Grocery Hauls and Pantry Snooping

Because of unknown $ situation, I have been being really careful with our food dollar and it shows!

The first 8 weeks of the year, I UNDERspent our budget of $100 a week by $191.84 ! :clap:

Since weā€™re self-described food snobs, this has taken some adjustments, but not so many that weā€™re hating our food.

Another note: has anyone else noticed that apples currently available arenā€™t so good? Not too surprising, considering theyā€™ve been in storage since around Oct.

If you use apples (we have) as a cheap fruit, what would you use instead?



Iā€™ve been eating a lot of Cara Cara oranges. Theyā€™re not super expensive right now, and I think they have a much better flavor than regular Navel oranges (which are so boring, ew).


We have been getting amazing apples!

I got some cheap (and tasteless) honeycrisps one week. Last week I bought Galas, two of them were soft in the middle but hard on the outside. The last honeycrisp was 1/2 bad by the time we ate it upā€¦

I carefully store apples away from other fruits as they offgas ethyelene gas, which causes other fruit to degrade. I also usually store the weekā€™s supply away from last weekā€™s. We have been using about 5-8 apples a week, some in salads or cooked, but mostly as a cheap ā€œdessert.ā€

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Meh apples can sometimes be salvaged by becoming applesauce. But not always :confused:


If your region has bad apples, donā€™t let them spoil your lunch! Check prices and try something else. We gave up oranges for about 4 months when they were all mush.

Bananas. Frozen fruit, salesā€¦

We eat unlimited fruit a week




We tend to gobble up bananas very quickly, so itā€™s hard to go once a week to the market and get enough. I do buy them, but they tend to only last about 2-3 days.

Is that a papaya? Havenā€™t tried that. We had pineapple I got on sale not too long ago, but nothing as elegant as a papaya! :smiley:

We are also slowly eating last yearā€™s frozen peaches. Peaches and rhubarb are the only fruits I freeze regularly. We have some commercial frozen blueberries to finish too.

Weā€™re having roasted ham, onion & potatoes for dinner with the last of the lettuce and tomato dressing.


Our apples have been great! But then, Iā€™m pretty sure my state produces like half the apples in North America so Iā€™m scandalized when I get a mealy apple :joy: that being said, cuties (little mandarins) keep being on sale so weā€™ve been going hard on those to mix it up.


Iā€™m tryomg to fogure out what it is. Not a papaya. We have been getting thesw produce boxes so we get some surprises:


Maybe a pawpaw?


What a fun mystery! I donā€™t recognize it but I wonder if itā€™s a type of melon? It looks vaguely melon-y and I feel like there are a million types of melons.


A melon was my guess too! I thought wax melon.


Maybe a fuzzy melon?


The mystery and expanded palates are huge pluses to me! We used to get a $50 produce box and I loved trying the new stuff. That was the size of two of these $5 boxes.

This week I am going to use tomatillos and mystery melon/gourd for the first time. And a bunch of old avocados to make guacā€¦ thursday or Friday will be bowl days


Possibly bottle gourd. If it looks like eggplant on the inside. I got a couple in my CSA over the summer and made curries with them.


Thatā€™s so fun! I love tomatillos.


Me too, but I like them better raw than cooked, which makes it difficult!

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Sort of predictibly. Last week I was under budget $50, this week Iā€™m over $43. Next week, if I follow my pattern so far, Iā€™ll be under againā€¦

I went to a local little market and found something I did NOT buy, but have not ever seen before ā€“ a 5lb package of bacon. The same brand 1lb packages were on sale, and cheaper per lb than the 5 lb pkg.