Garden Chat

Oooo we match! I’ll DM my address!


I hauled up my seeds today, and started 2 different kinds of broccoli and some bell peppers. We paid the rent on our community garden plot and signed up for a feee plot at DD’s work (they have promised not to flood it this year.)

This all feels like we’ve survived the winter!


For the work garden on Friday after harvesting I managed to squeeze in the time to plant a bed and a half of Broad Beans, early podding variety IIRC.

For home on Saturday I filled up the CD60 plug trays with our compost and planted out trays of Broccoli X 3 types, Cauliflower X 2 types, Brussels, Cabbage X 2 types and Creamgold Onions scattered into a ten cell tray. Probably should have done this a month ago and been planting seedlings this weekend, but the home gardens got me in a funk.


I need to pick a shape/direction to prune my wisteria (which is a bit of a mess). It is currently trying to reach out onto the sidewalk which doesn’t seem great, but the central branches are pretty twisty so there’s no obvious decision. A dream would be to build some kind of arch to the porch but it’s pretty far? Please give me ideas!


I feel like @JanetJackson would have some ideas. JJ’s quite creative!


Would you be able to prune it toward the porch and then zip tie/wire bind it to a trellis reaching toward the porch with walkable space underneath?
I don’t know what a wisteria is, so I’m not sure if that’s a realistic idea, but that was my first thought.

Whennnnn can I plant my zinnias


I saw that they prefer to be direct sown after the last frost happens. I have never direct sown a seed, always did the starts.

This is a video I just watched.


Not until mother’s day! Unless you winter sow in a milk jug or start indoors. I always direct sow mine


Ugh fine I thought that would be the answer

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:rofl: You could direct sow bee balm, coneflower, black eyed susans, lettuce, peas, kale, chard, or spinach now! Probably lots of other things too but that is what I am planting this week.


the thing about zinnias is that they just wont grow unless it’s hot outside. so when i have started seeds inside and planted them out, they don’t get any bigger until it’s solidly 80+ outside. so you may as well direct sow them.

i have a hoop house available in my community garden so i may put a few grow bags in there a little earlier. but most of them, i will direct sow in mid/late may.


Hey! I have some of that!!

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I don’t have the ability to start seeds inside (toddler, cats, small generally low-light apartment) so that’s just as well!


I attempted an experiment this year. I tossed some seeds from zinnias that are still in my garden in an area I do not care at all about. I did this a couple days ago in Minnesota. Will they grow who knows? They are extra seeds that lived outside all winter so they might not even be viable.

Follow for more chaos gardening “advice”


This is basically what I’m doing in the hard-to-reach skinny bed by our deck. The random plants there now don’t flower. If I have to see it all summer, at least have it full of flowers instead of random leaves and mosquitos!


I also have 1.7 acres here to deal with which is super overwhelming. So like this year is attempt to eradicate as much buckthorn and Canadian thistle as possible. Whatever looks pretty and is mostly acceptable is allowed to live. Each year will be a new adventure.


Both fun and a lot of work!!


Hi garden chat!
I’m a chaos gardener and often fling seeds into my no mow areas.
Today I noticed this little buddy.

Anyone have any idea what it is? If it’s something non native or invasive I’d like to mow a path here, but it sorta looks like a seed sprout situation.

Grateful for any ideas! :seedling:


I think it’s pokeweed. Pokeweed gets planted by birds pretty often. It is NOT edible (unless cooked in a very specific way which I would not try.
Your violets are beautiful! I know some people think they’re a weed, but I just love them.