Budgetober Challenge! October 1 - 31 šŸ§™šŸ¼šŸ’øšŸŽƒ

My favorite is Costa Rican rice and beans, called gallo pinto. I used to make huge batches of this when I was really broke since the only not-super-cheap ingredients are cumin (which you donā€™t need too much of) and fresh lime and cilantro. But even those arenā€™t too bad! Otherwise itā€™s just rice and dried black beans (soaked overnight) and onion. You can cook the rice in water or broth depending on your budget that week and then eat it with fried eggs for even more protein (if you arenā€™t vegan). Hereā€™s the link to my favorite recipe if youā€™d like to try it!

p.s I know the recipe is from white people living in Costa Rica so thatā€™s not ideal, but itā€™s still the best one Iā€™ve found so far online in English


We divide almost everything into 2 categories: supplies or equipment.

Supplies are consumed or so altered by their use they canā€™t be reused often.
Equipment are items used and reused. We budget them differently.

So, food, cat litter, etc. are supplies. But ceramic plates, furniture, clothing are equipment. When money is tight, supplies are the first things we cut to the bone.

I donā€™t have a strict formula/percentage, etc. for budgeting. But dividing everything into 2 categories helped clarify things for us quite a bit.


Just found an issue with the AC piping that costs $500-$1500 to fix. Even though the whole system was newly installed 3 yrs ago. UGH. Owning is so much harder to budget for than renting.


Late checkin. No cafe spending this week


gym membership acquired, but I need to go in to see why the app isnā€™t working for me. plus I will need to buy a lock, because I donā€™t want to spend the time trying to crack my old school one.

On food, we spent double what we needed to for our contribution at thanksgiving. so now weā€™re eating that down.

Anti-social means I didnā€™t spend a ton on eating out this past week, but Iā€™m supposed to be asking a person if we are getting together tomorrow as planned, plus finding a restaurant for Monday, and deciding what Iā€™m doing about a Thursday event.

In line with my values and what I want the world to look like, I backed a kickstarter at a made up tier with no benefits beyond good will.

Clothing budget was completely blown, but the shadowy one looks so good in their new jacket, and it has all the desired pockets for function.


Late check in! I have been so sick and tired that I havenā€™t tried on any of the clothing I bought yet. Hopefully this weekend!


Iā€™m going to have to conclude that the Budgetober Challenge for me is a failure. What Iā€™m out of at the end of 3 weeks is a list that will take at least $60 at a guess to replace entirely. Some of it isnā€™t deferable, like coffee. The items which arenā€™t deferable, my estimated cost is $27 out of $25, so I"m busted, for the 3rd week of 4ā€¦ :tired_face:

cheese of any type. I usually stock cheddar at minimum. The block I get lasts 2 weeks and costs $10. Itā€™s the cheapest I can find it. On the list now: cheddar and mozzarella.If I defer the mozzarella, estimated cost $10

milk. 1/2 gallon of what I normally buy $3.29, even if I bought a quart of something elseā€¦ I am out of canned milk and low on dry milk, which can be deferred for a week or so. Estimated spend required $0.

marmalade, jelly, peanut butter. I have 1 unopened jar of jelly in the pantry. No backstock peanut butter at all. No peanuts to make more. Even if I buy no jelly/marmalade, Iā€™d need peanut buitter $4.

breads. Baking is our normal fall-winter. The challenge got us off our lazy butā€™s and baking. Thatā€™s good. I do have flour, water, yeast, salt. Tortillas are another thing altogether. I used tortillas as a cheaper, alternative breadstuff. I do have a tortilla press, but Iā€™d misplaced it. We found it, so now I can work on making tortillas as well as bread. I used up the 3 boxes of cornbread mix I had in the pantry. I have a jar of (much older) Bobā€™s cornbread mix that I should use up. If itā€™s rancid (very possible) then it should be pitched. I can get by with what weā€™ve got $0 needed.

coffee. We have enough to last through tomorrow. Then weā€™re out completely. When we were really in a bad way 1.5 years ago, I tried every cheap alternate coffee bean I found: house brand, Italian dark roast from the big box store, co-op, etc. None of them worked. $8 needed for 1 bag of beans. If we decided we were going to roast our own coffee again, itā€™s not cheaper by the time you pay for shipping. The roasters hereabouts last time we priced it out cost nearly the same as the supermarket preroasted, and you still have to do the workā€¦ so why? Required spend $9.

produce. I have enough potatoes from the farm now for one meal. I have enough onions now for 3 dishes. I do have enough celery now, both in the fridge from the farm and in the garden. But doing without potatoes and onions really isnā€™t an option. 5# of potatoes from Aldi is $4ā€¦ If I had scheduled the pickup for my fall bulk produce order? I might feel like I could defer this, but I donā€™t. Usually by this time I have 50# of potatoes Iā€™ve processed in the pantry and onions and carrots. I donā€™t have any of that this year, yet, or maybe at all? Estimated cost $4.

Rock bottom cost for Sundayā€™s shopā€¦ $10 (cheese) + $4 (peanut butter) + $9 (coffee) + potatoes $4 = $27.

I was short $2 the first week, but have run over every week since. This coming week was my only chance to keep the 4 weeks < = $100 for the monthā€¦ and thereā€™s just no way, unless I want to get into a huge fight with DH. Heā€™s been much more tolerant than I expected him to be. Except for buying himself $20 worth of fancy ice cream, and other treats about 2x, heā€™s stuck to it as well. I didnā€™t expect that. I thought weā€™d fight. Nope.


$ amount was just too low. $30 I could probably have done. I could ā€œcheatā€ and buy only potatoes by the each or a tiny jar of peanut butter. I could. Even if I did, the past 2 weeks of overspending would run me over budgetā€¦


(Menu Planning) The necessary menu planning didnā€™t make the cooking boring. I did find myself putting off making things ahead for the freezer a bit, but thatā€™s it. I put aside a few batches of stuff to use as prefab when the few prefab items we have were used up. I made up plain pintos, Mexican bulgar, and rice pilaf. Now I just have to remember to use them!

(Expenditures) This showed me that I really can push what I spend down a lot more than I would have thought. It also showed that thereā€™s a level of spending that just has to happen and if I spend very low one week, it isnā€™t necessarily sustainable.

If I want to spend this low, weā€™d have to change what we use/how much quite a bit. And I know that although I might be willing to do this, I wonā€™t get DH to drink coffee he doesnā€™t like for a month, to save $2/lb.

(Pantry/Food Use) The challenge made me really pay attention to what food I have, so I could make use of it. This aspect of the challenge was a total success!


Those learnings and behaviors donā€™t sound like failures btw


No, I donā€™t think so either! I consider this a success overall, even if the $ didnā€™t work. And, since itā€™s a $ challenge, well, no didnā€™t go the way I wanted.

I see people on YouTube feeding their family of 4 for $50/week and you wonder how they managed? They have a deep pantry. I thought I did too. And doing it for a week? Well, that wasnā€™t so hard. But after thatā€¦


You also get a one time recast of your budget. You have more information now about your needs and the availability of stuff in your area. You couldnā€™t make it work on what you thought you could, but you can take all that info and make a new, better budget


Really? OK. I recast my budget to $40 for the last week. That will give me enough room to cover the overages AND allow for the necessities. That gives me $115 budget for the month.

And, I did a refigure. I forgot to add in the $25 I allowed myself for the week I was so far overā€¦

Week 1: $22.45 $2.55 UNDER budget +2.55
Week 2: $13.73 over. -13.73 (13.73-2.55 = 11.18 OVER (cum)
Week 3:Spent $12.44 (Added $2)/. 25-14.44 = 10.56 UNDER
11.18-10.56 = .62 OVER (cum)
Week 4:

I posted my week 4 menu plan on my regular journal, so as to not clutter this thread.

I thought the people I saw adjusting things had set that up beforehand; and I hadnā€™t.

The minimum Iā€™d spend above is $29, Iā€™ll add back in the mozzarella, $5, making it $34.

What I actually spentā€¦

Cheese, OJ concentrate, mozz, 6 eggs, 2# pasta, tortillas, coffee, DHā€™s sugar, pnut butter, road, milk, paper towel. $57.95.

Coffee was the wrong size, $4 refund.
road food $3.38,
paper towels, sugar, and pasta were bulk buys, they will all last 2 months or more.

5.94 + 3.49 + 4 = 20.81

57.9[- 20.81 = 37.14

40.-37.14 = 2.86 $2.86 UNDER


No spending this week until today. Today I spent:

$5.00 at the thrift store on baskets for Christmas gifts
$76.00 at Michaels for packaging and wrapping supplies. UGH! And thatā€™s with my discount!

I had cash in envelopes for all of it. So, while I cringe at Michaels prices, I am still able to keep to my goal of not pilfering from another envelope to cover a different envelope.


Week 3:

We have spent nothing on groceries or baby, and likely wonā€™t for at least a few days as we descend into hospital land.



Thanks so much! That is a really helpful way of thinking about it.


Thank you! Itā€™s so funny how paying attention to what I buy and what ā€œenvelopeā€ the money is coming from makes me think more about my categories. Like tea gets itā€™s own budget but I was thinking dish soap is groceries.


Week 3 Check-in (I missed week 2)
Oof, I have done a terrible job of sticking to my original goal of not purchasing clothes aside from my clothing rental box. There were two items that I couldnā€™t bring myself to send back after wearing, so now they are mine at a discounted but still hefty price.

However I feel like Iā€™ve had some small wins, I decided I needed a particular clothing item for a concert next week and ended up sewing it myself out of some leftover fabric instead of buying from Amazon which is typically my default for costume-y items that wonā€™t get worn often. The $5.30 ā€˜Hobbiesā€™ transaction was a digital pattern from a really fun deisgner with great instructions. While itā€™s barely less expensive than getting a similar item delivered the next day I love feeling resourceful and supporting an independent pattern designer instead of the giant problematic fast fashion industry. Sewing is an expensive hobby in general but perhaps making more of my garments can help me be more intentional about what Iā€™m buying/wearing? Not sure if this counts as progress.

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Week 3 check in:
Eating down the freezer and pantry: this is going to be slow! Was successful with this - tuna, pasta, crackers, fresh pasta sauce, emptied 2 small grated cheese containers and another with cubed cheese from the fridge, couple bagels, tomatoes, cucumbers. Everything for overnight oats from the cupboard and focussing on all that tea.

Today I will start focaccia bread, and maybe make ginger molasses cookies tomorrow.

The only items purchased this week was milk, ground beef and a box of crackers for groceries. Still have fruit, carrots and salad mix to use up in the fridge.


I watched YouTube gift basket videos for Christmas (yes I know Iā€™m a bit early, but surgery is coming up), and discovered a way to turn boxes into potential gift baskets that donā€™t look half bad! Better yet, I had everything in the house that I needed for them! So Iā€™ve managed to conjure up five gift baskets for $3.00.

However I had to spray paint one wicker one to cover an ugly ink stain. Not frugal was $14.99 + tax for the spray paint (part of the $76 spend at Michaels yesterday). I did use the spray paint on the insides of the two gift boxes made from one cardboard box as well. And I have lots of spray paint left over.

In the end, the only money spent today was for clear cellophane basket wrap at the local thrift store. It was 25 cents a roll. Because it was only 60ā€ long, I bought 5 rolls. One for each gift basket. Thatā€™s the price of one roll the same size at Dollarama.


Weel 3 check in! I am practicing Chaos Check In where any time between Saturday and Tuesday is fine. This works because our biggest weekly spend is groceries, which are bought on Thursday so either way captures one grocery shop.

I forgot to budget for having the lawn aerate ($40) and we had to get MORE medicine for the poor cat.
Restaurant spending went down and transit spending is negative becaues I got a reimbursement for a conference I went to last month.

October Planned Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Home maintenance and repairs 0 0 0 40
Mortgage 2079 2079 2079 2079
Home supplies and furnishings 100 26 46 76
Groceries 1200 164 512 695
Restaurants 200 -22 31 9
General kid spending 300 26 219 218
Subscriptions 100 26 70 70
Misc. bills and services 0 0 0 0
Utilities 350 0 97 97
Health 297 304 304 304
Cash 0 0 1 1
Gifts and holiday 150 0 157.41 205
Shopping 100 0 0 3
Cat 0 231 231 252
Donations 20 0 0 20
Travel 1000 356 356 356
Out and misc. entertainment 50 0 0 1
Car payment 452 0 0 452
Auto maintenance 20 0 0 0
Taxes/insurance 158 157 157 157
Gas 60 0 0 0
Parking, transit, etc. 0 0 0 -22
His clothes 100 0 0 0
His misc. spending 100 0 0 0
My clothes 50 0 53 53
My misc. spending 50 13 18 30
6936 3360 4331.41 5096

Checkin in #3

October 1st:

  • Big grocery store: $21.01
  • Asian grocery store: $41.78

October 4th:

  • Aldi: $31.46
  • Asian grocery store: $50.07

October 6th:

  • Apple picking: $10.75

October 8th:

  • Aldi: $16.02

October 13th:

  • Asian grocery store: $5.49

October 14th:

  • Asian grocery store: $22.22
  • Aldi: $18.41

October 18th:

  • Asian grocery store: $15.56

October 19th:

  • Farmers market: $3.00

Total spent so far: $235.45

Remaining budget: $94.55

Ate out a bit more than usual this week (twice, with another snack out and about too) and capturing those costs hasnā€™t been a part of the budgetober for me this year, but itā€™s still part of the picture. Iā€™d like to focus on making food in the next day or two so that is less tempting. :slight_smile:

My plan this week is to make okonomiyaki, fried rice, cabbage salad, kimchi tuna balls, and a loaf of bread.