Flowers! 🌺 🌷 🌸 🌹

Anyone know what this aggressive volunteer in my planter is? It’s so cool and very healthy and I did not plant it. My pal said it’s a poppy?


that’s what it looks like to me! what a beaut :heart_eyes:


If a critter chops the bud off a flower or eats the yummy young leaves is it probably a rabbit?

If a critter pulls a whole small plant out by the roots and leaves it there without eating it is it probably a squirrel?

What can be done about this? I can’t fence it all off and I do use repellent spray but of course it washes off in the rain and then I don’t always do it again fast enough.

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we put some chicken wire over some of our pots that we noticed were getting chomped. not sure about in-ground stuff though … i would probably watch a bunch of youtube videos to see what folks have done that’s worked for them and start experimenting.

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Evidence of asshole behavior. There was more than this that I didn’t get a picture of. It’s certainly not the first time, but I don’t think they have chomped my peonies before. I’m assuming rabbits.


ughh that is so rude! could you get a length of chicken wire to wrap around them?

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@madgeylou do you do any succession planting? I’ve got all my seedlings in now and wonder if I should start more seeds?

I think it would be difficult where they are located unfortunately

not officially! i just play it by ear. like, i have a container of phlox that is almost done so i will probably stick some cosmos seeds in there. and i have another container that didn’t do well with bells of ireland so i will stick some more zinnia seeds in there.

i think i am much more of a chaos gardener than you :laughing:

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Ha. I should probably try chaos, it might be good for me!

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Do you have a dog that sheds? I would brush our dog then put the dog hair out around/under the plants, so that it appeared a predator was there.

Ugh that sucks!

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I don’t have a dog.

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Peonies are so beautiful, I love them. Oddly, deer here do not bother our peonies.


Yesterday I finished weeding my big lily bed. It was god-awful with weeds, but the lilies did a fine job poking their heads through.

This bed is surrounded by 8’ fencing to keep deer out.

A few have bloomed but the majority are ready to pop in the next few weeks.

I find this time of lily bloom to be nearly as exciting as full bloom because I like the potential of it all, and seeing the tall strong stems makes me happy. The reality of full bloom time is that I have to run around staking and deadheading.


someone ate all my strawberry plants :weary:

this is why it’s better to grow flowers. cut all my phlox today and am gonna replant those pots with snapdragons :hugs:


Darling poppy! Wish I had them just pop up voluntarily.

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so many beautiful-smelling sweet peas today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

this color and these tendrils!!


I know. The tendrils make them distinctive. Love the sweet peas.

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