Budgetober Challenge! October 1 - 31 šŸ§™šŸ¼šŸ’øšŸŽƒ

I agree with that. Those phone calls that save you money you didnā€™t spend anyway are always the most frustrating.


Ok, did not find time for any spreadsheeting this week, but I did go see a fiduciary financial planner (work paid!) and confirmed my general sense of retirement timelines and likely Roth rollover this year. Plus found out I can roll my 403b and 457k into Roth versions of same w without having to convert to IRAs. So thatā€™s worth having done.

I must crunch number this coming week, though. Thereā€™s just so much work getting in the way, and when Iā€™m not working itā€™s either because Iā€™m exhausted or itā€™s the one day a week of fun stuff Iā€™m insisting on these days. Clearly Iā€™m going to need to lower the effort level at work.


Week 3 update, and Iā€™m home again so trying to pull together all the actuals that include last weekā€™s vacation.

Groceries $191/$200ā€“Ended up spending ~$60 on vacation that went into this category since the grocery store also had the souvenir I wanted (was more like a local market) and then we wandered past a very interesting spice shop where I picked up some mixes, but todayā€™s shop to refill fresh stuff in fridge should take me to the end of the month.

Eating out $88/$100ā€“Added one fancy dinner while on vacation and a restaurant visit as a thank you for the person who played airport shuttle, expecting one more goodbye happy hour, but knowing the people involved it wonā€™t be at one of the more expensive places.

Hobbies $111/$100ā€“Slightly over since I forgot to factor in an extra tip, but there shouldnā€™t be any more spending here for the rest of the month.

Travel $0/$200ā€“Still no flights purchased, but this is probably where Iā€™m going to end up recasting because just poking around flights it looks like theyā€™re at almost 2x last yearā€™s prices. Expect to purchase midweek since thatā€™s usually when thereā€™s a little bit of a dip, but even with vouchers and points Iā€™m guessing Iā€™ll break $300.


Week 3! No grocery shopping. Used a gift card for chipotle one day and spent $0.59 after.

Looking forward to this next week. We might not need groceries again. This past week I got 6 free large pizzas and a huge salad from work that has filled us for quite a few meals. We also pulled a couple of things from the freezer.

I did some baking this weekend and used ingredients we have had forever: chocolate protein powder, coconut milk, crystallized honey, peanut butter powder, etc. we made sour dough bread, chocolate protein bites, and protein brownies.


Week three check-in:

Spending has stopped.

No spreadsheet. I created an account with Pennywise during last weekā€™s livestream, then promptly forgot about it, because ADHD.

That said, I asked the good people of the forum here about something I was thinking of spending 70 quid on, (for the hedgehogs, inevitably), and the advice was to keep going with making my own. So I am.

Thereā€™s a lot more left in my account at this point in the month than in recent months, and Iā€™m no longer going on Amazon or Ebay daily (or more often). All wins. Just not I guessā€¦ formal? Or does that not particularly matter? A win is a win, right? Hm.


A win is a WIN! Esp. with the doom/gloom that comes with PTSD, celebrating the positives to move the needle away from the doom/gloom is great.


Week 3 Check-in!

Category Goal Week 1 Total Week 2 Total Week 3 Total
Cleaning Lady $0 $0 $0 $150
Rec Center $50 $0 $0 $0
Charitable Giving $100 $24 $24 $76
Life Insurance $80 $87 $87 $87
Subscriptions $80 $0 $7 $23
Student Loan $535 $0 $0 $0
Mortgage $2,653 $2,653 $2,653 $2,653
Electric / Gas $175 $0 $123 $123
Internet $55 $0 $0 $8
Preschool $1,000 $0 $1,000 $1,000
Costco ann fee $120 $130 $130 $130
Home Improvement $0 $28 $28 $128
Enrichment $150 $15 $91 $91
Medical $300 $45 $100 $157
Gifts/Holidays $0 $0 $39 $74
Christmas Spending $0 $0 $159 $159
Cell Phone $60 $36 $36 $36
Service and Parts $200 $0 $0
DH Fun Money $25 $52 $52 $52
E Fun Money $25 $4 -$41 -$41
Coffee Shops $50 $25 $25 $25
Household Items $50 $0 $90 $156
Date Night $100 $0 $0 $0
Clothing $50 $0 $35 $107
Books $30 $0 $0 $0
Toiletries $30 $0 $0 $18
Hair/Massage $50 $0 $0 $0
Baby Sitter $0 $0 $0 $0
Kid Supplies $100 $0 $29 $29
Uber $50 $0 $7 $7
Gas $75 $0 $42 $42
Groceries $800 $14 $134 $295
Dining Out $250 $60 $109 $192
Total Spending $7,243 $3,173 $4,959 $5,627

This goes against the spirit of ā€œbudgetoberā€ but we just found out that starting in November we are going to have much higher than normal expenses. So, there are a few things I was planning to wait until November to buy that I am going to buy now while we have the cashflow to cover it, even if it means going over budget in October. Itā€™s nothing crazy, but just a few small things. It seems like we are going to come in really under budget in groceries this month, so that will help offset a bit. Iā€™m still going to stay firm and not recast my goal.


Oooh, one win from this week though - D1 needed winter boots and warm pajamas. When I left to go to Target I told DH that I would see what they had there, and then decide whether to just buy new or to make the trip to once upon a child to buy them second hand. I estimated $15-$20 per pair of boots (snow boots + 1 pair of fashion boots) and probably $8 per pair of pajamas from Once Upon a Child. Itā€™s just so far away from our house and adds another stop. DH said from his perspective if boots were $25 or less at Target to just buy the new ones there, especially since 2nd hand shoes havenā€™t been surviving to be passed down to D2 lately. So then we end up buying 2 pairs of 2nd hand shoes since we donā€™t have the hand me downs available.

Well, new snow boots at Target were $39.99!! And the fashion boots were all $24.99 or $29.99. Girls pajamas were $18 per pair. I decided it was worth it to make the drive to the 2nd hand store. It really paid off because the boots were only $10 per pair, and I got her 2 pairs of boots and 2 pairs of pajamas for $31 total.


thank you!! looks simple and delicious.


Thank you!!

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I have tons of tofu in the fridgeā€”but running out of ideas for how to cook it. I should definitely try fried rice soon!


Week 3 update:

Not much to report spending wise, but I did start getting more serious about job applications. Itā€™s been a really rough market, but Iā€™m trying to stay optimistic and open minded to any job I can get so I can keep the bills paid instead of trying to find the ā€œrightā€ job.

Iā€™ve been listening to more budgeting/debt payoff podcasts to help me prepare for when I can start tackling my debt. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve had debt, and itā€™s pretty scary to me but Iā€™m also working on accepting it. My biggest goal is to give myself compassion and remember that debt isnā€™t a moral failing. Iā€™m just in a rough spot, everything is expensive, and sometimes this happens! Thatā€™s ok.

If anything, getting into debt has taught me a lot about money and has made me confront it more. I donā€™t know if Iā€™d be here in this forum if it wasnā€™t for the debt! So, thank you debt lol. I hope by this time next year money isnā€™t as anxiety-inducing as it is to current me :ā€™)


For anyone who qualifies in the US, brads deals has the best list of senior discounts.


Update 3:

Income: about $1750 between paychecks and tips (after tax) since last update. Granular tracking going strong in my spreadsheet.

Credit card: once transfers clear I should be at $189.76. Challenge will be keeping that from creeping up over the last 10 days of the month.

Indulgences: $16.50 for a t-shirt but otherwise did v good with this category this week.

Fitness: $35.99 for a supplement that I have on autoship

Kind of a boring week budget wise. Will likely be a challenge to hold on through the rest of the month as I donā€™t really have additional expected income but also no expected large expenses. Dog has to go to the vet this week unexpectedly but dog stuff comes from a joint savings bucket and this issue may be covered by his insurance ultimately.


3rd check-in:

The good news is that the $5k worth of plumbing seems to have worked, so FOR NOW we are done with that.

Grocery goal: for the month I am at $255.14. I guess my week of rice and beans and cooking from already-bought ingredientsā€¦ worked? who would have thought?

Under $4000 goal: I am also on track for this, but I think my number last week was wrong. Turns out I was reading a sum of my bank account that included escrow disbursements of our mortgage?! So I donā€™t know what my total spend was last week. Anyway, if Iā€™m reading everything correctly now, for the month I have spent $2999.46 outside of plumbing costs. I believe I have some bills to pay still but this is encouraging.


Week 3:

I have done a terrible job this week with actual money. However, I feel like Iā€™ve kept my spending in-line with my original ā€œbuy/donā€™t buyā€ decision list, aside from the tattooā€¦

  1. Kid spending - necessary things:
    a. Second-hand snow boots
    b. Snow pants
    c. One long sleeved shirt/kid
    d. Two pairs of pants for our 5.5 year old, who hates her pants being the wrong length and has grown an inch in 6 months.
    e. New shoes for the 8 year old
    f. Socks for both kids
    g. A bike helmet

  2. Kid spending - unnecessary things:
    a. Two books
    b. A dress

  3. My personal spending - necessary things:
    a. New jeans, since Iā€™ve ripped my only two slim-cut pairs of pants in the last month

  4. My personal spending - unnecessary things:
    a. A ā€œmatchingā€ tattoo with my sister. They donā€™t actually match, but we got them in mirrored places and at the same event :slight_smile:

  5. House things - necessary items that COULD have been delayed, but were annoying
    a. New bidet for our main floor bathroom - my 5 year old asks me to wipe her butt now that the bidet is broken, and Iā€™m so done with it.
    b. New USB charging cables to replace fraying ones
    c. New USB charging bricks

The kids used their own money to buy one thing each - a $10 football for the 8 year old, and a Grim Reaper scythe from the Halloween section for the 5.5 year old. I asked her like 10 times if she was sure, and the answer was always ā€œyesā€, so I let her get it.


week 3 check in:

did the big Costco run, which lasts me about 2.5 months so that blew my grocery budget. but now I probably donā€™t need to go until January!
food spending is at:
661/600. recast will be $725, but I have a $150 gift card, so hopefully I wonā€™t need the full amount. I have a cash buffer in my budget, so Iā€™ll pull the difference from there.

hobby spending is staying strong at 195/200. unless there is a craft emergency (lol) I will be fine here and donā€™t need to recast.


Week 3:
No spending from my fun money this week. Iā€™m eyeing a couple pieces from a clothing company I love (they just released a collab with an influencer I like a lot), and if I decide to go for it Iā€™ll want to do it this month since I have a birthday discount, so Iā€™ll have to check the budget before I do that!


Gotta share that brand yo!!


I bought something on my cc for Christmas from Amazon.ca on Thursday. It arrived today. I checked my cc account online with mobile banking, and the charge isnā€™t even showing as pending. Should I be concerned?

Other than that, we went window shopping at a high end grocery store today, and I didnā€™t spend a penny of my personal money. Big score! Iā€™m a foodie.