Garden Chat

I am growing tomatoes this year! Just 1 plant. I am not at all sure what I’m doing with it. Also I have actually kept alive some watermelon and cucumber plants for a fortnight, which may be a new record. These were all seedlings, and I plan on picking out some more seedlings to fill gaps. I may throw around some flower seeds but I am not doing veg from seed this year.


This is exactly what I did this year and I still had more than I could cook, highly recommend.


If you can find the seed, mild cowhorn peppers are very similar to bell peppers and much easier to grow. They also come in a hot variety, so be sure you’re getting what you want. I need to order some of those - might be the only seeds I order this year; I don’t need much.


Oooh will keep an eye out for these, my bell peppers did terribly last year.

Excellent info thank you!!

So I think I’m going to order a packet of 30 tangerine dream seeds and 10 mild cow horn pepper. I will not use them all given I want a total of 3 plants. I’m assuming shipping is cheap for such a small thing and could probably go in a basic envelope in a tiny ziploc - anyone want a couple sent to them?

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I hope you like the tangerine dreams! I enjoyed just grabbing peppers off the plant and eating in my garden. They produced pretty well and were a small plant. I grew mine in a container the first year if that’s of interest.

I’m intrigued by the cow horn peppers - off to research!


Thanks for the reminder to get an early start on the season!

Oh, all I should say the mild cowhorn taste like bell peppers. Shape is very different.

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Anyone want to place bets on whether I get any germination from the kale, spinach, and spinach mustard seeds I just planted in the greenhouse? Date 2015, 2015, and 2012, respectively. I’ll start looking for new seeds and hopefully replant next weekend if I don’t see anything green.


I’m guessing the kale will sprout. I usually have poor luck with spinach though

Anybody experimenting with winter sowing in old milk/water jugs? I had mixed results last year but figure it is worth a shot again with various flower seeds I have gotten for free


Same on kale/spinach success rates.

:joy:. Mother Nature is sticking her tongue out at us. We just got snow the last couple days. My seeds arrived today.


i just put together 4 jugs to try it yesterday! sweet peas and snapdragons, who both love the cold. we’ll see how it goes!

i also sowed a bunch of other cool season flowers (bachelors button, larkspur, corn cockles, love-in-a-mist) directly in a garden bed with some upside down clear plastic tubs over them – i drilled some holes to let water in. i’m hoping for some nice early flowers this year. :pray:


I just remembered this thread! Looking forward to seeing what everyone is growing this year!

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I winter sow! I am a very lazy gardener and winter sowing gets me pretty good results. I usually have a few jugs that fail miserably though. I only winter sow perennials and some zinnias and sunflowers. My veggies (peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes) get started inside.


Last year I had good luck with dianthus and coreopsis This year I am probably going to add sweet peas (saved a bunch of seed), sunflowers, lobelia, alyssum, zinnias, cosmos, and pineapple strawberry. All are free seeds I scrounged from various places.

I have heat mats and a little three shelf greenouse that I start other stuff in, and will proabably try to get some cool weather stuff started in mid-late February. I started my tomatoes and peppers much too early last year – will wait until late march or early april this year.

I’m trying HARD to resist the urge to buy seeds this year. I have so much saved and scavanged seeds I really don’t need to spend more money.


I bought a clearance box of 40 seed packets for $30 and I think that covers it for this year.

We’ve ordered blueberry bushes, two columnar apple trees and bees.

I am resolved not to start anything until March.


I have a tomato plant!


Winter sowing is underway! Growing: Joe Pye, fire pink, hoary vervain, purple poppy mallow, asters, prairie sundrops, and more…