Garden Chat

Same, we planted broccoli, cauliflower and silverbeet yesterday.

The last of our garlic came out this week.


I always forget to plant garlic in the fall! A little envious


Spring garlic is a thing too.


And you can totally plant as late as the ground is still workable/not frozen. It will throw off the ā€œnormalā€ time to harvest and/or result in smaller bulbs, but you still get garlic! And if you plant hardneck, scapes. I have planted in the middle of a mild winter before, when the ground had not frozen yet. (Shhh I planted super late this year also - my opinion is that itā€™s better than nothing!)

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I have garlic a friend gave me in the summer that I totally meant to plant in the fall, but didnā€™t. Thinking about planting it now (our ground is not frozen). OK?

I want scapes!


Honestly I would try! Or maybe keep half for eating and half for planting. It wonā€™t keep for an entire year until next fall, so you arenā€™t losing anything.

Getting to almost be time to start a bunch of seedlings :slight_smile:

I was a slacker last year with respect to gardening.

I am going to try and grow a bunch of stuff this year, as itā€™s fun seeing the little babies grow into food. I also like Marigold flowersā€¦ I save seed each year and we have a lot of seed now ā€“ gonna be a lot of marigolds about the property this year :slight_smile:

Going to be direct sowing some beets, lettuce, english snow peas, radishes, cilantro, flat leaf parsley soon.

Will indoor start a few variety of tomatoes, including my favorite: yellow cherry ā€“ I save the seed each year. (I try to save all the seed I can instead of buying). Well there are a ton of other plants I am gonna sow indoors on the traysā€¦ I wonā€™t bother listing them all nowā€¦ just wanted to say Iā€™m excited for this year for a beautiful little garden out back. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Oh I want to grow a bunch of herbs this yearā€¦ last year I didnā€™t have any: rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano, chives, etcā€¦


Itā€™s almost time to start tomatoes again and Iā€™m apathetic. I was mad keen about next season when this one finished but nowā€¦ eh

If I miss the window I could always buy seedlings. But then I canā€™t be obnoxious - ā€œthis is an obscure variety that is really hard to get, do you want to save some seed?ā€ when people ask about what Iā€™m growing :face_with_peeking_eye:


I am looking forward to not fighting so much with the sun about my plants surviving.

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Iā€™m looking forward to rain as our garden tank (30,000L) is empty and itā€™s been >30ā°C the last couple of days.

Maybe Wednesday?

The neighbour is away for a few weeks and told me to use his tank water to water the garden. ā€œNo sense letting all your hard work go to wasteā€. Heā€™s a goodun. :+1:


Anyone have tips on Zucchini transplants turning yellow? No obvious aphids around and I think the moisture level of the soil is decent. The yellow didnā€™t come on suddenly or in splotches, itā€™s just slowly been changing over the past 2 weeks. Still growing too.

Worth mentioning Cucumber is in the same bed and totally green still, though a week behind the Zucchini overall.

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Plants going yellow is generally a sign of low nitrogen.

Other variants include yellowing along the veins of the leaves or yellowing between the veins of the leaves and theyā€™re indicators of other nutrient deficiencies.

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I did fertilize high N the day prior to posting this and then yesterday we got about 1.5 inches of rain. This morning things looked more green so I guess Iā€™m narrowed down to two possibilities now. At least itā€™s not some disease that will force me to purge.


My FedCo order is here and I have no idea where Iā€™m going to put anything. Who wants to design my yard for me?

I have what appear to be three happy potted lemon trees in the greenhouse. This weekend they get moved outside for the summer.


I got LED lights for seed growing. How close should they be hung above the plants? This picture from the seller seems high to me. Last year I just used my old fluorescent light and hung it quite close to the plants, but maybe LED is different?

It may depend on the specific light - I believe it is dependent on how many lumens it produces. I too, in the past have used fluorescents and used them very close. The LEDs might (probably) have higher outputā€¦

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It says it is 70W, equivalent to 400W. Google tells me fluorescent is 40W, so I guess it is a lot stronger?

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Well, watts are the amount of energy they consume, and lumens are the amount of light they produce. LEDs produce more light per watt than incandescent or fluorescent, which is why they are more efficient, so it isnā€™t necessarily true just per se. However, if the old fluorescents were 40 watt and the new LEDs are 70 watt then they would be producing more light. I also poked around and saw this:

How much brighter is LED vs fluorescent?

When compared to other types of lighting product, LED lights are the most energy efficient and offer a brighter light for the same wattage. Good quality LED fixtures now output around 170 lumens per watt; a fluorescent puts out around 110.

So they are both more efficient per watt, and are a higher wattage (plus they will last longer, which is irrelevant here but is a bonus), so are definitely producing more light per watt. Iā€™d follow the manufacturers instructions, with higher powered bulbs you can burn plants if you hang them too close!

Iā€™ll be getting new LED grow lights soon but I havenā€™t yet, so thanks for reminding me! For many years I used old shop light fluorescents, but I left them behind when I moved, and it doesnā€™t make sense to replace them with new fluorescents (unless I could get them for free, and even then Iā€™d still have to buy new bulbs).

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Thanks! Donā€™t want to burn the baby plants! This is what I got in case it works for you. SZHLUX Grow Light 4ft 140W (2Ɨ70W, 800W Equivalent) Super Bright Full Spectrum Sunlight Plant Light, LED Grow Light Strips, Grow Light Bulbs for Indoor Plants - 2 Pack : Patio, Lawn & Garden

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