Budgetober Challenge! October 1 - 31 🧙🏼💸🎃

I’m sure I’ve talked about Son de Flor here before :joy: $$$ but good quality linen clothes!



Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait, Rachel Maksy is their home page? I like them already.


That’s the influencer collab! It’s time/stock limited which is another reason I have to hurry up and decide :sweat_smile:


Well, I knew the end was nigh…

DH had been bugging me for 3 days about getting cider donuts. We went out to the local town for a walk. Then to the tiny market for his donuts. As i got out of the car, it became donuts, ice cream and parmagian cheese.


DH was obsese as a kid. He doesn’t have the monitor I do that tells him hes “full.” He also, because he works at home and has for decades now, uses eating during the day to give him a break. (I used to use smoking when I worked on an assembly line for the same thing…) So, to him snacking is something he does through the day.

The $25/week for food doesn’t have room for crackers, cheese spread, ice cream, chips, etc. and I can skip them and have (I’ve lost 2 pounds). DH not so much.

The first market we went to, they had ONE donut, shop made, for $1.99 EACH??? but I thought that would do it. The ice cream, however, was almost $9. ($1.99 + 8.29)

Then we went to the supermarket as the donut wasn’t very good. The supermarket didn’t have cider donuts, but they did have the cheap parm, which was another $9 if I remember correctly? Nope! $4.49

Also, my original $100 figure was for 4 weeks, not 5. So, even without DH’s help, even with the extra $15 added; the budget is dead Fred! When I found that the month had 5 weeks, I just figured I’d give myself the $25 for the last week as well. But none of that included donuts, ice cream and extra cheese…

I really am not surprised. HE didn’t agree to the challenge and has been for him wonderfully tolerant…

  • of my not baking bread (although I did yesterday) or buying it, for example, which meant he baked bread when he had no such plans. (He’s a better baker than I am.)

  • But I made 2 loaves and he only makes 1 at a time, which will help a little.

  • No complaints about the menu at all.

  • Some comments about the lack of snacks now and then tho…

Yesterday, apparently, the dam burst. I’m surprised it took 4 weeks…

Over spend 10.28 (ice cream + donut) and 4.49 (cheese) = $14.77

Item Cost Type
Broadband £40.00 Monthly
Electric £302.00 Monthly
Council tax £238.00 Monthly
Mobile phones x 2 £20.00 Monthly
Property insurance inc public liability £85.00 Monthly
Netflix £11.00 Monthly
Kindle unlimited £9.50 Monthly
Groceries £179.00 Week 1
Takeaway £29.00 Week 1
Groceries £135.00 Week 2
Groceries £116.00 Week 3

Running total : £1164

Slight improvment on the groceries this week and should still come in under my goal of £1500 for the month, but definitely higher that last year. I’ll do the year on year comparison at the end of the month.


Week 3: FAIL. I didn’t get my cooking done on Sunday so I wound up buying lunch most of the week. I was having depression symptoms and impulse bought a $15 craft kit at target. This week is off to a better start though- I meal prepped my lunches for the week!


Week 3 check in: I’m about at my grocery budget, but I have over $150 left in my other food categories so I can work with that. No additional fun money spent so have about half left still. Im really happy with my progress so far, I’ve got a savings rate of 45% so far.


No café spending this week either


Week 3 check in
Going okay!
Capping my hobby spending is helping me think critically at craft subscriptions I have. The emotional treat/fomo aspect is hard to give up, and that’s 20% of the budget that isn’t necessary.

Keeping up on daily budget journaling is helping! I want to add a memo line for my thoughts/emotional state for purchases to get more information around mood state patterns.


Got my savings up to $300 this month, $100 to go!


Spent most of the day with medical personnel. No personal money spent.

The $40+ finally showed up on my cc.


Also just a thought: sounds like you used your money to take good care of yourself during a tough week :two_hearts: And nice work being closer to your goals this week! Heck yeah meal prepping!


week 3:
I’m doing one grocery shopping trip a week, but I did do a takeout pizza on Sunday after another 12-day streak of work with another workshop to do the next day. It wasn’t against my rules but it was somewhat unplanned. Still within my restaurant budget.

So tired and stressed about work but things won’t relax until post-election though


Week 3 check in.

I am at $725 of my $700 grocery budget.

So far I am not running into expenses that I don’t already have a category for, which was another goal for the month. I’m sure I’ll run into things occasionally, I just want to make sure I’m not missing something obvious or routine in my budget.


Checkin in #4

October 1st:

  • Big grocery store: $21.01
  • Asian grocery store: $41.78

October 4th:

  • Aldi: $31.46
  • Asian grocery store: $50.07

October 6th:

  • Apple picking: $10.75

October 8th:

  • Aldi: $16.02

October 13th:

  • Asian grocery store: $5.49

October 14th:

  • Asian grocery store: $22.22
  • Aldi: $18.41

October 18th:

  • Asian grocery store: $15.56

October 19th:

  • Farmers market: $3.00

October 21st:

  • Asian grocery store: $19.95
  • Kwik Trip: $2.83

October 24th:

  • Bakery: $5.26

October 25th

  • Walgreens for airplane snacks: $9.08

Total spent so far: $271.57

Remaining budget: $58.43

Flying out tonight for an unexpected out of state funeral, won’t be returning until late on Wednesday, aka almost the end of the challenge period. I’ll be coming in under the grocery budget, but only because uh. Life got weird. There will be a lot of eating out spending and random expenses this week that aren’t captured in this specific challenge I set for myself.


I’m doing a Week 4 check in early because I think I’ll be busy this weekend, and then next Friday I can do the final evaluation.

I set my goal really high at $7K because I thought we would have expensive plane tickets and then they were cheap, so I think we will make it even with several hundred dollars of unplanning cat expenses. Poor little guy still isn’t better.

I still have $1300 left of my goal and not that much more to buy. One more grocery shop plus snow pants and snow boots for BB.

October Planned Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Home maintenance and repairs 0 0 0 40 40
Mortgage 2079 2079 2079 2079 2079
Home supplies and furnishings 100 26 46 76 76
Groceries 1200 164 512 695 949
Restaurants 200 -22 31 9 34
General kid spending 300 26 219 218 260
Subscriptions 100 26 70 70 70
Misc. bills and services 0 0 0 0 0
Utilities 350 0 97 97 264
Health 297 304 304 304 304
Cash 0 0 1 1 1
Gifts and holiday 150 0 157.41 205 245
Shopping 100 0 0 3 3
Cat 0 231 231 252 252
Donations 20 0 0 20 20
Travel 1000 356 356 356 356
Out and misc. entertainment 50 0 0 1 1
Car payment 452 0 0 452 452
Auto maintenance 20 0 0 0 0
Taxes/insurance 158 157 157 157 157
Gas 60 0 0 0 0
Parking, transit, etc. 0 0 0 -22 -22
His clothes 100 0 0 0 0
His misc. spending 100 0 0 0 0
My clothes 50 0 53 53 53
My misc. spending 50 13 18 30 99
6936 3360 4331.41 5096 5693

Hey, what was the week 2 badge? I think all I have is week 1, but there are so many spooky badges from years past I’m not sure.

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