Do the thing you've been putting off!

What do you call pipes and sprinklers for the garden? Irrigation?

I guess so, that or ā€œsprinkler system.ā€

Iā€™m going to start adding ā€œAustraliaā€ to my search terms when Iā€™m googling one of those mystery words. :slight_smile:


I bought a new bed pillow.
Itā€™s beenā€¦ 17 years? Lol. Iā€™ve been using two flight pillow stacked together for the last 5 (friend who works at airport snagged them for me, lol-theyā€™re awful).

Yay new pillow (itā€™s too poofy).


I hosted a dinner party on Friday. When guests brought beverages that needed to be refrigerated, I was embarrassed that my fridge was so full of ā€œscience experimentsā€ that the bottles didnā€™t really fit.

Today I disposed of all the old former food! It was fully half the contents of my refrigerator.

(I considered posting this in the decluttering thread, but I think it fits better here.)


I just contacted a landscaper for a quote on some work.

Earlier today I called and made an appointment for a haircut.


Just made my next OT appointment, which Iā€™d forgotten to book at my last appointment like I normally do.


Messaged the ā€œbossā€ of my easier/newer volunteer gig to quit. Blergh. I donā€™t feel great, but I did it


Got my shit together to do the sample sale Iā€™ve needed to do for a year now to clear out older inventory. Now letā€™s hope it sells :crossed_fingers:t2:


Is there stuff in my size? If yes, will come peruse.

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There is! Thereā€™s not a ton because itā€™s all samples but Iā€™ve got everything except small in 3 colors


Went to the dentist.
Planted some bulbs and other things outside.
Finished a book Iā€™ve been working on for at least two months.

I recently came across a concept that instead of waiting until youā€™re in a good mood to get things done, you should get things done in order to boost your mood. I think thereā€™s some truth to that so Iā€™m trying to implement that mindset without overwhelming myself.


I need start repeating this to myself everyday.

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Me too! I know Iā€™ve heard/read it in the past year and find it a very helpful reminder, but I havenā€™t internalized it yet.

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Booked cleaner, had the house cleaned, enjoyed the cleanliness of the house. Success!

I have booked an air-conditioner service and am currently arranging a locksmith to replace the locks on my sliding doors so we can enjoy the cool summer breezes in a couple of months.


I finally looked up all the dentists in my suburb and have chosen one Iā€™m willing to have prod around in my mouth. I have also cancelled a different appointment that I donā€™t need at this point, and will reschedule it later.


Without excess of boring detail, I had a catch up chat sesh with my cousin overseas and it went well!

These are difficult relationships to sustain. I think social medial makes it a lot easier, due to low-stakes keeping tabs on each otherā€™s activities/jokes/etc and no-pressure opportunities for interaction. That is, if you use the same networks, which we do notā€¦


Good on you for putting effort into a good relationship!

I packed away a portion of our toys, and I feel better that we now have exciting toys to bring out on bad days.

I purchased an ergonomic keyboard and mouse. I should have done this about 12 months ago. Nevermind, theyā€™re on their way and Iā€™ll have them next week.


I called and make an acupuncture appointment. They had an opening this afternoon, so I also went and did it. Back again Thursday, and Iā€™ll be going twice a week until the baby is here :scream:. Not sure why I was dragging my feet on going back- I went there for fertility and through the first trimester. Put it off for a couple weeks after I was ā€œsupposedā€ to go back though. Brains are weird.


Iā€™m working through a long, tedious administrative task. I will appreciate it once itā€™s done, but right now itā€™s boring and I have insufficient snacks.