Budgetober Challenge! October 1 - 31 šŸ§™šŸ¼šŸ’øšŸŽƒ

Week 3 Check-In:
This Weekā€™s Spend: $641.96
Total Spent So Far: $2,423.12

I have about $570 left in my monthly budget, which should be doable for the last week of the month.
Happy to report that I made a few hundred more dollars than expected in October! I may wave my wand partway through next week so I can treat myself with some of that money. Weā€™ll see.


13-Oct to 19-Oct: $375 of $500

  • $16.26 coffee shops
  • $105 restaurants
  • $16.52 shaker bottle
  • $21.88 generalized sinning
  • $13.88 a magnet for the collection
  • $19.00 haircut

The ship pulled into . I ate out twice, went to two coffee shops (Starbucks and Dunkinā€™ ainā€™t I fucking fancy), bought a souvenir magnet, got a haircut, and replaced my protein shaker bottle that got packed and I wonā€™t see again until 2026.

Now weā€™re back at sea, poorer and with ragrats.


Check-in week 3!
I would like to use my magic wand and re-cast my grocery category :magic_wand: ! I forgot that this month is a 5 grocery trip month and not a 4 grocery trip month, Which means I canā€™t spend less than last month, which was my goal. In fact, this week I spent 94,78$, bringing the total to 368,33$ for the month, and that was approximately how much I spent last month. I put more money in that category and now I aim for a grand total of 450$ MAX for the month.

This week was way higher than intended, and this was completely unintentional. I made several mini trips to the grocery instead of only one. Every time I went, it was small amounts, so I didnā€™t realize all those tiny amounts were adding up :exploding_head: For the two next weeks, Iā€™ll try to go at only one place for the week. Weā€™ll see!


Week 3?!

Groceries: $86/$100

Eating out: $0/$100

Successfully went to Costco and kept to my grocery list! I feel like I can potentially make it!

This week I need to shop for mr krmitā€™s birthday cake, which is one of my exceptions to the budget.

Probably gonna pick up a fancy coffee tomorrow before work.


I am in Michaelā€™s frequent buyer program, as I guess you are too. I get a senior discount in addition to the other discounts. I donā€™t know if they do that in Canada, but if youā€™re not getting it and you qualify, it might get you a bit more?

I hesitated to post this, because youā€™re so good at being frugal, but donā€™t know what you have or havenā€™t got that we have here!


Check in #3: have been spotty at checking the budget before spending, but doing better than not-at-all, so thatā€™s fine. Progress not perfection.


Thanks! I actually did not know they stacked discounts.


Week 3 Checkin ~~~

Tuesday, October 22 is the thirdweekly check-in. **Nothing has to be perfect! Just check in by posting on this thread and mention where youā€™re at with your budgetober objectives.

This can be posting how much youā€™ve spent this week, what problems you ran into with your plan, or asking for help if you need it.

After you post your check-in, myself or another mod will get you a special-edition week 3 budgetober badge. If you still havenā€™t gotten your badge by Tuesday, please bat signal me (@anomalily) and Iā€™ll make sure you do! (If youā€™re missing week 1 or 2 also let me know)


Check-in #3

October is flying by! Iā€™m still on track to spend less than $50 on dining out this month, although this upcoming week is our anniversary and thatā€™ll probably clear out the rest of the money I have in that category.

Iā€™ve been drinking through my tea stash this month, and yesterday I finally ordered a restock of my favorite blend plus two new ones that seemed really good. The total came out to $86.30, which feels like an exorbitant amount of money to spend on tea, but 1) I know Iā€™m going to love it, 2) this amount of tea will probably last us for at least 2-3 years based on how long it took us to get through the tea we bought last year, and 3) itā€™s way cheaper than going out to the fancy boba place that weā€™ve been going to recently. I split the cost between my fun category & my dining out category, since itā€™s mostly a fun thing but will also replace going out to get fancy beverages.

Everything else is pretty much on track for the month. I should really do some meal planning today - weā€™ve been doing lots of snacky meals because weā€™ve both been tired. I just want to make sure weā€™re getting enough fruit & veggies :smiley:


I think Iā€™m pretty frugal but I spend ~$60 on fancy tea every 6ish months, so Iā€™m actually pretty impressed at the 2-3 years!


Week 3 Check-In!

Groceries were at $66.36 this week, putting me at $219.40 / $300.

I only spent $35.14 on eating out this week-- all on coffee & breakfast. Iā€™ve been stressed making myself breakfast in the mornings before work and have been eating out as a result-- Iā€™m going to try and fix that by making myself a breakfast casserole and eating on it throughout the week!

Going strong so farā€¦ just trying to keep it up. Hopefully this will help me make (& stick to) a more realistic eating-out budget moving forward.


Week three!

Iā€™m going to recast that extra savings goal because I didnā€™t realize November is a 3 paycheck month this year and I always save ridiculous amounts those months. Iā€™ll exceed savings goals for the year there! :moneybag:

So Iā€™ve recast the $400 I was going to put towards extra savings to go half to mutual aid cash and half to all the things friends are asking me to do this month. I disappear all summer because of my job so then when I reemerge in fall I end up going to a lot of events and concerts and pumpkin patches such. Iā€™d kind of forgotten about this and didnā€™t plan for it very well when I decided to go hard Christmas shopping earlier in the month. :gift:

Gifts and fun money spending: $469/$580 :jack_o_lantern:
Comfort food is at $74/$150 still. :coffee:
Eating out with others: $220/$266 :hamburger:

I didnā€™t include groceries in my tracking this month cuz we consistently come in under budget there, but for various reasons, mostly environmental sustainability related, Iā€™ve kind of returned to eating more the way I used to when I was single and on a very tight budget. Thatā€™s been feeling so good and Iā€™m hoping it might be a larger shift toward being able to be more proactive about cooking and less reactive cuz Iā€™m too sad and tired to plan! Hoping to crystalize this in a few months during Snack-uary. :plate_with_cutlery:


Week 3 checkin:

I put an order in to Amazon for a gift and some wrapping supplies (resealable bags and red & white twine to tie tags etc. to gifts). That was $40.96 CAD from my Christmas budget.

Soā€¦ this weekā€¦

$3.00 Gift baskets (cash)
$1.25 Cellophane wrap (cash)
$2.00 Old fashioned canning jar (cash) to be used as part of a gift
$76.00 Michaels - spray paint, ribbon, shredded crinkle paper filler, seasonal stamps, ink pad, tags (cash)
$40.96 Amazon - gift, food grade bags and red & white twine (cc)

Total = $123.21 CAD

Only thing I regret is buying tags. I found a whole whack leftover from last year when I got home from Michaels.

I had $295 CAD in my Christmas budget the beginning of October. I have $171.79 left. I will be adding more in November and December. So this is not bad.

I have nine gift baskets to do, but some will be smaller than others. Also, I am making a lot of the gifts. That will, hopefully, keep costs under control.


Groceries: $478/800
Dining/Takeout: $168/450
Shopping: $168/300
Really pleased with where we are. Dining will go up as we just had a meal out that hasnā€™t shown up in monarch, and shopping will also go up with some planned purchases.


Can you return the tags?


I could haveā€¦if I hadnā€™t opened them and tossed the packaging. But I did that before pulling out my gift card tag box that I thought only had old Christmas card gift tags. It turns out I had some hm gift tags in there, as well as some Dollarama gift tags. :disappointed:. I will have tags for a while. This year Iā€™m storing all the actual gift tags in a small zippered bag, inside that tag box (an old fruitcake box), so they donā€™t get lost among the bigger tags made from old Christmas cards.


Week 3
Husband still hasnā€™t completed the budget. I am planning out our holiday today, and we havenā€™t had time to do the shopping I had planned, so it will probably work out by accident!


Had a talk with Hubby. We decided to go halves on a couple of expensive gifts for one of our daughters and her hubby. It is beyond what I planned for a gift budget, so they will not be getting gift baskets. Only one gift each.


My week 3 check-in:

lots of ā€œfluffā€ in this cycle, but a good 1/3 of the 15 fluffy transactions were charity and another 2 were books, so I donā€™t feel all that bad about it.

What I can feel ā€œgoodā€ about is that I found 2 instances of fraud that I seem to have successfully disputed (at the cost of having to once again re-enter all of my recurring payments since theyā€™ve cancelled the card, again), which will bring back $190. I wonder how many similar instances Iā€™ve missed by not carefully reviewing my expenses in the past? And why is it (seemingly) always delivery food companies (which I otherwise donā€™t use!) that I get defrauded through? This was a ā€œsomeone put my card into their doordash and made 2 orders from Target in NYCā€ and the last one was ā€œsomeone broke into my grubhub accountā€ (which I immediately cancelled).

I also found a mystery late fee on a loan that I have been repaying automatically since Jan 2021 with the same settings, where the payment went through on the first as usual, but I am shown as in arrears. I have a message into my bank asking the WTF YO.

While this was a frustrating week due to actually having to make several phone calls due to these SNAFUā€™s that someone else caused, it was a win in that I ā€œsavedā€ the >$200 and the presumed hit to my credit rating that I wouldnā€™t have even noticed had I been doing ā€œbusiness as usualā€ and just figuring everything was correct/normal.



Iā€™ve been really sick the last couple weeks, so Iā€™m checking in for Weeks 2 and 3!

Week 2
I spent $6.45 on breakfast burritos, bringing my total up to $8.60.

Week 3
This week was a lot higher because I had an unexpected lunch out-of-town to the tune of $15.51. The weekā€™s spending was $19.81, bringing my monthly total up to $28.41.

Being sick has kept me home, but I have also started preparing breakfast burritos for the week. Regardless of how early I get up, I seem to need a grab-and-go breakfast unless Iā€™ll be staying home for the day. Breakfasts have never been a strong point for me, which is part of why Iā€™ve been hitting fast food so hard over the last couple months.