Garden Chat

I used to think so, too – love their photos and they carry a lot of asian veggie seeds that I used to find hard to source (until I discovered Kitazawa, now owned by True Leaf Market).

But a couple of years ago they showed their right-wing leanings by inviting one of the Bundy guys who have been up to all sorts of white nationalist nonsense in the Western states to speak at one of their events.

I don’t order from them any more.


A couple of suggestions:

  1. Try to find places where you can source seeds for free. Here in the greater Seattle area there are lots of seed swaps and seed libraries. Most seeds are good for several years after their initial packaging season. And seeds won’t grow if they aren’t in the ground! You can feel free to experiment wildly with seeds from free sources – if stuff doesn’t grow you haven’t wasted money.

  2. If you do want/need to buy seeds (I get a packet of sungold seeds every couple of years because it is one hybrid I can’t live without) try to identify local sources for seeds, especially those that focus on heirloom non-hybrid non-GMO seeds. They will be well adapted to your climate and growing conditions and with heirloom varieties the seeds will generally breed true and you can save/replant the varieties you like year after year. Some companies I love in the Pacific Northwest include:

Uprising Farms in Bellingham WA

Deep Harvest Farms from Whidbey Island, WA

Adaptive Seeds from Sweet Home, Oregon (I have to choose more carefully from them because they are quite a bit further south than me)

Territorial Seeds – probably the biggest PNW seed company, all the garden centers carry them.

  1. Some other good on-line sources:

True Leaf, now sells Kitazawa seeds along with a lot of other brands

Botanical INterests, now owned by Epic Gardening, which is a channel/business I love

Ed Hume, another good PNW stalwart

Seed Savers


I like Floret and Johnny’s also, and recently ordered from Swallowtail Seeds. My order from swallowtail got lost in shipping and they sent me a new order immediately no questions asked.

ETA I forgot about Eden Brothers, I’ve bought a lot from them.


:pensive: We hope to have drainage work done in the backyard this year, so I am thinking we will not have a garden. Our raised beds will have to be moved. :cry:. But maybe a deck garden?!

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PS: If anybody has the urge to try out free seeds, I’m going to some seed swaps in the coming weeks (first one on Saturday). PM me your address and a list of what you would like to try and I will see if I can find some for you.


I bought more flower seeds. Good thing they stay good for years.


bummer about baker creek!!

i got a batch of free seeds from floret for my community garden! they are in my mailbox right now … which is down 3 flights of steps from my house … and it’s raining.

i hope they stay relatively dry in the mailbox till i can fetch them tomorrow. i think there’s some floret originals in there!


My dahlias appear to have succumbed to the heat this week. They were happy then struggling and now they seem more or less as though they won’t come back. It was extremely hot and humid at the same time. I’m surprised anything in the garden survived really.

They never flowered/the possums ate the buds.

Maybe now I know why you don’t often see them in Brisbane.


I sometimes feel bad about the peonies not coming back, and then I remember that they never flowered because it was too shady


I saw they were doing that. How nice!

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Major scores at the seed swap on Saturday – not only did I get a whole armful of free seeds for my self and my community garden, I also snagged 9 bare root perennials for my food forest! 3 each of salmonberry, thimble berry and pacific 9 bark. The first two produce edible berries (though TBH the birds usually grab them before they are ripe enough to be tasty to humans) and the 9 bark is a flowering shrub that the pollinators love. I haven’t totally decided where I want to plant them in the yard, so I put them in some of the fabric containers I had in the back yard – hopefully they will root nicely in those and then I can transplant later in the spring.


Last year I planted seeds for perennial plants but they did not do well. I think I stunted them by overwatering. They never grew but actually looked pretty healthy so I planted them in the fall. Is there any chance they will grow normally this year? Or should I just pull them out and start over with new seeds? I hated to throw them away because of my mistake.


I’ve never had this exact experience, but I’d go for it and leave them! Usually perennials don’t grow too big or bloom in the first year, so this seems normal (depends on the type of perennial). There is a saying “first year sleep, second year creep, third year leap” so this would track.


i started 32 snapdragons and 28 sweet peas yesterday! i have some other cool weather stuff to sow later this week once i pick up some more
topsoil. it’s happening!!


It’s almost time again! :rofl:


X posted from flower thread:

I just sorted through my seeds. I’ve got a bunch of random annual flower seeds that I will send to whoever wants them. There is enough to send to two people, so let me know if you’d like some.

Some packets are open/partial, some are new. They are all different types and colors, I had too many that were similar or I decided I didn’t actually want for various reasons. Some are one or two years old and some are new.


Any zinnias? I forget what growing zone you’re in.

YES. Want some? :grinning: I’m in 6A.


this is so kind! i would take you up on it if i didn’t already have an overwhelming number of seeds!


Isn’t it just too easy to say I want this and this and this and…… :rofl: