I am ready to participate in Budgetober! Favorite thing about Halloween season is the decorations and spooky podcast episodes.


Yes yes. October is going to be super hectic for me but my food spending has been off the charts and if I can reign it in even a little that would be a huge win. I have actual dollars in mind here, but I may only post percentages, because I am SO embarrassed about it.

My favorite thing about this season is the free pass to wear costumes basically all month long. I love seeing folks in costume!


I’m in! I want a sticker! Also, my food spending is wildly out of control, and I don’t even know what I’m spending it on. My goal is $300 on all food spending. The twist is that I will be traveling for half the month, which should drop the grocery half, but probably increase the restaurant/eating out half of things. I’ll track via my credit card/YNAB.


I’m in!

I’ve never really budgeted. I’d like to shift money around for a possible upcoming home purchase.

I love the warmth and coziness of inside, paired with the crisp weather outside during Halloween. I also love to dress up and huge parties and have bins and bins of costume ware… but I’ll probably be partying with my husband and toddler this year.


Hi! I’m brand new to the forum, just bought a condo and am living alone finally, and I’m excited for Budgetober!


Welcome @amus34, @Jen! Excited to have you as part of budgetober :ghost: - If you want to check out other parts of the forum, I recommend introducing yourself on the Introduce Yourself Here thread and maybe share any floofs on your life here Share your pets! - let us know if you have any questions!


In October I would like to rein in my bubble tea habit. I started to consume a lot during the pandemic when I comfort-ate a lot more and my husband likes the excuse to leave the apartment to go get it for me. It’s kind of an expensive junk food habit (and my doctor is encouraging me to reduce sugar consumption to reduce inflammation, so there’s that health angle, too). So I’ll set a monthly budget and stick to it!

I love the fun-spooky vibes around Halloween and the psychological joy of mountains of candy (even if I will be avoiding it, myself). I can’t believe it’s almost October!


I want to do it!

Umm, I need a budget? Can someone show me how to make a budget really quick and simple like? Please no Excel involved, I hates it, precious.

(I officially know how to make a budget. But I was hoping to be pointed at something simple. Not YNAB, I tried it and just couldn’t stick with it.)


Paper and pen? I’m writing out everything I expect to do in October, like go to the cafe once a week, 5 grocery trips, and then I am gonna estimate how much each of those things normally costs.


I’m so down for Budgetober!

I feel like my discretionary spending has been creeping up lately so I’m hoping to try a low-spend type challenge for October and give a boost to my savings for a house someday.

Best thing about Halloween season = pumpkin patches!


I am in! I got back on the YNAB train in August and September has been a such an annoying budget month. My books/games/hobbies spending has been really high this month and as usual my snack spending is out of control, but it seems I under or over budgeted for everything and have just been constantly moving money from one category to another. So I’m going to do a generalized low spend month, with ZERO snack spending (at least in the snack category, some snack items will probably be added to the grocery list and that’s fine - groceries are an entirely different thing).

I’m not usually a big Halloween person, but I’m living in a townhouse now, with my very own front door, so I am hopeful that I’ll get some trick or treaters. I’ve bought candy already and everything. Also, have been sortof feeling the pull towards witchy things lately, so excited to explore that whole world a little bit.

Categories I’m tracking | Budgeted amount
Snacks | $0.00
Books/Music/Games | $25.00
Hobbies | $10.00
Giving/Mutual Aid | $200.00 - This goal here is to spend this all out, sometimes the month gets away from me and I only end up making my recurring donations


Welcome back, I feel like we haven’t seen you around here in forever? Or I’m just lost in the weeds and journals are hiding from me


Nope I’ve been gone most of the year. Now I have so many journals to catch up on!


There’s a couple apps in this list that are NOT spreadsheet based:

Here is a mini-zine I made a bunch of years on budgeting:

Here’s the week expense tracker and also give out to people in my budgeting class.

From my book, here are some of my non-spreadsheet recommendations:

  • Cash envelope method (put into different envelopes, can be used for discretionary or not)
  • Separate Accounts for discretionary vs core expenses
  • Tiny little budget wrapped around your card
  • Debt/Savings chains, similar to what you made in kindergarten to count down to holiday break

Hello Everyone!
I’m new here & excited about the idea of joining the Budgetober challenge but nervous I’ll fail. I’m also going on vacation this coming month & that usually siphons a lot of cash.
I’ve never had a budget consistently and would like to change that.
My favorite thing about the Halloween season is hard to choose but probably the full moon on a cold fall night. Creepy & beautiful :full_moon:
Thanks for reading.


Welcome! We’re all here for support. You don’t have to try a budget for all your money, maybe picking an area makes it easier?


Thank you!!!

I forgot to say my favorite thing about Halloween. I think it’s adults getting into costumes, having kid-like fun for a change.


I’m thinking about our grocery spend, and that I’m not happy with our level of spending on fresh produce and meat - it is probably too low. I’ve been relying a lot on making vegetable fritters and bowls with a base of sweet potato home fries, and that doesn’t make me all that happy. So if a budget where I’m trying to increase/adjust my spend to match my goals is ok for this challenge, I’ll do that.

My favourite thing about halloween is seeing the kids just out of toddlerhood who are so pleased by their costumes.


I don’t think I said my favorite thing about Halloween. That’s because it’s all of it. I refuse to choose.


I’m a huge fan of fall in general and my favorite thing is taking walks and stepping on crunchy leaves and acorns.