2022 BINGO! A Choose-Your-Own-Goals challenge.

April Update


Updating since I forgot to track this for a bit.

Also, has anyone in the US heard anything about the BBB bill recently? Trying to decide if I should just give up on that square and hope they get some reforms through next year…



I forgot I put 24 short stories. I’ve only done two. Vacation is planned, dentist is planned.


My update. Green text is “in progress”. Red text in yellow square is done. Red square is a failure…so far.


Hm. Let’s see the tracking has fallen to the wayside. But, the garden is mostly planned and is being planted, so that’s a success!

As per usual for me, anything requiring a schedule that I make up is unsuccessful. That’s true of the cleaning plan, documenting what I was doing, tracking the cleaning, tracking how long I’ve managed without a panic attack, food/waste tracking.

The only one I’m succeeding at is: smiling a lot more. :grinning:


Sorry I’ve been gone for a while! I had to do my recast already because due to the 'rona, a couple things we had planned got messed up (Canada trip and the first wedding I was going to). Also, I realized there were a couple things I was pushing myself to do with this card that sound awful, and WHY WOULD I BE MEAN TO MYSELF LIKE THAT? I made the former running goal and solo trip goal a little kinder and more practical.

I’m working on the fiddle streak now. I’ve started the meditation streak multiple times, but then forget on busy work days. I’m also doing alright with the reading and saving goals.

I wish I was better at the forums right now. I’m so glad to be part of this goal bingo because it’s definitely helped me get stuff done/improved. :two_hearts:



Orange squares are done. Red squares are fails…so far.

It seems online classes are unpopular in spring! Oh well. I’ll try again in fall. Teaching online is not working right now.

I have more sketches drawn to be scanned, enlarged, and transferred to backing. I am waiting for more backing to arrive, for a pause in gardening.

Repairing the green floral antique rug has taken a back seat to finishing my current series.

Video creation has also taken a back seat. Mostly because I am so discouraged by how my previous fibre dyeing video turned out.

I am 80% done transferring files from my iMac to my Lenovo. Photos are being a bear.

I’m still waiting for my website developer to let me know when my new website is ready. She’s been busy getting over covid and planning her wedding. We’ll see if this ever transpires. I hope so! I can’t really update the website until I see what she’s done with it. And I am not setting up a monthly email newsletter until the website is done. And no video classes on my new website until it’s finished obviously.

I decided not to partake in the two nature journaling conferences this year. I have no time.

The 3D rug is also taking a back seat to the current series.

I will only take one class during Workshop Week this fall, if that. Time is the issue yet again.

A photographer has been hired to come in late June to photograph some work.

I’m behind in watching fibre dyeing videos.

There is no way my current series will be finished by the end of June. That deadline may have to be extended.

The magazine article will not be written until after the series is completed and photographed.

For my personal life BINGO card…

I am on week 10 of 12 in The Artist’s Way. Hope to be done before I go on my artist retreat in June.

I am walking daily, anywhere from 2000 steps (today) to 15000 steps.

I have not gone through my old journals yet. Oddly enough, it’s like throwing away a piece of myself. Suddenly I want to keep them all!

I have not set up an upper body routine yet, and am not doing it. I am, however, gardening, and I am mighty tired after an hour or so of that!

I have not finished my socks. I gave up on the appliqué quilt because it was more work than I wanted it to be. I have not got time to sew Christmas linens, nor revamp the cushion into a wallhanging for DH.

I also have no time to nature journal right now, or to make notes on last conferences.

I am behind on reading books.

I have watched three seasons of Quilting Arts, so that is coming along fine.

I am still working on spinning some fibre…when I have time.

I have not started the quilted fish wallhanging…and may not get to it this year.

And a regular cleaning schedule eludes me, due to bad knees and back. I have to figure something out there. We have company arriving early July and they are badly allergic to dust mites. :pensive:

I guess I’m doing okay so far, for being 5 months in. Still, I’m noticing some resistance setting in now the good weather has arrived. I want to be out enjoying the sun! So I’m spending a lot of time and money gardening.


Updating for May, and I’m pretty sure the BBB is dead at this point so I need to come up with something else for that square.


How’s everyone doing with Bingo? Halfway through the year, here’s my board update:

Since my last update, I’ve filled in two squares. I successfully gave blood for the first time ever (I’ve had unsuccessful attempts in previous years). And I did my Roth IRA conversion for the year (yay, money thing!).

I’m on/ahead of the goal for calling Dad and biking, but way behind on kayaking. I had an unplanned 2 months off from that activity so it is unlikely I will make my goal (for reference, last year I kayaked 64 days and had 34 days by mid-year). I’m behind on the other tracked things, too. Some I will remedy shortly (I will organize 1-3 kayak trips over the next 2 weeks), others are ??? And I’m still trending the wrong direction on clothing.

I had grand plans for house projects this year, as my Bingo board indicates. I have done none of them.


Well, I’m a bit pissed. I paid a web developer $600 US to work on a website for me and she appears to have gone MIA. As she came highly recommended by an online friend and teacher of mine, I’m a bit concerned. I mentioned it to said friend, and she’s checking into it. She says it’s very unlike her. The website was supposed to be done in April! It’s just really weird. I mean, first she had Covid, then she got married, but it’s been almost a month since she got back from her honeymoon, and no word from her. I finally emailed her a few days ago, but have received no reply. Hence my concern. I don’t know if I’m being ghosted or if she is really having problems right now!

Sooo…that affects four of my goals on my business BINGO card. I have reduced my blog posts to one per week. They are much longer I can see an email newsletter would be a better vehicle for sharing information. However, I was going to wait until everything was transferred to the new website.

I was also going to develop some video courses to put behind a paywall on the new website. I’ve stalled on that because I now have gallery representation and have four exhibits to prepare for this year. Maybe after summer I can do that again.

I have a series of wall hangings I’m creating that keeps growing. At first I thought there would only be 20, but now there’s 30 of them. That will take some time. That takes priority over the videos this year.

I tried teaching online twice, with two different organizations, this spring. No one signed up. I’m guessing it has to do with the time of year.

I’ve been sidetracked from almost everything by getting gallery representation and preparing for two exhibits. Also lots of company in July/August. I have another two exhibits later in the year.

On my personal BINGO, I’m almost finished The Artist’s Way, and transferring computer files.

I need to sit down at the sewing machine and do a marathon session someday. I have the cross stitch pillow to make into a wallhanging for Hubby, the quilt top to finish, a quilted fish wallhanging to make, and my older sister just put in a request for four stool pads for her new kitchen stools. Plus there’s the Christmas linens I want to sew. Hmmm…might take a week, rather than a day.

Anyways, I’m plenty busy, and my business takes front seat these days.

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Here’s my update… gray is complete, green is in progress. Some of the in progress ones are on track, some are decidedly not!

Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at 8.46.59 PM


How’s everyone doing? I haven’t checked mine for a while. I’m sidetracked with company and summer. Frustrated by a website developer gone AWOL. She keeps saying she’s working on my website, but I can’t get to it to check on anything. It’s frustrating. I think I just threw away $600 CAD on her.


I’ve been meaning to update this thread because I got a few things done this week.

B - Body
Gyno visit, check on my IUD/when does it need to be replaced - should be done tomorrow
PT for hip
Regular fitness routine? Considering this half completed.
Whole 30ish

I - inner work
Resilience course work
Read/do Inner Child book
Continue monthly dates with Mr. Meer. 6/12
Write short stories from prompts 24 times? 2/24

N - Not Themed
Get wisdom teeth out - need to schedule now that I’ve been to the dentist
Learn tech advancements

G - Grown Upping (Adulting)
Max out IRA, 401k. HSA?
At least $25 to charity each month. 6/12
Update “hit by a bus” file
Fence repair
Begin bathroom reno? - We’re in talks with a GC we’ve used before, the slow down is on our side

Kiddo dentist
Back up photos

Make a “year book”
Read 12 books by BIPOC. 12/12
Read 12 books we already own. 2/12


Here’s mine. Not much happening. Seems I have a lot of ongoing stuff n mine. I’m not doing that next year. See below for explanations.

I discovered I actually have 30 wall hangings to create for this series, not 20. I think I have them all sketched out, but not on backing yet.

The repair on the green floral rug requires some tricky dyeing, which I will do this fall/winter. I don’t want to heat up the house.

All the Shopify and website related squares are on hold until I hear back from my website developer. That’s five squares. :pensive:

My attempts to teach online have both fallen through. No students signed up.

I will probably not be participating in Wild Wonder this fall. It was too much for me physically last year. I can’t do 12-16 hour days at the computer.

I do need to finish off transferring computer files from my iMac to my Lenovo.

I can also film my classes in preparation for putting them up behind a paywall on Shopify.

The 3D rug will not be finished this year. I’m not happy with it.

The fall Workshop Week has many classes I’d like to take, but I can only afford one or two. So that’s it.

I need to get back to watching some dyeing videos. Also to hooking more on my rug series. We’ll see about the article for the magazine.

I can’t say I walk daily, but as long as the weather is good, I walk.

I still have journals to go through and toss.

I have yet to set up an upper body workout.

I haven’t turned the heel on my first sock yet.

Still transferring files from iMac to Lenovo…as noted above.

I have all the pieces for my appliqué quilt top. I just haven’t sewn it because someone made a negative comment about my expectations being too high for machine quilting.

I’ve yet to finish the notes for last year’s INJW.

I want to sew some new Christmas linens for this year.

I need to resew my DD#2’s cross-stitch into a door hanging for Hubby.

I keep forgetting to write down the books I’ve been reading, but there’s been a lot more than six. Next year I’m going to keep track in my bullet journal.

I’ve fallen behind on my craft videos. Too many ideas and too little time!

Spinning a box of fibre. It’s happening! I’m about 1/2 way through a small box.

I am probably not going to get to the quilted fish wall hanging this year.

I’m thinking I might want to take a week long break at some point and just sew in the basement. Maybe in August, when it’s so-hot upstairs.

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Summer is bananas :banana: , so I’m trying to actually update my challenges during the livestream today :upside_down_face:

I actually did some stuff! Finished a K-drama (a short one, but still). I’m getting a lot stronger at work this summer, though I think that 90 second plank from my younger years may no longer be possible lol. And I’ve actually been reading!

My new focus will be the blackberries in our backyard!


Remembered to update bingo card again. The money stuff won’t finish until q4 for reasons, but it seems like I need to get on some of those house projects…


You have a bingo! Yay!

I haven’t done any of the many house projects on my card, either.


We aren’t getting house stuff done either. I don’t know what’s happening. Hubby just seems to have lost interest. We have a pile of dirt and mulch in the driveway, and a living room/hallway that needs painting. Plus two bathrooms and a utility room to renovate. He was complaining it was too cold in winter. Now it’s too hot. Then spring we didn’t have any money, according to him. We have plenty for a few cans of paint! :pensive:.

I can’t complain. I haven’t got very far on my goals either. Too much company and too much visiting people this summer. Plus I’ve had to take over doing my website because the developer isn’t. Or is doing a very minimal amount.

I’ll post my bingo cards, but not much has changed on them. In fact, only the number of books read has changed…and that just barely.

There is concern whether I can even get a video or digital patterns up behind a paywall with the Shopify theme I’m using. The web developer says it’s possible with an app, but she’s taking her own sweet time to download it and make it usable for me.

With all this company and traveling around, and working on my website, I am behind on my current hooked rug series. Not good.

My OSD video recorded video for 1 1/2 hours, but no audio. :pensive:

I will not be teaching online, unless it is through a video. No live online teaching.

I did commandeer Hubby to help me transfer more computer files in the evening. We haven’t finished yet because…I’ve been busting butt doing my web developer’s job and finishing up my website.

Transfer website to Shopify. If all goes as I plan, this will happen the end of September. As a backup, I’ve started a ko-fi site.

The web developer has built in a button to sign up for a monthly newsletter on my site.

Wild Wonder will not be happening this year. No time. It’s full focus on my website until it’s done.

The “Start to Finish” class is behind a paywall on ko-fi…not Shopify.

No work on 3D rug.

I signed up for only one class in WW 5. It’s more than I have time for. It is a Sunday afternoon.

I have been negligent in the video watching area. Too busy creating video and working on my website.

I doubt I’ll be finished my rug series by Nov. 15th now. Thanks to having to devote hours and days to my website.

Not much new to say about my regular everyday life Bingo. I’ve had a few things added to my schedule. Which will delay everything else. That’s about it. I hope everyone is doing better on their Bingo card than I am on mine. I just switched over to a new planner. I need to fill in my monthly goals based on my Bingo cards.


Making slow headway.

  • Yellow is done.
  • Green text means I’m working on it.
  • Red means it is not happening.
  • Black text means I haven’t got to it yet.

  • I’m walking, but not daily. Mostly due to inclement weather.
  • I decided I didn’t want to destroy journals. I only have two small boxes of them. The real problem is my stash of memorabilia…and homeschooling stuff. BUT the “kids” are almost 40 now, so I imagine I can toss the homeschool stuff! :joy:. The memorabilia is a problem. I started a sort of art journal/visual journal/travel journal on our trip to South Korea. I haven’t finished it though. That will be on next year’s BINGO card.
  • Upper Body workout has to happen. I’m losing weight and have wing flaps on my upper arms! Egads!
  • Those socks will be worked on over Christmas, which is when I started them last year.
  • Hoping to finish transferring photo files from iMac to Lenovo before the new year.
  • The appliqué quilt top will be worked on during December.
  • INJW 2021 notes will be a December event.
  • I don’t really need more Christmas linens, so I’m not making any more right now.
  • The remaking of the cushion cover is a December event as well.
  • I’m currently reading books on gardening, canning, and preparedness.
  • I have definitely watched more than 52 craft videos this year, but I was not recording them. I’ll keep an eye on that from here on.
  • I am halfway through spinning my box of fibre.
  • I probably won’t get to the quilted fish hanging until sometime next year.

  • I am putting the rest of the rug hooking series on backing this week.
  • A lady I know online is coming to visit with the supplies needed to repair the green antique rug.
  • The OSD video voice over may have to wait until next year.
  • Just have photos to cull and transfer to Lenovo.
  • We have less than one month to transfer my domain to Shopify. The web developer knows. I have to get online and update some product titles.
  • A monthly email newsletter may have to wait.
  • Start to finish class is on Ko-fi, but I might take it down.
  • 3-D rug will be a project for next year.
  • I am registered for one class in Workshop Week 5. That’s it. Too much to do otherwise.
  • I am behind in watching dyeing videos. I joined an online dye group with monthly subscription and watch live events instead b
  • Working hard to finish my rug hooking series by November 15th. Not sure I’m going to make it.
  • I won’t write an article for the magazine until I’ve finished hooking the pieces.

Got a few more squares since last update