Grocery Hauls and Pantry Snooping

It’s a really rich color if its beef, isn’t it?? I was wondering too.


My thoughts exactly!


It’s the offcuts from the butcher cutting it into steaks.
It’s this:

Which in American beef cuts is this:

A bit of a hit to buy your next like 8 steak meals on one go but they wanted $39.95/kg for the same thing by the kg.


at the grocery store today there was

  • 2 cut tenderloin portions for $96/kg marked down 50%
  • one tenderloin end portion for $52/kg marked 'Special"
  • whole tenderloins in cryovac for $26/kg

as I was pointing this out to the shadowy one, a man reached over and picked up the end portion. I let him know that in the chest fridge behind him was half the price per kilo. He noted one would want a chest freezer to store the $80 worth of meat, but was quite appreciative and picked one up. The child with him was inquisitive as to why the first piece was put back, so he had the chance to explain unit prices to a toddler.


Yeah it’s nuts. And if you can afford to bulk buy and store you’re well ahead. Plus ours is in dollarydoos so multiple by 0.9 to get it in Moose Coins. Tenderloin is nice though but I’m a size queen when it comes to meat. Rump has the combination of size and tenderness. With that big bit of fat.


Merci! My curiosity has been sated.


Just closing the loop here with gratuitous steak photos.


Just wanted to share that Winco has ribeye roasts for like $7.98/lb. We sliced it up into steaks with our meat slicer, wrapped up in pairs in plastic wrap… threw in gallon zip lock and threw in freezer.

Winco also has blueberries, 2 lb bags at 13 cents per oz., best price in town here.

(I don’t know which states have Winco other than Oklahoma, where I live.)

So glad I could get a dozen eggs for $3.15 / doz at Walmart the other day… down from $4.50 to $5 per dozen just a couple weeks ago.


Wait WinCo is in Oklahoma now?! I thought it was an acronym for where it is- Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Cali, Oregon. Is it the same WinCo? Cash or debit only, no CC, employee owned?

(I have a total soft spot for WinCo, but my husband hates going there haha, sorry for the weirdly intense curiosity)


Mind. Blown.


I absolutely do not know if that is true or not :joy: just one of those things you grow up hearing.


Too late, it’s in my brain now.

The legend continues.


Winco is in Utah also has been for like at least 10 years I want to say (but possibly much longer?). It’s a great store.
(I did not know about that acronym thing though.)


Yeah no cc here at our Winco. Employe owned as well. Maybe they should change the name to Wincoo!


I had a similar reaction the first time I saw the OreIda factory :grin::grin: Somehow the name origin had never occurred to me!


I totally thought it was something dumb like “winning company” when they had to change their name from waremart because of Walmart.

I didn’t live in Boise area very long though so my WinCo knowledge wasn’t as good as my hyperlocal OreIda knowledge :rofl:


I think you might be right and it actually is winning company! That’s what the Wiki says anyway-


OMG I didn’t know that one either.

I’m just walking around not knowing stuff all over the place!!!


@Bracken_Joy ok now my mind is blown! I’m surprised that’s actually it, ha!

@AllHat oh, you mean those decades you didn’t live in the PNW didn’t inform your regional trivia?! How dare!


This month has been incredibly low for grocery spending. I’ve been so busy I literally just haven’t grocery shopped much, and somehow am coming in at $160 for the month so far. I’m definitely not eating all of my regular staples and making due with a lot more pantry and freezer food because it’s just what I have time for. I’m almost entirely out of meat in the freezer, so there will be a Costco run soon, but I think I’m going to try to make it through the month just for funsies.

I’m so so grateful that I built up a stocked “extra” pantry over the past few years, and I think so far in 2023 I’ve probably used up around 1/3 of what I had stored out of necessity. I’m eating a lot more canned fish, tuna, and chicken and opening cans of veggies and soup when I need something quick. I wouldn’t want to eat like this every day forever, but it’s so nice to just have options and it’s helping with my budget too while I have other bigger expenses.

Because I’m A Nosy, I thought some people might appreciate snooping in my back stock pantry. I have a “working” pantry in my kitchen with my every day stuff (snacks, baking ingredients, spices, vinegars, oils, etc). This is like my back stock canned goods, extra condiments, broth, flours, spices, etc. About 90% of this was purchased on super clearance at my discount grocery, or on sale at Costco or the regular grocery. All of my spices I get in bulk from a co-op ordering group.