Finishing 2021 Goals

Did you have something you really wanted to get done in 2021 – a task you wanted to do, a habit you wanted to establish, a goal you wanted to reach?

Are you, like me, looking at the two months left in the year and thinking that’s not really a lot of time left in 2021?

Let’s gather 'round, dig in, and do some things that we’d like to do.


Yes. Step one- remember where my bingo spreadsheet is saved and look at it.


I don’t think I’ve looked at mine since January. :laughing:

I know I got two things done? I got kitties and got my IUD out. The rest ???


Pretty sure I wanted to live until we got vaccines. All the rest is gravy.


Things I want to do:


  • Read 16 books (36/52 books read)
  • Make 10 of those books ones I already owned (5/15 read)
  • Spin at least once
  • Knit two more charity hats from stash
  • Get art on the walls
  • Finish the pink afghan


  • Re-start SoP practice/general AODA practice (3x/week)
  • Re-commit to PT/stretching (3x/week)
  • Do full ridiculous tooth routine (every morning)
  • Get back into regular language practice (3x/week)

This is ambitious and full and I’m not sure I can really fit everything in – the job change and the move both pretty well derailed my original bingo goals, plus my habit stuff. In a world where everything is ideal, I’d finish ALL my bingo goals, but that’s even more unlikely. So, my trimmed-but-probably-too-ambitious set here.

That being said… why not try?

Also, committing to checking in here at least once a week, on Fridays…


Oh, I was going to have a Get-It-Done December “official” challenge (i.e. with stickers/badges) again this year like last year. December Challenge: Get it done GYSTember - maybe I should just make it this thread?


Whatever you think is best! We could also start on this thread with whoever, like me, really needs two months and is already feeling pinches and then expand into a different, bigger, gyst December thread? I’m pretty agnostic on options here. :slight_smile:


Decluttering (good progress, but lots to do still) - UPDATE: realized I had gotten rid of over 400 items this year, so set a goal of getting rid of at least 500 items by 12/31/2021
Dental work (in progress - losing dental insurance after this year) — UPDATE - DONE (hopefully the work done today won’t need any follow up adjustments)


I’m in. I worked last week on getting my house set up for easy access to do indoor activities when it’s cold out. I’d like to do the following in these two months:

  1. Re-establish my daily walking habit
  2. Chain my PT exercise and core work to the walking
  3. Clean my workout space in the basement so I am ready to start lifting weights again when my body is
  4. Keep journaling regularly and turning off screens in the evening.

I need to deal with the heloc already


Well this is ugly AF, but I had a list and a spreadsheet (bingo). Starting with the list. At this point I could still do a week of proper meal planning, although husbands lack of buy in is why i haven’t done it yet and probably won’t. Too late for some of them. I’ll keep grinding at 1000 hours outside but won’t hit it- stretch now is 750 hours. I also need to finish out the Latte year 2 book since it’s almost her birthday.


I like the idea but my goal was “birth baby” and did that way back in March. I would really love to get our study cleaned out before the end of the year and absolutely need a 2 month run to focus on it. Yes please @anomalily make some cute badges and shit for December! That gives me a month to prepare for it :wink:


Ugh I have so many things! My main one is to sort out finances from way back in January when I just stopped being bothered to track. I’ve been tracking again due to October budget challenge but need to go back and sort out buckets to see where we are sitting. That and finish some of my bingo goals… declutter the house and read 8 more books maybe? The rest can go on next year’s bingo :laughing:


Uh I should probably do my taxes before the year’s over…


I need to scan college notebooks and then throw them away. It’s gonna take quite a few hours. I have started but got through maybe 20%.


I always start my new year goals in November of the previous year. I have one big new personal goal that I won’t name until it’s accomplished (if it happens) but I am planning on starting in earnest TODAY. So by 2022 I’ll be well on my way, hopefully. My other goal is to make myself love the city I’m in by changing my view and also trying and trying and trying things. I would also like to do something creative this year as I feel that part of myself has been neglected since I stopped being able to do the things I used to do to scratch that itch.

My biggest goals for last year were around fitness and friendship and self care and I think I did as much as humanely possible on all fronts, all things considered. I want to continue to cultivate community through friendships this year, and I’m thinking of starting a meetup to that aim (a very specific sort of book club) and also rejoining a friend app I was on pre-covid. I might visit some temples also, because the online one I’ve been using seems like it’s never going to reopen in person at this point! Fitness is just a keep going how I’m going situation. On the self care front I stopped using all forms of social media except this forum and it has been fantastic and I want to continue that for sure! I also started therapy, which I’ll continue, and cut off a couple family members which…I have mixed feelings about but is definitely necessary for right now until I build my mental strength more. I also want to become braver about conflict and other people’s disapproval and my opinion.


Need to review my 2021 BINGO sheet and my in-progress house projects and see what might be reasonable.


That’s a damn big year, AllHat.


I guess it was! :slight_smile: It’s nice to take stock.

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Last 8 Weeks of 2021 Goals

**Last 8 Weeks of 2021 Goals**


  • enroll in 2022 health insurance


  • Put in notice at job
  • refill transit pass


  • 5 more in-person german classes
  • daily flashcard review

Series 65

  • schedule exam
  • study 75 more hours before end of year
  • Pass midpoint exam with >85%


  • 3 * PT appts
  • weekly MIF class
  • camel
  • passing standard on backwards twizzles and inside loops
  • take lesson with Ruth


  • mail out budgetober stickers
  • Mail new 21 in 2021 stickers
  • host GYStember


  • relaunch podcast feed
  • reach 1000 subscribers before December 25th, 2021
  • one edited video on anomalily
  • record intros to re-launched podcasts
  • November 2021 Report
  • 2021 Review post
  • 2022 Goals post

Original 2021 Goals from my annual blog post:

This got long so all my On Track, Abandoned, and Maybe 2021 goals from original post


  • Increase exclusive perks for the Purrsonal Finance Society - want to update a few things

On track

  • Run + support challenges on OMD forums - left to do - mail budgetober stickers, any final 21 in 2021 stickers, and set up GYSTember
  • Weekly livestreams - 44/52 done - 8 more livestreams before end of year
  • Breakfast on the Bridges volunteering when safe again - ran BYOBONB virtual all summer, and looks like we’ll have an in-person one in December
  • 1 page of journaling per day in my Mark’s Edit Daily Journal- on track, kinda, did change method from journaling to lists
  • Keep sleeping an average of 7-8 hrs a night - doing well
  • Keep health insurance all year - on track
  • Continue > 180 minutes of moderate to hard cardio each week - on track

NOT on track

  • Keep meal prepping - did this until July when we fell off the wagon
  • 26 OMD Episodes - 14 episodes released, but technical issues and time have made the podcast part challenging
  • Twice a month newsletters to my email list - sent 2
  • Publish 12 youtube videos (subscribe here!!) - nope
  • Get Patreon to $1000/month by August 2021 - failed

No Longer applicable

  • Start generating ad revenue from OMD forums in a way that is consistent with the values of the community - failed but not from lack of trying
  • Apply to graduate school - decided against due to covid
  • Move! (Lease is up in July 2021) extended lease


  • Apply for Croatian citizenship applied june 2021
  • Teach 6 workshops with low-income young adults through Pay It Furward - taught over 300 folks through PIF this year, total of 17 workshops
  • Publish a 2020 Annual Report - Done Feb 2021
  • Save 50% of my take-home income as long as I am working full-time - done, unless someone gives me a massive raise in the next month and I spend it all
  • Hire an editor! - done but back to no consistent editor