šŸ—’ Clean Slate September: Challenge (Sep 1 - 30)

Weā€™re dropping like flies up in here. September sucks.


We are now at $79.26 spent on groceries in September. I kept a log of what we bought with that but I am spoilering it since itā€™s unnecessary detail.

$79.26 worth of groceries

Iā€™ll let you guess what my husband got off list. A breakfast sandwich, limes, ginger, green beans, a few shallots, tonic water, a gallon of milk, some heads of garlic, a thing of half and half, a melon, a salad, oatmeal cream pies, Fritos, American cheese, Brie, a fancy herbed cheese, package of rolls, Taylor ham, celery, a Napa cabbage, apple cider, 6 extremely fancy eggs, and funfetti cake/icing. There might have been a couple other things I donā€™t remember

We are considering going to Trader Joeā€™s for the first time since quarantine on Wednesday and spending the rest of our budget there and not getting anything the rest of the month. Weā€™ll see how that goesā€¦


Iā€™m doing surprisingly well. I took my 2 allowed days off of exercise but Iā€™ve been doing daily walks with Greyman, sometimes more than one!

Today was more active than my body is used to. We went on 3 20 minute walks and spent most of the afternoon cleaning. I always forget how physically intensive cleaning can be.


oh geez I donā€™t even have the excuse of being an Oregonian citizen


I will guess the Fritos or funnel cake! Or was it the celery?

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Neither am I :joy: but Washington is on fire too, soā€¦
Also. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be any better without the fires.


Now that I look at the list, itā€™s easier to just say what I DID ask for :laughing: (all the vegetables, the half and half, and the brie).


Week whatever this week is:

no ordering take-out / actually really good on this! every time we donā€™t have a planned dinner, instead of ordering expensive things, weā€™ve instantpotted some frozen chicken. I did drive-through and get a Date Shake because it was a local legend, but I split it with my partner.

no impulse buying interior design baubles - I still look at facebook marketplace every day and I keep pinteresting things but my wallet is SAFE

Stay on track with saving / stick with the budget and try to build up to my month buffer! - I automated a bunch of saving which is on track. earning is irregular but everything I believe is in reasonable track - I need to check about groceries, and I have more buffer than ever before. THANK YOU BOOK!

stretch goal: sell more of the stuff I donā€™t use in the back of my closet on fb marketplace/donate it // nope. too dang busy and everything is on fire. I think yā€™all will forgive me.


Ok, the meal plan was more of a snack plan. But husband got groceries again.

I cooked three meals. One of them was boxed mac and cheese, and the other two were grilled cheese. But we had meals that my husband didnā€™t have to cook. Victory?

I havenā€™t made another batch of banana bread yet, but weā€™re still eating the last one I made. We also grilled some hot dogs and burgers so that freed up a lot of freezer space, even though I didnā€™t make progress on the freezer banana stash this week. (We bought buns/hot dogs/veggie burgers from Costco earlier in the summer but threw most of it in the freezer for later.)


All of them have cheese, so I would definitely say victory :cheese: :100:


If weā€™re being honest, most of my meal plans are really just cheese plans :joy_cat:


Week two successful ā€“ I actually did a crapton of ritual + meditation, since itā€™s not like I can go for walks or anything.


Week 1 was ok: I think I skipped two days and then had PT two days so I technically did the exercises during the PT appointment.

Week 2: pretty bad. I had 1 PT appointment and did the exercises 2 other times I think? I did a lot of hiking and swimming and crafting and I was tired.


This week is not looking so good. Meetings, meetings, meetings. At this point, I might be actually able to start actual work on Wednesday. Iā€™m about to quit some committees.


Can someone explain eating fruit to me? I like the idea of fruit. I want to eat fruit. But then I buy fruit and it languishes in the fridge until it gets squishy. Somewhere thereā€™s a disconnect between the idea of fruit and the actual eating.

Also, last week I failed to complete at least one part of the routine (pick out clothes, get ready by 6:30, interneting only between finishing washing up and 6:30, eat breakfast including fruit, do homework or 2nd job work until 9) every day. Iā€™ve realized that I donā€™t actually care about having a ā€˜betterā€™ morning routine. Going to focus this week on either doing homework or going to job #2 in the mornings, regardless of what time I get ready.


I very much prefer eating fruit in small pieces on top of something else - yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal etc. Iā€™m much more likely to eat it if itā€™s already small (either cut up or small like berries) and I can just toss a handful into whatever Iā€™m eating.


Can you identify where the disconnect is? Is it a lack of enjoyment? Not being sure what to do with the fruit? Resistance to something about fruit (health messaging, money/class stuff, etc)?

Apples cut up with oatmeal is delicious - maybe an overnight apple oats for your busy mornings?


Overdue Todoist tasks are down to 2.

I did the thing from July! It was Duolingo. I took a month off due to gestures broadly but am back on the train.


Week 1: 5 hours (plus some other stuff)
Week 2: 12.5 hours (it starting to seem like there may be enough material for a 5-day course!)

It turns out if I work on it early in the day I am a lot more motivated than if I wait until 10pm to try to fit an hour inā€¦

(Also it is starting to get a little chilly so outside time is more limited.)

Finished Chapters 3 - 8ā€¦ sort of. The end of chapter 8 is a ā€œprojectā€ but the data provided doesnā€™t actually 100% match the data described in the writeup, and the tools referenced I believe are some earlier version and are somewhat different now (both interface and some of the options (or possibly it was written for a different OS as some of the menus and options are different between them); also, they writeup isnā€™t as detailed as some of the earlier stuff, so I believe some options might be necessary and that is sort of glossed over in the writeup). I gave up once I was about 50% complete because I could see what they were going for, could do all the analyses (and have done similar analyses probably hundreds of times in ArcGIS Desktop) and I felt as though I wasnā€™t going to get a result I was completely happy with anyway, since the data are different. Also need to look in the actual correct order of operations to reproject and then resample a raster to a different coordinate system and cell size.

Up next: plugins, web map services (using), and then more interestingly, perhaps, QGIS Server and GRASS.

Still havenā€™t figured out the portfolio/website issue.


With fruit, you have to embrace which ones you like/will eat and let go of the rest (says the guy with 2 month old apples chilling in the fridge). And you have to embrace seasonality.

I like fresh berries with yogurt and granola, but thatā€™s very seasonal. From June-ish through now, this works (in my region). You canā€™t substitute frozen berries for fresh berries if you care about texture.

Other summer fruits like stone fruits either need to be eaten with something (salad, cheese, etc.) or be the exact perfect amount of ripe - very hard to achieve!

Winter is for citrus - grapefruit, oranges, clementine type of mandarin oranges.

Bananas are available in the United States year round, and for me, they get eaten if they are the correct amount of ripeness. Some stores donā€™t even have correct ripe bananas at all. So my shopping specifically has a banana plan.

Melon is garbage.