Flowers! 🌺 🌷 🌸 🌹

Gorgeous! And is that bellwort?

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Yes! First is Columbine, second is bellwort and third is meadow rue.

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I am hoping to get some bellwort at a sale this weekend - it is so lovely! I’ll have to see if my early meadow rue is blooming now too


There was one bellwort in my garden and I was just so taken with it’s floppiness that I got two more at a plant sale last weekend.

Tons of things blooming in my yard and it’s so exciting!

Dahlias and torrenia that I planted

One of my strawberries that tragically got its first berry stolen

All the rest of these were planted by the previous homeowner

Virginia waterleaf


Bleeding heart


Lily of the valley



Ahh everything is so pretty! I have a lot of Virginia Waterleaf in my yard and I love it. I love your white violets!
I was not able to get any bellwort today, whomp whomp. I’ll try again next year. I have 20 plugs to put in tomorrow, and annuals, plus my winter sowing jugs (roughly 20 of those, each jug can make multiple clumps to plant). It’s going to be a long day!

The coral honeysuckle in my side yard trellis is absolutely gorgeous right now, and the hummingbirds are making lots of visits!

We put in this Ninebark a few years ago and this is the first year it has bloomed much.


first babies of the season :smiling_face_with_tear:


So cute! My first cut flowers are cheaters. I bought a couple of perennial Scabiosa plants that already had buds on them so I cut them when they bloomed. But my seedlings seem to be doing well so fingers crossed I will get some beauties.


i keep remembering last year when at the end of june i had literal armloads of snapdragons and i’m getting so excited!! soon!!


I overwatered last year and didn’t get many annuals at all. It was dumb and I was pretty upset with myself so I’ve been much more careful this year. I also grew perennials from seed for the first time last year and quite a few of them seem to have made it even though they also got too much water while growing. I’m excited about that because they are not things I’ve seen in stores.


Y’all I put in my first order for flowers!!! I’m so excited to grow some weird irises, haha


one of us!!! :woman_zombie:


We are in the process of moving, and went back to the old place yesterday (It closes in a few days) and dug up:

  • Iris
  • Variegated iris
  • Two different columbines
  • Black Currant (These were my great-grandmother’s, and first started moving with the family in the 30s)
  • Rhubarb (Also Grand Nana’s, and also started their journey in the 30s)
  • So Many hostas. Probably 8 different varieties
  • Day Lily
  • Asiatic Lily
  • Oriental Lily (is there a better name for these?)
  • Hardy Hydrangea
  • Tulip bulbs that were given to my older two children for their Baptism (I’ve moved these once already)
  • Daffodil bulbs

The new house has bushes in all the gardens, which isn’t really our style. We generally go for low-maintenance perennials.

And then this morning, I ordered 100 lily bulbs


Discount roses still performing


My first bouquet! They got knocked down by the storm so hopefully the rest of the buds will bloom


So pretty!

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“Oriental” Lily is one of the official Divisions of the North American Lily Society. I wouldn’t put emphasis on its unfashionable-ness if that is what is bothering you, it Is an official word at this point.

‘Stargazer’ and ‘Casa Blanca’ are well-known Oriental lilies.

I can’t grow pure Oriental Lilies in my region, but I did drop $40 on a new variety of Oriental that is supposed to be more heat tolerant. We shall see, I’m sitting here looking at it right now and it’s not looking too good.

Now Oriental – trumpet hybrids, those are fabulous. They love hot weather.


lil baby sweet peas and phlox :cherry_blossom::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So cute and that vase is just perfect

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Peonies from my mom’s yard. They are a really pretty coral color that gets lighter as they age.


ahhh a dream!

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