Grocery Hauls and Pantry Snooping

And fwiw- lady in front of me paid $2.99 each for the cantaloupe and pineapple because she wasn’t price matching- it really does add up.


Do you have a Kroger affiliated store nearby? This week they have 10 pound bags of potatoes for $1.99!


My Kroger closed a few years ago. :cry:

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Flash food $5!


I finally got myself around to doing an online food shop.

$123.12 not including the $2 for paper bags and $5 for delivery.

I have definitely spent more for less in the past. There is so much more packaging when I get a delivery. I’m not sure if that’s because I get all the long life stuff delivered rather than carrying it home or because I’m less likely to pick up so much packaging when I’m at the store myself :thinking:


half and half prices were jumping tomorrow (sale price today 2.99/L, sale price tomorrow 3.49/L), so the shadowy one went out to pick up a few cartons for their breakfast oatmeal (fat helps with carb reactions is the theory, and since we have no data, we’re going with it, especially since the shadowy one enjoys it)

and just before they headed out, I checked the apps, and there was some higher quality Australian stewing beef available half price. I meant to get 2 lbs, but my finger slipped, and I ended up with 3. So 2 lbs are braising in a red coconut curry, and 1 lb is in the freezer.

I’d been feeling a bit weird about how few home prepared meals were in the freezer, but I’ve been pickier about the quality of meat we get, and it simply isn’t on sale as much. After the oven gets fixed I should just pick up a few more roasts so we can get through the summer without much pain.


You’ve also taken on prepping for your parents more often which depletes stores/inflates and depletes


it’s a really good point, because it has at times made the freezer too full to hold more stuff, or I decided not pick up some deals which were more on the edge because I forgot how much is already earmarked for others.

Also, I should start thinking about what I’m making for my Mom’s bday in a month.


We did our first big grocery shopping in ages! Probably a couple of months…thanks to generous siblings leaving food in our fridge before they traveled. Still, it was only $103 CAD for what I guesstimate is two weeks worth of food.

I made a rough meal plan using just one cookbook, before we left. Had the grocery list beside me to note what we needed.

We’ve gone back to the old way of making grocery lists…pen and paper. The cell phone method just wasn’t working. We’re too slow on our phones, were always forgetting to add things, and forgetting to cross them off once purchased. Plus Hubby would have one list on his phone, and I’d have another on mine! We don’t always shop together, so things were getting confusing.

One list, on the fridge, with one menu plan, works best for us old farts. At least it did tonight. We were in and out of the store in half an hour!


totally agree with you on the cell phone method, pen and paper works best for our lifestyle and preferred way of dealing with phones