Do the thing you've been putting off!

From the past week:
:star: Donated nice, ill fitting businesswear to a “dress for success” type organization (through timely work clothing drive) (bf threw in a few items) (been planning to sell, then donate these clothes for MORE THAN 10 MONTHS)
:star: Unpacked 3 more boxes in the office only took 10 months! There is a lot of bfs stuff in remaining boxes. Organized my desk enough I can actually envision using it!
:star: More than a week ago, but scheduled a Dr appt for next week. :grin: Emailed my supervisor this week.


I took my trash can to the curb for the trash truck to pick it up. :articulated_lorry:

I have had a concussion and have forgotten to do this for two… maybe three weeks now. I just forgot trash was a thing until literally yesterday.


I bought a thing to clean my dryer vent with because @Bracken_Joy mentioned it somewhere. I have yet to actually clean the vent, but I’m planning on doing it tomorrow when there’s daylight. We bought our house in April and it was vaguely on my mind as a thing that should probably be done but I don’t use the dryer much so I kept forgetting about it.


Yeaaah I was wondering if I could clean that thing without buying something…

Nope. And unfortunately depending on how your house is vented, it requires renting specialty equipment for really long duct runs. Sometimes hiring people is easier :woman_shrugging:


i am going to take all my clothes (mostly old stuff, too small stuff, winter stuff: that needs to be sold or given away) that are sitting in laundry baskets in a corner of my room. and put them in my closet. I have a huge closet. that is mostly empty. please don’t even ask me to explain lol. but now it’s time to start making sense.


Did my two work trainings. Emailed my supervisor about whether the next in service will fall close to my due date, and what we’ll do if it does. Being employed by someone but not working is really weird sometimes.


Did the charity drop-off I’d been needing to do for weeks.


I emailed the chief data scientist at a company in my new industry. I always feel weird reaching out cold, but hell, what’s the worst that can happen? Best cause scenario is we discuss how to create that position in my org. Worst, he writes a mean email telling me not to waste his time. In that case, I suppose I can just send a live bobcat to his office.


I both do and don’t want this to be your next post on this thread. I don’t because I wish so much professional success and happiness for you, and also I like happy wild bobcats, but. The XKCD reference is too good.


Found and signed up for a breast feeding class. Decided to just stick to the one labor coping class we have, and not add a full birth class. Either way- done and dealt, no more deliberation on it!


Submitted my vehicle registration. $2 less than last year – it went down for once instead of up!


I have checks! Now I can finally, for real, pay rent without walking 30 minutes to a sketchy ATM at 1 am. (Thought this was Tony Victor… I texted some long distance friends after months of no contact. I’m terrible at keeping in touch without a forum.)


Moved the bags of donations from the door to the garage to the trunk lol.

Also called Stark Bros about the trees that drowned in the monsoon season. It was super easy to handle and now have replacements coming in the spring! I put this off for months, but am now a happy customer with how easy it was.


We took down the vertical blinds in the bedrooms. Windows are now 25% larger and I am so much happier.


Submitted a poster session proposal.

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Called someone about coming out to rip out the sections of retic we don’t want to run.

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So I Googled retic, but the only result I’m getting is a shorthand for reticulocytes, and you want those (they’re your red blood cells).


We cleaned the basement and the utility room. About three weeks ago we cleaned the garage and brought a bunch of things to the basement because they needed to go in the utility room. Now the things are on shelves in the utility room, not all over the floor.

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Reticulation, watering the garden.

Another Aussie word causes havoc across the world.