30 Days of Yoga with Adrienne 2024

I did “ease” today. It is my day off in my week of kayaking. I already had sore abs from 4 days of paddling, so I would have liked to do anything but abs today. But it was best to do this on my otherwise off day, I think.

This place had a good setup for yoga. I’m changing locations today and have no idea what the next 4 days will look like.


I forgot to check in, but I did day 15 today - balance. It actually wasn’t so much about balance? She does the alternating nostril breathing at the beginning, which is my least favorite thing that she throws in sometimes. I always feel like I am suffocating.


Also not a fan of the alternating nostril thing - I have a deviated septum so it’s a big difference between the two sides :joy:. (It literally never affects my life except when yoga instructors do this exercise).

I’m a little behind now but did Day 13 yesterday and hopefully will get to 14 tonifht


I was SO stuffy for the stupid breathing!

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Has anyone done day 16 yet? I’m pretty sick and I’m wondering if it is restful enough to attempt it! If it is quite athletic, I will skip.


I just did it while sick. It wasn’t bad. It is a lot of twisty stretches for your back. The hardest part was a lunge that you twist in? I think? There is one short forearm plank.


I went ahead and did it! It was definitely about at my limit today, but I’m glad not to miss it. If I don’t have to. We will see about tomorrow! I did have cuckoo underfoot with no one else to watch her but I only missed a couple of moves :sweat_smile:


Well, I missed yesterday. We had an early departure for our outing and I just didn’t feel up to it when we got back.

I’m now 3 days behind, but I did day 14 this morning.


I did day 17 today. I would not recommend doing this one while sick. I’m still not feeling 100% and it was a little too hard for me from an upper body strength perspective, said as a woman with a lot of upper body strength. I powered through and took one rest break during an prolonged downward dog core exercise.


Also did 17. I’m also still kinda sick so I heeded @Economista’s warning and chose cow/tabletop whenever that was a choice.

I wanted to stay on track so that tomorrow I can do that 9 minute one(!) after my run/walk with BB. (I might suggest that we mostly walk and just take a few brief jogs for warmth so I don’t overdo it while I’m recovering.)


Did Day 15 tonight!

If I have any kind of chore to do at night, or if Husband wants some quality time, then there’s no time for yoga :sob:


Day 15 done the morning. There may not have been a lot of balancing in Balance, but half moon seems a bit advanced for this point. It was hard for me, anyway.


I failed at Meditate today. Oops. The baby was crawling on me, my 12yo was trying to talk to me and my hips hurt, so I kept changing position/getting another thing to sit on/etc.

But, that’s just part of the process, right?


OMG - I did the wrong day :joy: I thought all of it seemed really familiar, but she has been repeating so much this month that I didn’t notice. Normally when I open up youtube the video of the day is the first suggested video. I did Day 12: Stability :joy: Well - that video was twice as long and much harder than the meditate would have been, so I’m counting it as doing my yoga for today.


Day 16 done this morning.

This is my home tonight, so I won’t have any space for yoga in the morning.


I did day 19! I am still kinda sick but it wasn’t too bad- I stood near support for the balance. Not sure if I will have time tomorrow because we have the boys’ stepbrothers here for a sleepover so we’re a very full house, but I’ll try.


Day 19 is done! My ankles always hurt during these kind of balances. I guess I need to increase my ankle strength


I’m showing up almost a month late and doing a completely different 30 day set, metaphorical iced coffee in hand, but I did a quick 10 min today today!




Day 20 is very bendy, deep stretching. I did not like how long we held lizard pose!