"Add it Up August" Challenge: tracking the thing you should do

I played more with camera settings, changing the ISO and f stop. There was a young trash panda in our tree, so I used that as my primary subject. I probably should have done something not quite so far away, but the point of this is not to make photos I’m happy with, but to learn how changing the settings changes the image I get.


Week 1: 245 minutes physical activity.

Not bad considering I had a nasty cold/flare up for 3 days.


Week 1: I did not do anything except a few non figurative doodles and I cleaned my bathroom sink. I also kept up on dishes immediately this week but idk if that is a chore for the purpose of the challenge. Now that I’m moving chore priorities will shift to organize my own stuff, and only clean the house to the degree it needs to be suitable for move out which might include some deep scrubbing of the fronts of the kitchen cabinets, but everything else is pretty good


We had another budgets and bagels session where we recorded the past week’s spending and talked about what we plan to spend this coming week.

I’ve tried to get us to do something like this for a while but it never turned into a habit. I hope the bagels are enough of a fun thing to get us to keep doing it.


Week 1

  • Yardwork: 7 hours
  • Dollars Spent on Groceries: $13 (but that will change wildly as we need to replace a whole bunch that spoiled in the outage)

I’m going to jump on the challenge late, I didn’t think I had the bandwidth this month with a newborn but realised I need the challenge to be making sure I leave the house each day and try to get a walk in, no matter how small. So far for the month I’ve left the house each day except for last Thursday and Friday when I had mild cold symptoms (although may have been slightly from overdoing it on a mega 3 hr walk on the Wednesday as it was so nice and sunny). So 7/9 So far.


Hit both marks this past week:

  • Political/justice: Nominated someone for a task force, planned a fundraiser.
  • Volunteer: Filmed a training video, followed up on another non-profit decision.

I’m mostly working through their SQL for business analysts track but am also doing the Power BI and Tableau courses too. I’m glad to hear a professional computers person (I’m assuming that you are) likes their stuff. I poked around with a lot of online coding sites when I was learning R and they seem a lot more thorough than many others.


I may very well steal this idea when Sweaty and I start to combine finances more. He will be both amused and pleased by the bagels aspect!


I hope it works for you!

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217 minutes CCO
363 minutes home projects
Goal 930 minutes of each

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Books: 3/5
Tomatoes: 4/15

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Have fallen off the wagon. Husband told me I was doing pushups wrong (to be fair, I asked him to check), and I got discouraged. Need to get back to it.


Books: 3/5
Tomatoes: 5/15

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There are lots of ways to do pushups and they’re not necessarily more or less valid. Wide-arm push-ups, 45 degree pushups (military style) and close pushups are all different types.


Yeah, it wasn’t an issue with arm placement- I just wasn’t traveling far enough to get a lot of benefit. A lot of that was because of wrist pain, so we talked through some strategies to help there. Now I just have to do it.


General activity time: 410 minutes (walks, hiking, moving things around in the garage)
Training Time: 547 minutes
Training volume : 159,790 pounds
Protein Intake: 4230g
Grocery Spend: $543.56


If you’d like any wrist pain advice for push ups, I consider myself an expert on that particular problem. Sounds like you have a plan, though!


Maybe, we’ll see. Plan is to have only the heels of my hands on the mat I’m using so I don’t bend the wrists so far. I don’t think I have the hand strength to use the handles I’ve seen in your journal, so this is worth a try.

I don’t have anything like your issues, just little strength, an old injury on one wrist, and hypermobility.

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Ahh yes pushups after wrist surgery! Took me 6 months before I could get my nose on the floor and just the other day I did a pull up on my fingertips… Thats almost 8 months after surgery… Breaking bones just sucks…:frowning:

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