs.


We haven’t had any trouble freezing butter in the original packaging for several months.


I really like the imported Irish grass fed butter at Aldi, but with inflation is horrid… twice the price of regular butter as well. So we are settling for the cheaper butter. Still better than margarine at least (I’ll never eat maragarine again.)

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We sometimes get the Kerrygold or equivalent to spread on good fresh bread. :yum: Kind of stretches it to only use for one thing where the taste/quality really comes through. But I don’t know your budget :blush:

The Irish grass fed butter at Aldi is less than Kerry gold and tastes better every time I’ve compared them. But regular butter is 1/2 the cost of the aldi Irish butter. I used to eat Kerrygold a lot before I switched to the Aldi grass fed butter.

Anyways, have any of you tried 50/50 butter and olive oil… it’s pretty yummy mix. Just melt the butter and mix 50/50 with extra virgin olive oil. Pour in a bowl, cover and refrigerate.


I look for butter for <= $4 a pound, whatever brand and we freeze it. SInce DH retired, we’ve been buying pretty much whatever is cheap. I also started buying Olivio (margarine) and we use that to reduce the amount of butter we use.


Picked up these deals this week at local discount grocer – add 10% to the price listed for the actual price I paid. So I paid $1.54/lb for the whole loin which is much better than Sams Club whole loin by the case, which is $1.95/lb. Picked up 4 whole loins and threw in deep freeze.

What’s the deal with “plus 10% at checkout?” I’ve never seen that…


Allegedly the price they are charging the customer is their cost plus 10%. So $1.42/lb on the pork loin is supposed to be their cost, and the customer pays just 10% above that. I wish they’d just price in the 10% so I wouldn’t have to calculate it for each item but I can roughly do it in my head quickly. It was obvious this was an incredible deal so I don’t really care how they price it just that it beats Sam’s club and the rest, handedly :slight_smile:


Ahhh I see!

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