2022 BINGO! A Choose-Your-Own-Goals challenge.

I backed up all my photos! I did want to organize them and delete some stuff so it wasn’t just pulling everything over. That was a much bigger task in my head than it ended up being in real life. Also having my computer dead for a month definitely helped prompt me along.

Read book by BIPOC 4/12
Max out retirement savings - IRA contribution is done, 401k paperwork is done.

I also have three things for the blank column - Wisdom teeth removal, visit orthodontist, learn more about tech advancements (machine learning, edge computing, 5G, lithium batteries, mRNA vaccines). I don’t need to be an expert on those things, I just want to know more about how they work the way I have a baseline knowledge of how all the parts of my pc work together as a functional computer. One more blank spot on that column. Also we have not done any monthly dates yet due to weather/scheduling in January.


Hi everyone. I decided to take the squares with my husband’s activity out of my BINGO card. Things have taken a good turn recently, in some ways, and I’ve had to redirect my focus. So I’ve revamped my BINGO card. Here’s the new version. Green is what I have started, red is finished, black is yet to do.


Y’all I’m seriously stalled out after some really good progress in January. I can’t keep a streak going besides DuoLingo, and I have no motivation for big projects. Gaahhhh :sob:


Same, but without that January progress :laughing:

February is just feeling like a nothing month for me. And I still need to retool my card but I’m procrastinating.


It’s okay! Bingo is for fun, not pressure. And if you get one bingo that’s a major success, let alone the idea of doing a whole card.

We have a lot of year left, and this is one of the hardest parts for lots of us. Carry yourself through, and if things don’t send6 you… let em go.


Two months into the year, here’s where I stand:

I’m definitely on track with kayaking and bike riding. I’m behind on calling my dad (several times he has called me about an hour before I was planning to call him!) And I have negative progress on clothing reduction. Haven’t done any repair/home improvement projects yet, and several of those were supposed to be winter activities!

I’ve technically hung 3 things on the wall, but not the big one that prompted this block. So I’m calling it 2/3.

I’ve made two new recipes, both from Sundays at Moosewood: sweet potato paratha (yum!) and tomato-apricot chutney (meh).

My new craft was screenprinting and I sewed a skirt. So those plus the yoga challenge are complete.


I have almost no progress this month. Finished one book, saved some :dollar: , kept running but didn’t increase my mileage that much (still just over 1 mile without stopping). I got suuuuper close to one of my streaks, but then lost it after 24 days. I guess I also looked up designs for raised beds, but I haven’t bought the lumber yet.

I might recast my card to add writing and posting a fic because I’ve been feeling motivated to do that recently. I don’t want to recast just yet, though.

Otherwise I’m just worried I’m going to slide backwards and lose some of the good habits I’ve been pushing so hard to establish. :sob:


Old Bingo board:

There was a loooot I realized I wasn’t going to do. I’m probably actually well on my way to 52 hours of exercise, but I’m bad at keeping track of the number of minutes I do something. The sheer number of new recipes wasn’t going to happen. I basically quit booktube.

Here’s my new board.

Some spaces TBD. If my pregnancy sticks, those will be:

  • Finish/send out registry
  • Set up nursery
  • Make a birth plan
  • Pick a name
  • Have a baby

But I’m waiting until tri 2 to fill those in.

Stuff I’ve started:

  • Read 36,500 pages: 5000ish/36500
  • Re-read Wheel of Time: 3/15
  • 30 days of yoga: 11/30
  • 12 pet paintings: 1/12
  • Make $6k: <$100

I’ve made some progress!

Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 3.22.49 PM


I ended up putting my goals into my bullet journal. Here’s my progress so far:


  • Bullet journaled daily in January and have mostly kept up since then!
  • Finished building and installing doors for a client’s shelves. Very pleased with the outcome.

In Progress:

  • PF Exercises 5X per week for 1 month. I was so close to achieving this in January, but I got too busy with client projects that I fell off track in the very last week.
  • Attend six birdwatching events: 1 of 6 complete.
  • Family zoom at least 24 times. 5 of 24 complete.
  • List 5 items with Buy Nothing Group. 1 of 5 complete (I got rid of several other items through a plant group and I’m not counting those but I may overturn that decision if needed. Not doing so now because I’m in the mood to say goodbye to clutter!)
  • Volunteer at least 12 times. 1 of 12 shown in photo but I completed one more yesterday (after taking this photo).
  • Reach out to 1 friend per month. 2 of 12 completed.
  • Make plant table for client. The table is built I just have to install the table top and casters, and add stain and top coat. Fingers crossed this is done this week!

Potentially modifying:

  • I included “make plant stand” as a goal because I wanted to build a stand for a plant in my bedroom. I had a design that I fell in love with, but the lumber I need for it doubled in price so I’m holding off on that. In the meantime, I decided to buy an extra tall pot which won’t require a plant stand. I may still build a plant stand for another room. Or I may decide to count a little plant riser I made out of scrap a few weeks ago (basically a very simple X shape that raises a plant about 2" off the floor) as my plant stand and consider this task complete.

So I’m liking this BINGO card idea. I decided to do two: one for my personal life and one for my business. Red is done. Green is in progress. Black is yet to do.


I havent done an update so far but I have managed to fill in a few squares


Oh I really want to do one, I assume there is no problem starting now?


No problem at all! Join us!

I just realized I still haven’t finished filling out that one column I have. Hmm. Also one of my squares is “regular exercise” but I’m trying to figure out how that will work for me. Thirty consecutive days of doing something? I couldn’t even do yoga for thirty days. Five days a week for four weeks maybe? Losing the social aspect of going to the gym at work has impacted my motivation more than I would have guessed.


I have been having to be very specific about goals this year, even if it’s as simple as exercise for 30 mins 3 x a week at least it would be SMART


So I’ve made more changes to my home BINGO card. I decided not to start seeds indoors. To do it properly would require an investment in lights and stands. We don’t have the space for them, nor the desire to spend the money for everything. It’s easier for us, and cheaper, to buy the plants already started from a nearby greenhouse, or get them from friends. I kept the direct sow seeds and traded the 16 open packages of three year old seed (I overbought when we first moved) for a dozen fresh farm eggs.

I also went through my studio and decluttered. There are piles everywhere! But they do have a purpose. I’m working my way through the mending pile. I’m down to the Wedding Rug. I need to dye fibre to fix the green floral rug.

I also need to dye fibre for the current series I’m working on.

March was a month of distractions. The workshop I was supposed to teach live did not happen. So I am creating a video course to put behind a paywall on a new website.

So that’s how things are panning out for now.


March progress:

I applied to school! And I’m making consistent progress on kayaking and biking goals. Not so much for the rest. I did acquire a hanger for the third artwork but I haven’t hung it yet.


Update for April:

Pregnancy ended, so I put other stuff in the places reserved for baby stuff and put another get pregnant square.

I’m on track for finishing Wheel of Time, started reading The Belgariad, am working on getting caught up on pages read, and am working on my second of 12 pet paintings, very slowly.

I’m hoping this month to finish 30 days of yoga and get the drip irrigation and outdoor clean-up done.


Progress so far. I’ve been quiet on here, but busy behind the scenes. Green text is being worked on. Yellow box with red text is finished! :fireworks::tada: Red box was an attempt that failed. :pensive: I might try again before the end of the year though.


It’s been just shy of a week and I have finished my business taxes and Sketchbook Revival. I also finished one more of the Parker’s Cove series and put another pattern on backing in preparation for another wall hanging in the series. Plus I have 5 laddered GICs I’m on track for a sixth by the end of the year.

I’m liking this BINGO card method of keeping track of things. I’m Regrouping and reorganizing to accomplish more today.